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[Koha-cvs] CVS: koha/circ branchtransfers.pl,1.14,1.15

From: Henri-Damien LAURENT
Subject: [Koha-cvs] CVS: koha/circ branchtransfers.pl,1.14,1.15
Date: Mon, 27 Jan 2003 16:48:38 -0800

Update of /cvsroot/koha/koha/circ
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv10698

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Templating branchtransfers.pl

Index: branchtransfers.pl
RCS file: /cvsroot/koha/koha/circ/branchtransfers.pl,v
retrieving revision 1.14
retrieving revision 1.15
diff -C2 -r1.14 -r1.15
*** branchtransfers.pl  24 Oct 2002 18:30:18 -0000      1.14
--- branchtransfers.pl  28 Jan 2003 00:48:36 -0000      1.15
*** 28,31 ****
--- 28,32 ----
  use C4::Reserves2;
  use C4::Auth;
+ use HTML::Template;
*** 54,58 ****
  my $printer = $query->param("printer");
  ($branch) || ($branch=$query->cookie('branch')) ;
  ($printer) || ($printer=$query->cookie('printer')) ;
--- 55,58 ----
*** 61,371 ****
  ($printers->{$printer}) || ($printer=(keys %$printers)[0]);
! my $request=$query->param('request');
  my $tobranchcd=$query->param('tobranchcd');
  my $frbranchcd='';
- # set up the branchselect options....
- my $tobranchoptions;
- foreach my $br (keys %$branches) {
-     (next) unless $branches->{$br}->{'CU'};
-     my $selected='';
-     ($selected='selected') if ($br eq $tobranchcd);
-     $tobranchoptions.="<option value=$br 
- }
- # collect the stack of books already transfered so they can printed...
- my %transfereditems;
- my $ritext = '';
- my %frbranchcds;
- my %tobranchcds;
- foreach ($query->param){
-     (next) unless (/bc-(\d*)/);
-     my $counter=$1;
-     my $barcode=$query->param("bc-$counter");
-     my $frbcd=$query->param("fb-$counter");
-     my $tobcd=$query->param("tb-$counter");
-     $counter++;
-     $transfereditems{$counter}=$barcode;
-     $frbranchcds{$counter}=$frbcd;
-     $tobranchcds{$counter}=$tobcd;
-     $ritext.="<input type=hidden name=bc-$counter value=$barcode>\n";
-     $ritext.="<input type=hidden name=fb-$counter value=$frbcd>\n";
-     $ritext.="<input type=hidden name=tb-$counter value=$tobcd>\n";
-     }
- # Collect a few messages here...
- my $messagetext='';
  # Deal with the requests....
  if ($request eq "KillWaiting") {
      my $item = $query->param('itemnumber');
-     my $borrnum = $query->param('borrowernumber');
      CancelReserve(0, $item, $borrnum);
!     $messagetext .= "Reserve Cancelled<br>";
  my $ignoreRs = 0;
  if ($request eq "SetWaiting") {
      my $item = $query->param('itemnumber');
-     my $borrnum = $query->param('borrowernumber');
      $tobranchcd = ReserveWaiting($item, $borrnum);
      $ignoreRs = 1;
!     $messagetext .= "Item should now be waiting at branch: 
  if ($request eq 'KillReserved'){
      my $biblio = $query->param('biblionumber');
-     my $borrnum = $query->param('borrowernumber');
      CancelReserve($biblio, 0, $borrnum);
!     $messagetext .= "Reserve Cancelled<br>";
- # Warnings etc that get displayed at top of next page....
- my $messages;
- # if the barcode has been entered action that and write a message 
- # and put onto the top of the stack...
- my $iteminformation;
  my $barcode = $query->param('barcode');
  if ($barcode) {
!     my $transfered;
!     my $iteminformation;
!     ($transfered, $messages, $iteminformation) 
!                    = transferbook($tobranchcd, $barcode, $ignoreRs);
!     if ($transfered) {
!       my $frbranchcd = $iteminformation->{'holdingbranch'};
!       $ritext.="<input type=hidden name=bc-0 value=$barcode>\n";
!       $ritext.="<input type=hidden name=fb-0 value=$frbranchcd>\n";
!       $ritext.="<input type=hidden name=tb-0 value=$tobranchcd>\n";
!       $transfereditems{0}=$barcode;
!       $frbranchcds{0}=$frbranchcd;
!       $tobranchcds{0}=$tobranchcd;
!     }
- # Html code....
