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[Koha-cvs] CVS: koha/marc File.pm,NONE,1.1 USMARC.pm,NONE,1.1 fill_usmar

From: Paul POULAIN
Subject: [Koha-cvs] CVS: koha/marc File.pm,NONE,1.1 USMARC.pm,NONE,1.1 fill_usmarc.pl,1.1,1.2 marcschema.sql,1.14,1.15
Date: Wed, 24 Jul 2002 08:52:55 -0700

Update of /cvsroot/koha/koha/marc
In directory usw-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv22490

Modified Files:
        fill_usmarc.pl marcschema.sql 
Added Files:
        File.pm USMARC.pm 
Log Message:
1st scripts for MARC-DB. 


* install MARC::Record package, from cpan or sourceforge
* OVERWRITE File.pm and USMARC.pm. The original misses 1 functionnality we 
absolutly need in koha (reading a MARC from a variable, not from a file). 
Thanks to Steve, who modified MARC::Record.
* modify your DB by adding marcschema.sql tables
* populate new tables by launching fill_usmarc.pl

Then, it should work...
What works exactly will come in the next commit, in a few minuts (hitchcock 

--- NEW FILE ---
package MARC::File;

=head1 NAME

MARC::File - Base class for files of MARC records


use 5.6.0;
use strict;
use integer;
use vars qw( $VERSION $ERROR );

=head1 VERSION

Version 0.93

    $Id: File.pm,v 1.1 2002/07/24 15:52:53 tipaul Exp $


our $VERSION = '0.93';


    use MARC::File::USMARC;

    my $file = MARC::File::USMARC->in( $filename );
    while ( my $marc = $file->next() ) {
        # Do something
    undef $file;

=head1 EXPORT


=head1 METHODS

=head2 in()

Opens a file for input.


sub in {
    my $class = shift;
    my $filename = shift;

    my $self = {
        filename => $filename,

    bless $self, $class;

    if ( !open( $self->{fh}, "<", $filename ) ) {
        undef $self;
        $MARC::File::ERROR = "Couldn't open $filename: $!";

    return $self;
} # new()

sub indata {
    my $class = shift;
    my $data = shift;

    my $self = {
        fh => '',
        data => $data,
        pointer => 0,

    bless $self, $class;

#    if ( !open( $self->{fh}, "<", $filename ) ) {
#       undef $self;
#       $MARC::File::ERROR = "Couldn't open $filename: $!";
#    }

    return $self;
} # new()

sub out {
    die "Not yet written";

=head2 next()

Reads the next record from the file handle passed in.


sub next {
    my $self = shift;

    my $rec = $self->_next();

    return $rec ? $self->decode($rec) : undef;

=head2 skip

Skips over the next record in the file.  Same as C<next()>,
without the overhead of parsing a record you're going to throw away

Returns 1 or undef.


sub skip {
    my $self = shift;

    my $rec = $self->_next();

    return $rec ? 1 : undef;

sub close {
    my $self = shift;

    close( $self->{fh} );
    delete $self->{fh};


sub _unimplemented() {
    my $self = shift;
    my $method = shift;

    warn "Method $method must be overridden";

sub write   { $_[0]->_unimplemented("write"); }
sub decode  { $_[0]->_unimplemented("decode"); }

# NOTE: _gripe can be called as an object method, or not.  Your choice.
sub _gripe(@) {
    if ( @_ ) {
        shift if ref($_[0]) =~ /^MARC::File/;   # Skip first parm if it's a 
        $ERROR = join( "", @_ );

    return undef;





=head1 TODO

=over 4

=item * C<out()> method

We only handle files for input right now.



=head1 LICENSE

This code may be distributed under the same terms as Perl itself. 

Please note that these modules are not products of or supported by the
employers of the various contributors to the code.

