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[Info-gnuts] whine

From: Charlotte Conner
Subject: [Info-gnuts] whine
Date: Tue, 17 Oct 2006 13:17:53 -0400
User-agent: Thunderbird 0.5 (Windows/20040207)

"It can't happen here" seems to be our mantra. "What I saw," he says, "was basically a corporate takeover of our voting system. It can't still this busy continually, can it?
If Foley likes boys and Hastert likes hookers and Cheney likes skull fucking the corpses from his recent hunting expeditions, that's just fine and dandy within the ruling elite.
In a clever twist, HAVA effectively pressures every precinct to provide at least one voting device that has no paper trail - supposedly so that vision-impaired citizens can vote in secrecy.
I've been so fucking busy at work and with moving stuff that I haven't had time to even think of my blog.
Does the FBI have the strength to arrest all of the perpetrators, not just the ones who get hung out to dry by their masters? The machines in the warehouses were unlocked.
Going out on the floor, led by team captain Jason Kidd, the Tunnel Rats will field a starting lineup of Kidd, Nelson, May, Camby, and of course King James. But the point is that Dennis Hastert is toast. Trust in Big Business? Yet, despite this looming crisis, the Bush Family continues to withhold key historical facts about U. You have no way of knowing if the person you just voted for actually received your vote.
But thanks to Cox's agreement with Diebold, the company was essentially allowed to certify itself.
We're gonna need a lot more agents if we want to get all of it.
"What I saw," he says, "was basically a corporate takeover of our voting system.
But if we do go with e-voting we need to stay away from "blackbox" voting. I'll take the cheaper and more environmentally friendly option, thanks.
He'll have to pay the piper.
To avoid detection, Hood and others on his team entered warehouses early in the morning. He should've put the kibosh on it long ago and now it's come around to bite him in the ass. " Ney - who accepted campaign contributions from DiStefano and counted Diebold's then-CEO O'Dell among his constituents - made sure that HAVA strongly favored the use of the company's machines.
Will I teach my children the same thing? Can these guys deliver?
But this might be their undoing.
Attack the messenger?
The state gave us the keys to the castle, so to speak, and they stayed out of our way. But this might be their undoing.
The page started getting freaked out after he gave his email address to Foley and ended up receiving some pretty sick emails.
I've been so fucking busy at work and with moving stuff that I haven't had time to even think of my blog.

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