- # collect together the various elements...
- my $entrytext= << "EOF";
- <form method=post action=/cgi-bin/koha/circ/branchtransfers.pl>
- <table border=1 cellpadding=5 cellspacing=0 align=left>
- <tr><td colspan=2 align=center background=$backgroundimage>
- <font color=black><b>Select Branch</b></font></td></tr>
- <tr><td>Destination Branch:</td>
-     <td><select name=tobranchcd> $tobranchoptions </select></td></tr></table> 
- <img src="/images/holder.gif" width=24 height=50 align=left>
- <table border=1 cellpadding=5 cellspacing=0 ><tr>
- <td colspan=2 align=center background=$backgroundimage>
- <font color=black><b>Enter Book Barcode</b></font></td></tr>
- <tr><td>Item Barcode:</td><td><input name=barcode size=10></td></tr>
- </table>
- <input type=hidden name=tobranchcd value=$tobranchcd>
- $ritext
- </form>
! my $reservefoundtext;
! if ($messages->{'ResFound'}) {
      my $res = $messages->{'ResFound'};
!     my $reservetext;
!     my $branchname = $branches->{$res->{'branchcode'}}->{'branchname'};
!     my ($borr) = getpatroninformation(\%env, $res->{'borrowernumber'}, 0);
!     my $name = $borr->{'surname'}." ".$borr->{'title'}." 
!     my $number = "<a 
onClick='openWindow(this,'Member', 480, 640)'>$borr->{'cardnumber'}</a>";
!     if ($res->{'ResFound'} eq "Waiting") {
!       $reservetext = <<"EOF";
! <font color='red' size='+2'>Item marked Waiting:</font><br>
!     Item is marked waiting at $branchname for $name ($number).<br>
! <table border=1 cellpadding=5 cellspacing=0>
! <tr><td>Cancel reservation and then attempt transfer: </td>
! <td>
! <form method=post action='branchtransfers.pl'>
! $ritext
! <input type=hidden name=itemnumber value=$res->{'itemnumber'}>
! <input type=hidden name=borrowernumber value=$res->{'borrowernumber'}>
! <input type=hidden name=tobranchcd value=$tobranchcd>
! <input type=hidden name=barcode value=$barcode>
! <input type=hidden name=request value='KillWaiting'>
! <input type=submit value="Cancel">
! </form>
! </td></tr>
! <tr><td>Ignore and return to transfers: </td>
! <td>
! <form method=post action='branchtransfers.pl'>
! $ritext
! <input type=hidden name=tobranchcd value=$tobranchcd>
! <input type=hidden name=barcode value=0>
! <input type=submit value="Ignore">
! </form>
! </td></tr></table>
!     } 
!     if ($res->{'ResFound'} eq "Reserved") {
!       $reservetext = <<"EOF";
! <font color='red' size='+2'>Reserved:</font> reserve found for $name 
! <table border=1 cellpadding=5 cellspacing=0>
! <tr><td>Set reserve to waiting and transfer book to <b>$branchname </b>: </td>
! <td>
! <form method=post action='branchtransfers.pl'>
! $ritext
! <input type=hidden name=itemnumber value=$res->{'itemnumber'}>
! <input type=hidden name=borrowernumber value=$res->{'borrowernumber'}>
! <input type=hidden name=barcode value=$barcode>
! <input type=hidden name=request value='SetWaiting'>
! <input type=submit value="Waiting">
! </form>
! </td></tr>
! <tr><td>Cancel reservation and then attempt transfer: </td>
! <td>
! <form method=post action='branchtransfers.pl'>
! $ritext
! <input type=hidden name=biblionumber value=$res->{'biblionumber'}>
! <input type=hidden name=borrowernumber value=$res->{'borrowernumber'}>
! <input type=hidden name=tobranchcd value=$tobranchcd>
! <input type=hidden name=barcode value=$barcode>
! <input type=hidden name=request value='KillReserved'>
! <input type=submit value="Cancel">
! </form>
! </td></tr><tr><td>Ignore and return to transfers: </td>
! <td>
