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Re: [Jailkit-users] rsync files

From: Bas Jansen
Subject: Re: [Jailkit-users] rsync files
Date: Thu, 05 Jan 2006 15:04:33 +0100

Yeah that would work :P also i a lot of stuff and here are the new

Fixes from 0.1 to 0.2 (don't look at the cvs id number... it's something
i use to make sure i don't lose changes is all).

* Rsb --link-dest functionality has been repaired, it was broken when
rsync started using the jail since it couldn't open a ssh connection to
the machine (fix is storing the file with last run time on the local
machine in /root/log/last.
* Wrote a jk_create script which makes sure you have 256 loopback mounts
active (if not it starts the module). builds a block-level file system,
mounts it (loopback), copies the root environment to there. unmounts it
so it can be used later on as a root file system template.
* jk_prepare now uses loopback mount for the root file system per user
instead of 1 mount which is remounted (--bind) a lot per user. This has
the bonus that if the system is compromised the hacker would only see
the username in /etc/passwd that he allready knows (since he broke
it....) instead of all the other usernames (like what would happen in
using bind mounts).
* fixed a bug that would make rsync not work if you the starting path
was something other then / (ie /export/home) and re-enabled relative
option (which was causing problems in an earlier version).
* Changed the config file for rsb from a plain text file to a script so
it automatically fills in the hostname as username to backup (I made the
assumption here that in a large back up environment the accounts will be
named after the machine for transparancy).


* Think of a name for the total package (tempted to use Panther, if it's
not taken)
* Write some user-land scripts for more easy use, like a menu or GUI
(guess i have to play around with Glade) so the users don't have to use
command line if they don't want to.
* Further test the restore script so it can go in 0.3.
* Get feedback and/or feature requests (hopefully)

Bas "Tarskin" Jansen

On Thu, 2006-01-05 at 10:37 +0100, Olivier Sessink wrote:
> Bas Jansen wrote:
> > No it's quite different (if you meant the first version), on the server
> > sides you now have a read only mount (bind in the 1 i spread out, might
> > switch to loopback to save on disk space) that only contains the setuid
> > rooted rsync, the libraries and the etc user file (for just that jail
> > user). Then there is a no-dev, no-suid, no-exec writeable mount mounted
> > under that other mount as /data where the stuff is actually written.
> > 
> > This means that you can't read device files from the backup, can't
> > modify any files that  are used in the jail itself since they are
> > read-only.
> > 
> > Hope that explains a bit? ... i should draw a simple model of it some
> > time to make it easily visible i guess :P
> or we could describe this setup as a jailkit howto..?
> "Howto jail setuid processes" or "Howto safely jail a setuid root rsync"
> regards,
>       Olivier
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Attachment: jk_create
Description: application/shellscript

Attachment: jk_create.rc
Description: Text document

Attachment: jk_prepare
Description: application/shellscript

Attachment: jk_prepare.rc
Description: Text document

Attachment: rsb
Description: application/shellscript

Attachment: rsb.rc
Description: application/shellscript

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