=head1 AUTHOR

Andy Lester, E<lt>address@hidden<gt> or E<lt>address@hidden<gt>


--- NEW FILE ---
package MARC::File::USMARC;

=head1 NAME

MARC::File::USMARC - USMARC-specific file handling


use 5.6.0;
use strict;
use integer;
use vars qw( $VERSION $ERROR );

=head1 VERSION

Version 0.93

    $Id: USMARC.pm,v 1.1 2002/07/24 15:52:53 tipaul Exp $


our $VERSION = '0.93';

use MARC::File;
our @ISA = qw( MARC::File );

use MARC::Record qw( LEADER_LEN );
use constant SUBFIELD_INDICATOR     => "\x1F";
use constant END_OF_FIELD           => "\x1E";
use constant END_OF_RECORD          => "\x1D";
use constant DIRECTORY_ENTRY_LEN    => 12;


    use MARC::File::USMARC;

    my $file = MARC::File::USMARC::in( $filename );
    while ( my $marc = $file->next() ) {
        # Do something
    undef $file;

=head1 EXPORT


=head1 METHODS

=for internal

Internal function to get the next raw record out of a file.


sub _next {
    my $self = shift;

    if ($self->{fh}) {
        my $fh = $self->{fh};

        my $reclen;

        read( $fh, $reclen, 5 )
            or return $self->_gripe( "Error reading record length: $!" );

        $reclen =~ /^\d{5}$/
            or return $self->_gripe( "Invalid record length \"$reclen\"" );
        my $usmarc = $reclen;
        read( $fh, substr($usmarc,5), $reclen-5 )
            or return $self->_gripe( "Error reading $reclen byte record: $!" );

        return $usmarc;
    } elsif (defined($self->{data})) {
        my $data=$self->{data};
        my $pointer=$self->{pointer};
        my $reclen;
            or return $self->_gripe( "Invalid record length \"$reclen\"" );
        my $usmarc=substr($data,$pointer,$reclen);
        return $usmarc;

=head2 decode()

Constructor for handling data from a USMARC file.  This function takes care of 
the tag directory parsing & mangling.

Any warnings or coercions can be checked in the C<warnings()> function.


sub decode {
    my $text = shift;
    $text = shift if (ref($text)||$text) =~ /^MARC::File/;

    my $marc = MARC::Record->new();

    # Check for an all-numeric record length
    ($text =~ /^(\d{5})/)
        or return $marc->_gripe( "Record length \"", substr( $text, 0, 5 ), "\" 
is not numeric" );

    my $reclen = $1;
    ($reclen == length($text))
        or return $marc->_gripe( "Invalid record length: Leader says $reclen 
bytes, but it's actually ", length( $text ) );

    $marc->leader( substr( $text, 0, LEADER_LEN ) );
    my @fields = split( END_OF_FIELD, substr( $text, LEADER_LEN ) );
    my $dir = shift @fields or return _gripe( "No directory found" );

    (length($dir) % 12 == 0)
        or return $marc->_gripe( "Invalid directory length" );
    my $nfields = length($dir)/12;

    my $finalfield = pop @fields;
    # Check for the record terminator, and ignore it
    ($finalfield eq END_OF_RECORD)
        or $marc->_warn( "Invalid record terminator: \"$finalfield\"" );

    # Walk thru the directories, and shift off the fields while we're at it
    # Shouldn't be any non-digits anywhere in any directory entry
    my @directory = unpack( "A3 A4 A5" x $nfields, $dir );
    my @bad = grep /\D/, @directory;
    if ( @bad ) { 
        return $marc->_gripe( "Non-numeric entries in the tag directory: ", 
join( ", ", map { "\"$_\"" } @bad ) );

    my $databytesused = 0;
    while ( @directory ) {
        my $tagno = shift @directory;
        my $len = shift @directory;
        my $offset = shift @directory;
        my $tagdata = shift @fields;

        # Check directory validity
        ($tagno =~ /^\d\d\d$/)
            or return $marc->_gripe( "Invalid field number in directory: 
\"$tagno\"" );

        ($len == length($tagdata) + 1)
            or $marc->_warn( "Invalid length in the directory for tag $tagno" );

        ($offset == $databytesused)
            or $marc->_warn( "Directory offsets are out of whack" );
        $databytesused += $len;

        if ( $tagno < 10 ) {
            $marc->add_fields( $tagno, $tagdata )
                or return undef; # We're relying on add_fields() having set 
        } else {
            my @subfields = split( SUBFIELD_INDICATOR, $tagdata );
            my $indicators = shift @subfields
                or return $marc->_gripe( "No subfields found." );
            my ($ind1,$ind2);
            if ( $indicators =~ /^([0-9 ])([0-9 ])$/ ) {
                ($ind1,$ind2) = ($1,$2);
            } else {
                $marc->_warn( "Invalid indicators \"$indicators\" forced to 
blanks\n" );
                ($ind1,$ind2) = (" "," ");