! <form method=post action='branchtransfers.pl'>
! <input type=hidden name=tobranchcd value=$tobranchcd>
! <input type=hidden name=barcode value=0>
! $ritext
! <input type=submit value="Ignore">
! </form>
! </td></tr></table>
!     }
!     $reservefoundtext = <<"EOF";
! <table border=1 cellpadding=5 cellspacing=0 bgcolor='#dddddd'>
! <tr><th bgcolor=$headerbackgroundcolor 
background=$backgroundimage><font>Reserve Found</font></th></tr>
! <tr><td> $reservetext </td></tr></table>
  foreach my $code (keys %$messages) {
!     if ($code eq 'BadBarcode'){
!       $messagetext .= "<font color='red' size='+2'> No Item with barcode: 
$messages->{'BadBarcode'} </font> <br>";
!     }
      if ($code eq 'IsPermanent'){
!       my $braname = $branches->{$messages->{'IsPermanent'}}->{'branchname'};
!       $messagetext .= "<font color='red' size='+2'> Please return item to 
home branch: $braname  </font> <br>";
!     }
!     if ($code eq 'DestinationEqualsHolding'){
!       $messagetext .= "<font color='red' size='+2'> Item is already at 
destination branch. </font> <br>";
!     if ($code eq 'WasReturned') {
!       my ($borrowerinfo) = getpatroninformation(\%env, 
$messages->{'WasReturned'}, 0);
!       my $binfo = <<"EOF";
! <a href=/cgi-bin/koha/moremember.pl?bornum=$borrowerinfo->{'borrowernumber'} 
! onClick="openWindow(this,'Member', 480, 
! $borrowerinfo->{'surname'}, $borrowerinfo->{'title'} 
!       $messagetext .= "Item was on loan to $binfo and has been returned. 
      if ($code eq 'WasTransfered'){
  # Put code here if you want to notify the user that item was transfered...
- $messagetext = substr($messagetext, 0, -4);
- my $messagetable;
- if ($messagetext) {
-     $messagetable = << "EOF";
- <table border=1 cellpadding=5 cellspacing=0 bgcolor='#dddddd'>
- <tr><th bgcolor=$headerbackgroundcolor 
- <tr><td> $messagetext </td></tr></table>
- <img src="/images/holder.gif" width=24 height=24>
- }
  # Make the page .....
! print $query->header(-cookie=>$sessioncookie);
! print startpage;
! #print startmenu('circulation');
! my @inp=startmenu('circulation');
! my address@hidden;
! for (my $i=0;$i<$count;$i++){
!         $inp[$i]=~ 
!     }
! print @inp;
! #foreach my $key (%$messages) {
! #    print $key." : ".$messages->{$key}."<br>";
! #}
! print <<"EOF";
! <table align=right><tr><td>
! <a href=circulation.pl>
! <img src="/images/button-issues.gif" width="99" height="42" border="0" 
alt="Next Borrower"></a> &nbsp
! <a href=returns.pl>
! <img src="/images/button-returns.gif" width="110" height="42" border="0" 
! </td></tr></table>
! <FONT SIZE=6><em>Circulation: Transfers</em></FONT><br>
! <b>Branch:</b> $branches->{$branch}->{'branchname'} &nbsp
! <b>Printer:</b> $printers->{$printer}->{'printername'}<br>
! <a href=selectbranchprinter.pl>Change Settings</a>
! <input type=hidden name=branch value=$branch>
! <input type=hidden name=printer value=$printer>
! <p>           
! if ($reservefoundtext) {
!     print $reservefoundtext;
! } else {
!     print $messagetable;
!     print $entrytext;
!     if (%transfereditems) {
!       print << "EOF";
! <p>
! <table border=1 cellpadding=5 cellspacing=0 bgcolor=#dddddd>                  
! <tr><th colspan=6 bgcolor=$headerbackgroundcolor 
background=$backgroundimage><font color=black>Transfered Items</font></th></tr>
! <tr><th>Bar 
!         my $color='';
!       foreach (sort keys %transfereditems) {
!           ($color eq $linecolor1) ? ($color=$linecolor2) : 
!           my $barcode=$transfereditems{$_};
