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[Invoke-dev] list focus--

From: Gerall Kahla
Subject: [Invoke-dev] list focus--
Date: 28 Jan 2002 21:57:14 -0600
User-agent: Gnus/5.0808 (Gnus v5.8.8) Emacs/21.1

Greetings to anyone reading the archives!

I am posting this message in the hopes that it will help out other
developers who look at the invoke codebase and think, "Ye Gods -- what
was he *thinking*!"  Specifically, I was thinking that I really didn't
like Perl at the time.  Generally, I was thinking that there had to be
an easy way of getting the same data out of the mime.types and mailcap
files on my machine.

There is lots of documentation in the code.  Feel free to read and let
me know what you think here.

The first order of developer business is sorting out what to do about
spawning a child process for the helper app while in console (non-X)
mode.  As written, invoke will launch a lynx session (using my mailcap
file).  You never get control of lynx, and it dies after a few

All ideas are appreciated.  Best regards--

<Gerall Kahla>                        Celestial Mechanic
<URL:>            home page
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<Free Software/Virtual Reality/Artificial Life/Fiction>

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