            # Split the subfield data into subfield name and data pairs
            my @subfield_data = map { (substr($_,0,1),substr($_,1)) } 
            $marc->add_fields( $tagno, $ind1, $ind2, @subfield_data )
                or return undef;
    } # while

    # Once we're done, there shouldn't be any fields left over: They should all 
have shifted off.
    (@fields == 0)
        or return $marc->_gripe( "I've got leftover fields that weren't in the 
directory" );

    return $marc;

=head2 update_leader()

If any changes get made to the MARC record, the first 5 bytes of the
leader (the length) will be invalid.  This function updates the 
leader with the correct length of the record as it would be if
written out to a file.


sub update_leader() {
        my $self = shift;

        my (undef,undef,$reclen,$baseaddress) = $self->_build_tag_directory();

        $self->_set_leader_lengths( $reclen, $baseaddress );

=head2 _build_tag_directory()

Function for internal use only: Builds the tag directory that gets
put in front of the data in a MARC record.

Returns two array references, and two lengths: The tag directory, and the data 
fields themselves,
the length of all data (including the Leader that we expect will be added),
and the size of the Leader and tag directory.


sub _build_tag_directory {
        my $marc = shift;
        $marc = shift if (ref($marc)||$marc) =~ /^MARC::File/;
        die "Wanted a MARC::Record but got a ", ref($marc) unless ref($marc) eq 

        my @fields;
        my @directory;

        my $dataend = 0;
        for my $field ( $marc->fields() ) {
                # Dump data into proper format
                my $str = $field->as_usmarc;
                push( @fields, $str );

                # Create directory entry
                my $len = length $str;
                my $direntry = sprintf( "%03d%04d%05d", $field->tag, $len, 
$dataend );
                push( @directory, $direntry );
                $dataend += $len;

        my $baseaddress = 
                LEADER_LEN +    # better be 24
                ( @directory * DIRECTORY_ENTRY_LEN ) +
                                # all the directory entries
                1;              # end-of-field marker

        my $total = 
                $baseaddress +  # stuff before first field
                $dataend +      # Length of the fields
                1;              # End-of-record marker

        return (address@hidden, address@hidden, $total, $baseaddress);

=head2 encode()

Returns a string of characters suitable for writing out to a USMARC file,
including the leader, directory and all the fields.


sub encode() {
    my $marc = shift;
    $marc = shift if (ref($marc)||$marc) =~ /^MARC::File/;

    my ($fields,$directory,$reclen,$baseaddress) = _build_tag_directory($marc);
    $marc->set_leader_lengths( $reclen, $baseaddress );

    # Glomp it all together
    return join("",$marc->leader, @$directory, END_OF_FIELD, @$fields, 





=head1 TODO

Make some sort of autodispatch so that you don't have to explicitly
specify the MARC::File::X subclass, sort of like how DBI knows to
use DBD::Oracle or DBD::Mysql.

=head1 LICENSE

This code may be distributed under the same terms as Perl itself. 

Please note that these modules are not products of or supported by the
employers of the various contributors to the code.

