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[Info-mtools] mtools command equivalent for the DOS program SYS.COM?

From: Jörg Jenderek
Subject: [Info-mtools] mtools command equivalent for the DOS program SYS.COM?
Date: Sat, 2 Apr 2011 16:13:26 +0200
User-agent: KMail/1.9.6 (enterprise 20070904.708012)

There seems not to exist a mtools command equivalent for the DOS program
Of course this work can be done by the dd program, but it is non 
comfortable and susceptible to faults. 

So it would be nice if the maintainers of the mtools could implement such a
command like "msys [SOURCE] DRIVE:".

This seems not so time consuming because the code to transfer a bootloader 
code (maybe given by -b switch) to the boot sector of a drive could be be 
taken from the "mformat" source.
It would be nice if such an mtools program and the mformat command have an 
an option to switch between different DOS bootloader styles for "PC-DOS",
"MS-DOS", "MS Win9x DOS", "mkdosfs" like the newer FreeDOS SYS version 
To emulate the DOS SYS program it also should copy a DOS Kernel (like 
IO.SYS,IBMBIO.COM, KERNEL.SYS depending on DOS types) and a command line 
interpreter (like COMMAND.COM, 4DOS.COM). This code can be based on the 
source from the mcopy and mattrib commands.
Jörg Jenderek   email:  joerg.jen.der.ek (at)
Germany         PGP:    B9FE A356 283E 0048 6389  18BF AFF2 B1C9 421A D4D6

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