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[Info-gnuts] Sorry about last night

From: Stefan Sams
Subject: [Info-gnuts] Sorry about last night
Date: Sun, 20 Aug 2006 05:07:14 -0600

Sensationall revoolution in medicine!

E'''nlarge your p''enis up to 10 cm or up to 4 i'c'h'e's!

Its h'erbal solution what hasnt side effect, but has 100% guaranted results!

Dont lose your chance and but know wihtout doubts, you will be impressed with 

Cli here:

Go through it, then.
"Three quick dull thumps as Annie dropped her knuckles on the manuscript — 
190,000 words and five lives that a well and pain-free Paul Sheldon had cared 
deeply about, 190,000 words and five lives that he was finding more dispensable 
as each moment passed.
There was no sense of giddiness, no true feeling of inspiration; he felt like a 
carpenter looking at a piece of lumber that might do the job.

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