!           my $frbcd=$frbranchcds{$_};
!           my $tobcd=$tobranchcds{$_};
!           my ($iteminformation) = getiteminformation(\%env, 0, $barcode);
!           print << "EOF";
! <tr><td bgcolor=$color align=center>
! <a href=/cgi-bin/koha/detail.pl?bib=$iteminformation->{'biblionumber'}
! &type=intra onClick=\"openWindow(this, 'Item', 480, 640)\">$barcode</a></td>
! <td bgcolor=$color>$iteminformation->{'title'}</td>
! <td bgcolor=$color>$iteminformation->{'author'}</td>
! <td bgcolor=$color align=center>$iteminformation->{'itemtype'}</td>
! <td bgcolor=$color align=center>$branches->{$frbcd}->{'branchname'}</td>
! <td bgcolor=$color align=center>$branches->{$tobcd}->{'branchname'}</td>
! </tr>\n
!         }
!       print "</table>\n";
!     }
- print endmenu('circulation');
- print endpage;
--- 61,291 ----
  ($printers->{$printer}) || ($printer=(keys %$printers)[0]);
! my $genbrname = $branches->{$branch}->{'branchname'} ;
! my $genprname = $printers->{$printer}->{'printername'};
! my $messages;
! my $found;
! my $reserved;
! my $waiting;
! my $reqmessage;
! my $cancelled;
! my $setwaiting;
! my $reqbrchname;
+ my $request=$query->param('request');
+ my $borrnum = $query->param('borrowernumber');
  my $tobranchcd=$query->param('tobranchcd');
  my $frbranchcd='';
  # Deal with the requests....
  if ($request eq "KillWaiting") {
      my $item = $query->param('itemnumber');
      CancelReserve(0, $item, $borrnum);
!       $cancelled = 1;
!       $reqmessage =1;
  my $ignoreRs = 0;
  if ($request eq "SetWaiting") {
      my $item = $query->param('itemnumber');
      $tobranchcd = ReserveWaiting($item, $borrnum);
+       $reqbrchname = $branches->{$tobranchcd}->{'branchname'};
      $ignoreRs = 1;
!       $setwaiting = 1;
!       $reqmessage =1;
  if ($request eq 'KillReserved'){
      my $biblio = $query->param('biblionumber');
      CancelReserve($biblio, 0, $borrnum);
!       $cancelled = 1;
!       $reqmessage =1;
+ # set up the branchselect options....
+ my @branchoptionloop;
+ foreach my $br (keys %$branches) {
+     (next) unless $branches->{$br}->{'CU'};
+     my %branch;
+     $branch{selected}=($br eq $tobranchcd);
+       $branch{code}=$br;
+       $branch{name}=$branches->{$br}->{'branchname'};
+       push (@branchoptionloop, \%branch);
+ }
+ # collect the stack of books already transfered so they can printed...
+ my @trsfitemloop;
+ my %transfereditems;
+ my %frbranchcds;
+ my %tobranchcds;
+ my $color=$linecolor2;
  my $barcode = $query->param('barcode');
  if ($barcode) {
!       my $transfered;
!       my $iteminformation;
!       ($transfered, $messages, $iteminformation)
!                       = transferbook($tobranchcd, $barcode, $ignoreRs);
!       $found = $messages->{'ResFound'};
!       if ($transfered) {
!               my %item;
!               my $frbranchcd = $iteminformation->{'holdingbranch'};
!               if (not ($found)) {
!                       ($color eq $linecolor1) ? ($color=$linecolor2) : 
!                       $item{'color'}=$color;
!                       $item{'title'}=$iteminformation->{'title'};
!                       $item{'author'}=$iteminformation->{'author'};
!                       $item{'itemtype'}=$iteminformation->{'itemtype'};
!               }
!               $item{counter}=0;
!               $item{barcode}=$barcode;
!               $item{frombrcd}=$frbranchcd;
!               $item{tobrcd}=$tobranchcd;
! ##########
! #Are these lines still useful ???
