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[Koha-cvs] CVS: koha/updater updatedatabase,,

From: Alan Millar
Subject: [Koha-cvs] CVS: koha/updater updatedatabase,,
Date: Thu, 06 Jun 2002 12:51:24 -0700

Update of /cvsroot/koha/koha/updater
In directory usw-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv28320

Modified Files:
      Tag: rel-1-2
Log Message:
Changed field additions to data-driven structure.  Add abstract
column to biblio.  Make deletedbiblio and deletedbiblioitems
consistent with biblio and biblioitems

Index: updatedatabase
RCS file: /cvsroot/koha/koha/updater/updatedatabase,v
retrieving revision
retrieving revision
diff -C2 -r1.4.2.1 -r1.4.2.2
*** updatedatabase      29 May 2002 15:14:09 -0000
--- updatedatabase      6 Jun 2002 19:51:22 -0000
*** 18,24 ****
  use C4::Database;
! my %existingtables;   # tables already in database
! my %types;
! my $table;
--- 18,32 ----
  use C4::Database;
! my $debug=1;
! my (
!       $sth,
!       $query,
!       %existingtables,        # tables already in database
!       %types,
!       $table,
!       $column,
!       $type, $null, $key, $default, $extra,
! );
*** 56,59 ****
--- 64,77 ----
+ my %requirefields=(
+     biblio=>{ 'abstract' => 'text' },
+     deletedbiblio=>{ 'abstract' => 'text' },
+     biblioitems=>{ 'lccn' => 'char(25)',
+               'marc' => 'text' },
+     deletedbiblioitems=>{ 'lccn' => 'char(25)',
+               'marc' => 'text' },
+     branchtransfers=>{ 'datearrived' => 'datetime' },
+ );
  # Initialize
*** 74,78 ****
  # Collect all tables into a list
! my $sth=$dbh->prepare("show tables");
  while (my ($table) = $sth->fetchrow) {
--- 92,96 ----
  # Collect all tables into a list
! $sth=$dbh->prepare("show tables");
  while (my ($table) = $sth->fetchrow) {
*** 82,85 ****
--- 100,104 ----
  # Now add any missing tables
  foreach $table ( keys %requiretables ) {
+     print "Checking $table table...\n" if $debug;;
      unless ($existingtables{$table} ) {
        print "Adding $table table...\n";
*** 93,97 ****
      } # unless exists
  } # foreach
- exit;
  unless ($existingtables{'z3950servers'}) {
--- 112,115 ----
*** 121,148 ****
  # Columns
! # Get list of columns from biblioitems table
! my $sth=$dbh->prepare("show columns from biblioitems");
! $sth->execute;
! while (my ($column, $type, $null, $key, $default, $extra) = $sth->fetchrow) {
!     $types{$column}=$type;
! }
! unless ($types{'lccn'}) {
!     # Add LCCN field to biblioitems db
!     print "Adding lccn field to biblioitems table...\n";
!     my $sti=$dbh->prepare("alter table biblioitems 
!       add column lccn char(25)");
!     $sti->execute;
! }
! unless ($types{'marc'}) {
!     # Add MARC field to biblioitems db (not used anymore)
!     print "Adding marc field to biblioitems table...\n";
!     my $sti=$dbh->prepare("alter table biblioitems 
!       add column marc text");
!     $sti->execute;
! }
! # Get list of columns from biblioitems table
  my %itemtypes;
--- 139,170 ----
  # Columns
+ foreach $table ( keys %requirefields ) {
+     print "Check table $table\n";
+     $sth=$dbh->prepare("show columns from $table");
+     $sth->execute();
+     undef %types;
+     while ( ($column, $type, $null, $key, $default, $extra) 
+               = $sth->fetchrow) {
+         $types{$column}=$type;
+     } # while 
+     foreach $column ( keys %{ $requirefields{$table} } )  {
+       print "  Check column $column\n";
+       if ( ! $types{$column} ) {
+           # column doesn't exist
+           print "Adding $column field to $table table...\n";
+           $query="alter table $table
+               add column $column " . $requirefields{$table}->{$column} ;
+           print "Execute: $query\n" if $debug;
+           my $sti=$dbh->prepare($query);
+           $sti->execute;
+             if ($sti->err) {
+                     print "**Error : $sti->errstr \n";
+                     $sti->finish;
+             } # if error
+       } # if column
+     } # foreach column
+ } # foreach table
! # Get list of columns from items table
  my %itemtypes;

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