=head1 AUTHOR

Andy Lester, E<lt>address@hidden<gt> or E<lt>address@hidden<gt>


Index: fill_usmarc.pl
RCS file: /cvsroot/koha/koha/marc/fill_usmarc.pl,v
retrieving revision 1.1
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -C2 -r1.1 -r1.2
*** fill_usmarc.pl      16 May 2002 16:20:40 -0000      1.1
--- fill_usmarc.pl      24 Jul 2002 15:52:53 -0000      1.2
*** 10,26 ****
  my $tag;
  my $subfield;
  my $reqtag=$dbh->prepare("insert into marc_tag_structure 
(tagfield,liblibrarian,repeatable) values (?,?,?)");
  my $reqsubfield=$dbh->prepare("insert into marc_subfield_structure 
(tagfield,tagsubfield,liblibrarian,repeatable) values (?,?,?,?)");
  foreach $tag (sort keys %$fields) {
        foreach $subfield (sort keys %{$fields->{$tag}->{"subfields"}}) {
!       $reqsubfield->execute(
!                               $tag,
!                               $subfield,
!                               );
  sub marcdefs {
--- 10,93 ----
  my $tag;
  my $subfield;
+ $dbh->do("delete from marc_tag_structure");
+ $dbh->do("delete from marc_subfield_structure");
  my $reqtag=$dbh->prepare("insert into marc_tag_structure 
(tagfield,liblibrarian,repeatable) values (?,?,?)");
  my $reqsubfield=$dbh->prepare("insert into marc_subfield_structure 
(tagfield,tagsubfield,liblibrarian,repeatable) values (?,?,?,?)");
+ my $description;
  foreach $tag (sort keys %$fields) {
        foreach $subfield (sort keys %{$fields->{$tag}->{"subfields"}}) {
!           if ($fields->{$tag}->{"subfields"}->{$subfield}->{"description"}) {
!           } else {
!           }
!           $reqsubfield->execute(
!                                 $tag,
!                                 $subfield,
!                                 $description?$description:"Unknown",
!                                 );
+ #---- now we populate the tables with the link between koha-DB and MARC-DB
+ # items
+ $dbh->do("update marc_subfield_structure set kohafield='biblio.title' where 
tagfield='245' and tagsubfield='a'");
+ $dbh->do("update marc_subfield_structure set kohafield='biblio.subtitle' 
where tagfield='245' and tagsubfield='b'");
+ $dbh->do("update marc_subfield_structure set kohafield='biblio.unititle' 
where tagfield='246' and tagsubfield='a'");
+ $dbh->do("update marc_subfield_structure set kohafield='biblio.seriestitle' 
where tagfield='440' and tagsubfield='a'");
+ $dbh->do("update marc_subfield_structure set kohafield='biblio.copyrightdate' 
where tagfield='245' and tagsubfield='f'");
+ $dbh->do("update marc_subfield_structure set kohafield='biblio.copyrightdate' 
where tagfield='260' and tagsubfield='c'");
+ $dbh->do("update marc_subfield_structure set kohafield='biblio.notes' where 
tagfield='504' and tagsubfield='a'");
+ $dbh->do("update marc_subfield_structure set kohafield='biblio.author' where 
tagfield='100' and tagsubfield='a'");
+ $dbh->do("update marc_subfield_structure set kohafield='biblio.author' where 
tagfield='100' and tagsubfield='b'");
+ $dbh->do("update marc_subfield_structure set kohafield='biblio.author' where 
tagfield='100' and tagsubfield='c'");
+ $dbh->do("update marc_subfield_structure set kohafield='biblio.author' where 
tagfield='100' and tagsubfield='d'");
+ $dbh->do("update marc_subfield_structure set kohafield='biblio.subject' where 
tagfield='650' and tagsubfield='a'");
+ $dbh->do("update marc_subfield_structure set kohafield='biblio.biblionumber' 
where tagfield='090' and tagsubfield='c'");
+ # biblioitems
+ $dbh->do("update marc_subfield_structure set 
kohafield='biblioitems.biblioitemnumber' where tagfield='090' and 
+ $dbh->do("update marc_subfield_structure set kohafield='biblioitems.volume' 
where tagfield='440' and tagsubfield='v'");
+ $dbh->do("update marc_subfield_structure set kohafield='biblioitems.number' 
where tagfield='440' and tagsubfield='n'");
+ $dbh->do("update marc_subfield_structure set kohafield='biblioitems.itemtype' 
where tagfield='852' and tagsubfield='k'");
+ $dbh->do("update marc_subfield_structure set kohafield='biblioitems.isbn' 
where tagfield='020' and tagsubfield='a'");
+ $dbh->do("update marc_subfield_structure set kohafield='biblioitems.issn' 
where tagfield='022' and tagsubfield='a'");
+ $dbh->do("update marc_subfield_structure set kohafield='biblioitems.dewey' 
where tagfield='082' and tagsubfield='a'");
+ $dbh->do("update marc_subfield_structure set kohafield='biblioitems.subclass' 
where tagfield='852' and tagsubfield='m'");
+ $dbh->do("update marc_subfield_structure set kohafield='biblioitems.place' 
where tagfield='260' and tagsubfield='a'");
+ $dbh->do("update marc_subfield_structure set 
kohafield='biblioitems.publishercode' where tagfield='260' and 
+ $dbh->do("update marc_subfield_structure set 
kohafield='biblioitems.publicationyear' where tagfield='260' and 
+ $dbh->do("update marc_subfield_structure set kohafield='biblioitems.pages' 
where tagfield='300' and tagsubfield='a'");
+ $dbh->do("update marc_subfield_structure set kohafield='biblioitems.size' 
where tagfield='300' and tagsubfield='c'");
+ $dbh->do("update marc_subfield_structure set kohafield='biblioitems.notes' 
