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Re: [Iruka-devel] General remarks

From: Petr Klyushkin
Subject: Re: [Iruka-devel] General remarks
Date: 21 Aug 2002 20:36:30 +0400
User-agent: Gnus/5.0808 (Gnus v5.8.8) XEmacs/21.5 (bok choi)

Hello, Erwan!

>>>>> "Erwan" == Erwan Loisant writes:

 Erwan> - I added a "debug" variable in All information
 Erwan> to console should be displayed *only* if debug==1. In this
 Erwan> case we can easily desactivate output, useful when we will
 Erwan> distribute a snapshot.

How about using IMCom object 'debug' attribute?  So, all debug
messages can be turned off with one switcher.

 Erwan> - Only minimal changes should be done to IMCOM. Petr, you did
 Erwan> modifications to IMCOM as we said. Can you create a diff of
 Erwan> your modifications, so I can talk about it with Casey Crabb ? 
 Erwan> Remember that we will try to avoid fork.

If you have original versions in CVS, you can do a diff with it:

  cvs diff -r <original rev. number> -r <last rev. number> <list of IMCom's 

Though, I've recently changed name for config in to
'~/.iruka/irukarc'...  :-) I think Casey woudln't accept our patches.
IMCom seem to be tied rather close with it's CLI client.

 Erwan> - Petr, can you explain about your event system ? In fact,
 Erwan> couln't it be simply implemented with wxEvents ?

Using wxEvents for this purpose is too complex and cumbersome.  For
example, to allow many handlers for one event we should make a chain
of wxEvtHandlers connecting them to each other.  Current solution is
much easier and manageable.  It is documented with doc-strings.

                                                             C'ya, Peter.
        --=[ICQ 89449080]=--=[Jabber address@hidden

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