!               $transfereditems{0}=$barcode;
!               $frbranchcds{0}=$frbranchcd;
!               $tobranchcds{0}=$tobranchcd;
! ##########
!               push (@trsfitemloop, \%item);
!       }
+ foreach ($query->param){
+       (next) unless (/bc-(\d*)/);
+       my $counter=$1;
+       my %item;
+       my $bc=$query->param("bc-$counter");
+       my $frbcd=$query->param("fb-$counter");
+       my $tobcd=$query->param("tb-$counter");
+       $counter++;
+       $item{counter}=$counter;
+       $item{barcode}=$bc;
+       $item{frombrcd}=$frbcd;
+       $item{tobrcd}=$tobcd;
+       my ($iteminformation) = getiteminformation(\%env, 0, $bc);
+       ($color eq $linecolor1) ? ($color=$linecolor2) : ($color=$linecolor1);
+       $item{'color'}=$color;
+       $item{'biblionumber'}=$iteminformation->{'biblionumber'};
+       $item{'title'}=$iteminformation->{'title'};
+       $item{'author'}=$iteminformation->{'author'};
+       $item{'itemtype'}=$iteminformation->{'itemtype'};
+       $item{'frbrname'}=$branches->{$frbcd}->{'branchname'};
+       $item{'tobrname'}=$branches->{$tobcd}->{'branchname'};
+ ##########
+ #Are these lines still useful ???
+       $transfereditems{$counter}=$bc;
+       $frbranchcds{$counter}=$frbcd;
+       $tobranchcds{$counter}=$tobcd;
+ #########
+       push (@trsfitemloop, \%item);
+ }
+ my $name;
+ my $bornum;
+ my $borcnum;
+ my $itemnumber;
+ my $biblionum;
+ my $branchname;
! if ($found) {
      my $res = $messages->{'ResFound'};
!       $branchname = $branches->{$res->{'branchcode'}}->{'branchname'};
!       my ($borr) = getpatroninformation(\%env, $res->{'borrowernumber'}, 0);
!       $name = name($borr);
!       $bornum = $borr->{'borrowernumber'}; #Hopefully, 
!       $borcnum = $borr->{'cardnumber'};
!       $itemnumber = $res->{'itemnumber'};
!       if ($res->{'ResFound'} eq "Waiting") {
!               $waiting = 1;
!       }
!       if ($res->{'ResFound'} eq "Reserved") {
!               $reserved = 1;
!               $biblionum = $res->{'biblionumber'};
!       }
+ my @errmsgloop;
  foreach my $code (keys %$messages) {
!       my %err;
!     $err{errbadcode} = ($code eq 'BadBarcode');
!       if ($code eq 'BadBarcode') {
!               $err{msg}=$messages->{'BadBarcode'};
!       }
!     $err{errispermanent} = ($code eq 'IsPermanent');
      if ($code eq 'IsPermanent'){
!               $err{msg} = 
!               # Here, msg contains the branchname
!               # Not so satisfied with this... But should work
!     $err{errdesteqholding} = ($code eq 'DestinationEqualsHolding');
!       $err{errwasreturned} = ($code eq 'WasReturned');
!       if ($code eq 'WasReturned') {
!               my ($borrowerinfo) = getpatroninformation(\%env, 
$messages->{'WasReturned'}, 0);
!               $name =name($borrowerinfo);
!               $bornum =$borrowerinfo->{'borrowernumber'};
!               $borcnum =$borrowerinfo->{'cardnumber'};
      if ($code eq 'WasTransfered'){
  # Put code here if you want to notify the user that item was transfered...
+       push (@errmsgloop, \%err);
  # Make the page .....
! my ($template, $borrowernumber, $cookie)
!     = get_template_and_user({template_name => "circ/branchtransfers.tmpl",
!                                                       query => $query,
!                             type => "intranet",
!                             authnotrequired => 0,
!                             flagsrequired => {parameters => 1},
!                          });
! $template->param(     genbrname => $genbrname,
!                                                               genprname => 
!                                                               branch => 
!                                                               printer => 
!                                                               found => $found,
!                                                               hdrbckgdcolor 
=> $headerbackgroundcolor,
!                                                               bckgdimg => 
!                                                               reserved => 
!                                                               waiting => 
!                                                               name => $name,
!                                                               bornum => 
!                                                               borcnum => 
!                                                               branchname => 
!                                                               itemnumber => 
!                                                               barcode => 
!                                                               biblionumber => 
!                                                               tobranchcd => 
!                                                               reqmessage => 
!                                                               cancelled => 
!                                                               setwaiting => 
!                                                               trsfitemloop => 
branchoptionloop => address@hidden,
!                                                               errmsgloop => 
!                                                       );
! print $query->header(-cookie=>$sessioncookie), $template->output;
! sub name {
!       my ($borinfo) = @_;
!       return $borinfo->{'surname'}." ".$borinfo->{'title'}." 

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