where tagfield='500' and tagsubfield='a'");
+ $dbh->do("update marc_subfield_structure set kohafield='biblioitems.lccn' 
where tagfield='010' and tagsubfield='a'");
+ # items
+ $dbh->do("update marc_subfield_structure set kohafield='items.itemnumber' 
where tagfield='890' and tagsubfield='c'");
+   #$dbh->do("update marc_subfield_structure set 
kohafield='items.multivolumepart' where tagfield='XXX' and tagsubfield='a'");
+ $dbh->do("update marc_subfield_structure set kohafield='items.barcode' where 
tagfield='852' and tagsubfield='p'");
+ $dbh->do("update marc_subfield_structure set 
kohafield='items.dateaccessioned' where tagfield='876' and tagsubfield='d'");
+ $dbh->do("update marc_subfield_structure set kohafield='items.booksellerid' 
where tagfield='876' and tagsubfield='e'");
+ $dbh->do("update marc_subfield_structure set kohafield='items.homebranch' 
where tagfield='876' and tagsubfield='b'");
+ $dbh->do("update marc_subfield_structure set 
kohafield='items.replacementprice' where tagfield='876' and tagsubfield='c'");
+   #$dbh->do("update marc_subfield_structure set kohafield='items.price' where 
tagfield='XXX' and tagsubfield='a'");
+   #$dbh->do("update marc_subfield_structure set 
kohafield='items.replacementpricedate' where tagfield='XXX' and 
+   #$dbh->do("update marc_subfield_structure set 
kohafield='items.datelastborrowed' where tagfield='XXX' and tagsubfield='a'");
+   #$dbh->do("update marc_subfield_structure set 
kohafield='items.datelastseen' where tagfield='XXX' and tagsubfield='a'");
+   #$dbh->do("update marc_subfield_structure set kohafield='items.multivolume' 
where tagfield='XXX' and tagsubfield='a'");
+   #$dbh->do("update marc_subfield_structure set kohafield='items.stack' where 
tagfield='XXX' and tagsubfield='a'");
+ $dbh->do("update marc_subfield_structure set kohafield='items.notforloan' 
where tagfield='876' and tagsubfield='h'");
+ $dbh->do("update marc_subfield_structure set kohafield='items.itemlost' where 
tagfield='876' and tagsubfield='j'");
+ $dbh->do("update marc_subfield_structure set kohafield='items.wthdrawn' where 
tagfield='876' and tagsubfield='k'");
+   #$dbh->do("update marc_subfield_structure set kohafield='items.bulk' where 
tagfield='XXX' and tagsubfield='a'");
+   #$dbh->do("update marc_subfield_structure set kohafield='items.issues' 
where tagfield='XXX' and tagsubfield='a'");
+   #$dbh->do("update marc_subfield_structure set kohafield='items.renewals' 
where tagfield='XXX' and tagsubfield='a'");
+   #$dbh->do("update marc_subfield_structure set kohafield='items.reserves' 
where tagfield='XXX' and tagsubfield='a'");
+   #$dbh->do("update marc_subfield_structure set kohafield='items.restricted' 
where tagfield='XXX' and tagsubfield='a'");
+   #$dbh->do("update marc_subfield_structure set kohafield='items.binding' 
where tagfield='XXX' and tagsubfield='a'");
+ $dbh->do("update marc_subfield_structure set kohafield='items.itemnotes' 
where tagfield='876' and tagsubfield='z'");
+   #$dbh->do("update marc_subfield_structure set 
kohafield='items.holdingbranch' where tagfield='XXX' and tagsubfield='a'");
+   #$dbh->do("update marc_subfield_structure set kohafield='items.interim' 
where tagfield='XXX' and tagsubfield='a'");
+ # additional authors
+ $dbh->do("update marc_subfield_structure set 
kohafield='additionalauthors.additionalauthors' where tagfield='700' and 
  sub marcdefs {
*** 5250,5260 ****
!     $fields->{'090'}->{'subfields'}->{"a"}->{'name'}="Itemtype (NR)";
!     $fields->{'090'}->{'subfields'}->{"b"}->{'name'}="Dewey Subclass (NR)";
!     $fields->{'090'}->{'subfields'}->{"c"}->{'name'}="biblionumber (NR)";
!     $fields->{'090'}->{'subfields'}->{"d"}->{'name'}="biblioitemnumber (NR)";
      $fields->{'091'}->{'name'}="MICROFILM SHELF LOCATION (AM) [OBSOLETE]";
--- 5317,5327 ----
!     $fields->{'090'}->{'subfields'}->{"a"}->{'name'}="Koha Itemtype (NR)";
!     $fields->{'090'}->{'subfields'}->{"b"}->{'name'}="Koha Dewey Subclass 
!     $fields->{'090'}->{'subfields'}->{"c"}->{'name'}="Koha biblionumber (NR)";
!     $fields->{'090'}->{'subfields'}->{"d"}->{'name'}="Koha biblioitemnumber 
      $fields->{'091'}->{'name'}="MICROFILM SHELF LOCATION (AM) [OBSOLETE]";
*** 9813,9816 ****
--- 9880,9885 ----
      $fields->{'876'}->{'subfields'}->{"p"}->{'name'}="Piece designation (R)";
+     $fields->{'876'}->{'subfields'}->{"z"}->{'name'}="Note  (R)";
+     $fields->{'876'}->{'subfields'}->{"z"}->{'repeating'}=1;
      $fields->{'876'}->{'subfields'}->{"8"}->{'name'}="Field link and sequence 
number  (R)";
*** 9842,9845 ****
--- 9911,9920 ----
      $fields->{'886'}->{'subfields'}->{"2"}->{'name'}="Source of data (NR) 
$a-z - Foreign MARC subfield (R) $0-9 - Foreign MARC subfield (R)";
+     $fields->{'890'}->{'name'}="KOHA item number";
+     $fields->{'890'}->{'repeating'}=1;
+     $fields->{'890'}->{'firstindicator'}="Undefined";
+     $fields->{'890'}->{'secondindicator'}="Undefined";
+     $fields->{'890'}->{'subfields'}->{"c"}->{'name'}="Koha biblio number";
+     $fields->{'890'}->{'subfields'}->{"c"}->{'repeating'}=1;

