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[Janosik-user] rectangular

From: Em Roth
Subject: [Janosik-user] rectangular
Date: Mon, 9 Oct 2006 13:48:13 +0300
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20060909)

Today, I'm knitting on the airplane, flying back to Newark for a couple of business trips. There's coffee that's roasted onsite, there are delicious baked goods, and, naturally, the Cafe au Play team.
I left that job, a little despairing. He'll hug me, kiss me, tell me he loves me. No wonder I'm so happy.
I also have eggs and bacon for sale.
But I'm doing something else I'd always dreamed of doing - writing and editing parenting and food publications.
There's something sensual and meaningful about film photos that I just can't imagine digital ever replicating.
I am now single-mindedly focused on working full-time writing with a sideline of non-profit and cafe play business plan work.
It was on the front page of the Living section today!
I knitted through labor. And please, please go and see me over there. About birth and Brillat-Savarin and oh, I'm done now and going to bed. Those questioners, as well as those friends and colleagues who hear my shutter click-click-clicking away, are shocked when they discover that my camera is firmly lodged in old media. Now who wants to buy some birds? If you're interested in helping, you can contact me.
While Quick Stop Photo has, like any business, the occasional screw-up, they're always eager to fix it.
But I was working nearby and a colleague got her photos developed there - I thought, why not try?
If you promise to click a lot, at the end of the month, I'll give you the numbers for those of you who are interested in that sort of thing. I've been making a whirlwind tour of my old stomping grounds.
I'm having a lot of fun as the head of two blogs, and it's not just me - lots of other great stuff is going on at Weblogs, Inc. I love you guys and soon, I'll give you more reasons to love me this year.
I blog for a living, with benefits.
But something about the informality of my process gives me pause when someone asks, "are you a writer"? an exercise in the experience of sitting here.
And one of the things I think: how much, how very much, I want to write.
It means the world to me. I didn't have to find a parking spot or drop my kids at daycare. I worked a little and my mind buzzed with negativity.
Yesterday, I started a new job.
My wonderful husband and I have been married three whole years now. I did analysis, finance, product development, marketing, capital raising, operations, human resources, photography, web site design, you name it.
I didn't have to select my fanciest Italian duds, though, or brave a new commute.

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