Index: marcschema.sql
RCS file: /cvsroot/koha/koha/marc/marcschema.sql,v
retrieving revision 1.14
retrieving revision 1.15
diff -C2 -r1.14 -r1.15
*** marcschema.sql      4 Jun 2002 08:13:31 -0000       1.14
--- marcschema.sql      24 Jul 2002 15:52:53 -0000      1.15
*** 2,5 ****
--- 2,18 ----
  #  $Log$
+ #  Revision 1.15  2002/07/24 15:52:53  tipaul
+ #  1st scripts for MARC-DB.
+ #
+ #
+ #  * install MARC::Record package, from cpan or sourceforge
+ #  * OVERWRITE File.pm and USMARC.pm. The original misses 1 functionnality we 
absolutly need in koha (reading a MARC from a variable, not from a file). 
Thanks to Steve, who modified MARC::Record.
+ #  * modify your DB by adding marcschema.sql tables
+ #  * populate new tables by launching fill_usmarc.pl
+ #
+ #  Then, it should work...
+ #  What works exactly will come in the next commit, in a few minuts 
(hitchcock suspens...)
+ #
  #  Revision 1.14  2002/06/04 08:13:31  tipaul
  #  ouuppsss... forget the 1.13 version, i made a mistake. This version works 
and should be the last
*** 27,35 ****
  CREATE TABLE marc_biblio (
                bibid bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
                datecreated date NOT NULL default '0000-00-00',
                datemodified date default NULL,
                origincode char(20) default NULL,
                PRIMARY KEY  (bibid),
!               KEY origincode (origincode)
                ) TYPE=MyISAM;
--- 40,50 ----
  CREATE TABLE marc_biblio (
                bibid bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
+               biblionumber int(20) unsigned NOT NULL,
                datecreated date NOT NULL default '0000-00-00',
                datemodified date default NULL,
                origincode char(20) default NULL,
                PRIMARY KEY  (bibid),
!               KEY origincode (origincode),
!               KEY biblionumber (biblionumber)
                ) TYPE=MyISAM;

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