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[Koha-cvs] CVS: koha/acqui.simple marcimport.pl,1.31,1.32

From: Paul POULAIN
Subject: [Koha-cvs] CVS: koha/acqui.simple marcimport.pl,1.31,1.32
Date: Tue, 22 Apr 2003 05:22:57 -0700

Update of /cvsroot/koha/koha/acqui.simple
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv30791/acqui.simple

Modified Files:
Log Message:
1st draft for z3950 client import.
moving Breeding farm script to a perl package C4/Breeding.pm

Index: marcimport.pl
RCS file: /cvsroot/koha/koha/acqui.simple/marcimport.pl,v
retrieving revision 1.31
retrieving revision 1.32
diff -C2 -r1.31 -r1.32
*** marcimport.pl       19 Feb 2003 01:01:07 -0000      1.31
--- marcimport.pl       22 Apr 2003 12:22:54 -0000      1.32
*** 44,47 ****
--- 44,48 ----
  use C4::Output;
  use C4::Auth;
+ use C4::Breeding;
*** 83,145 ****
!       my @marcarray = split /\x1D/, $marcrecord;
!       my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
!       my $searchisbn = $dbh->prepare("select biblioitemnumber from 
biblioitems where isbn=?");
!       my $searchissn = $dbh->prepare("select biblioitemnumber from 
biblioitems where issn=?");
!       my $searchbreeding = $dbh->prepare("select id from marc_breeding where 
!       my $insertsql = $dbh->prepare("insert into marc_breeding 
(file,isbn,title,author,marc) values(?,?,?,?,?)");
!       my $replacesql = $dbh->prepare("update marc_breeding set 
file=?,isbn=?,title=?,author=?,marc=? where id=?");
!       # fields used for import results
!       my $imported=0;
!       my $alreadyindb = 0;
!       my $alreadyinfarm = 0;
!       my $notmarcrecord = 0;
!       for (my $i=0;$i<=$#marcarray;$i++) {
!               my $marcrecord = 
!               if (ref($marcrecord) eq undef) {
!                       $notmarcrecord++;
!               } else {
!                       my $oldbiblio = MARCmarc2koha($dbh,$marcrecord);
!                       $oldbiblio->{title} = char_decode($oldbiblio->{title});
!                       $oldbiblio->{author} = 
!                       # if isbn found and biblio does not exist, add it. If 
isbn found and biblio exists, overwrite or ignore depending on user choice
!                       # drop every "special" char : spaces, - ...
!                       $oldbiblio->{isbn} =~ s/ |-|\.//g,
!                       # search if biblio exists
!                       my $biblioitemnumber;
!                       if ($oldbiblio->{isbn}) {
!                               $searchisbn->execute($oldbiblio->{isbn});
!                               ($biblioitemnumber) = $searchisbn->fetchrow;
!                       } else {
!                               $searchissn->execute($oldbiblio->{issn});
!                               ($biblioitemnumber) = $searchissn->fetchrow;
!                       }
!                       if ($biblioitemnumber) {
!                               $alreadyindb++;
!                       } else {
!                               # search in breeding farm
!                               my $breedingid;
!                               if ($oldbiblio->{isbn}) {
!                                       ($breedingid) = 
!                               } else {
!                                       ($breedingid) = 
!                               }
!                               if (!$breedingid || $overwrite_biblio) {
!                                       my $recoded;
!                                       $recoded = $marcrecord->as_usmarc();
!                                               if ($breedingid) {
!                                                       $replacesql 
!                                               } else {
!                                                       $insertsql 
!                                               }
!                                       $imported++;
!                               } else {
!                                       $alreadyinfarm++;
!                               }
!                       }
!               }
!       }
        $template->param(imported => $imported,
                                                        alreadyindb => 
--- 84,89 ----
!       my ($notmarcrecord,$alreadyindb,$alreadyinfarm,$imported) = 
        $template->param(imported => $imported,
                                                        alreadyindb => 
*** 155,810 ****
  my $file;
- # Process a MARC file : show list of records, of 1 record detail, if 
numrecord exists
- sub ProcessFile {
-     # A MARC file has been specified; process it for review form
-     use strict;
-     # Input params
-     my (
-       $input,
-     )address@hidden;
-     # local vars
-     my (
-       $sth,
-       $record,
-     );
-     my $debug=0;
-     # See if a particular result item was specified
-     my $numrecord = $input->param('numrecord');
-     if ($numrecord) {
-       ProcessRecord($dbh,$input,$numrecord);
-     } else {
-       # No result item specified, list results
-       ListFileRecords($dbh,$input);
-     } # if
- } # sub ProcessFile
- # show 1 record from the MARC file
- sub ProcessRecord {
-     my ($dbh, $input,$numrecord) = @_;
-     # local vars
-     my (
-       $sth,
-       $record,
-       $data,
-     );
-     if ($file=~/Z-(\d+)/) {
-       my $id=$1;
-       my $resultsid=$input->param('resultsid');
-       my $sth=$dbh->prepare("select results from z3950results where 
-       $sth->execute;
-       ($data) = $sth->fetchrow;
-     } else {
-       my $sth=$dbh->prepare("select marc from uploadedmarc where id=$file");
-       $sth->execute;
-       ($data) = $sth->fetchrow;
-     }
-     my $file=MARC::File::USMARC->indata ($data);
-     my $oldkoha;
-     for (my $i=1;$i<$numrecord;$i++) {
-       $record = $file->next;
-     }
-     if ($record) {
-       $oldkoha=MARCmarc2koha($dbh,$record);
-     }
-     my $template=gettemplate('marcimport/marcimportdetail.tmpl');
-     $oldkoha->{additionalauthors} =~ s/ \| /\n/g;
-     $oldkoha =~ s/\|/\n/g;
-     $template->param($oldkoha);
- #---- build MARC array for template
-     my @loop = ();
-     my $tagmeaning = &MARCgettagslib($dbh,1);
-     my @fields = $record->fields();
-     my $color=0;
-     my $lasttag="";
-     foreach my $field (@fields) {
-       my @subfields=$field->subfields();
-       foreach my $subfieldcount (0..$#subfields) {
-           my %row_data;
-           if ($lasttag== $field->tag()) {
-               $row_data{tagid}   = "";
-           } else {
-               $row_data{tagid}   = $field->tag();
-           }
-           $row_data{subfield} = $subfields[$subfieldcount][0];
-           $row_data{tagmean} = 
-           $row_data{tagvalue}= $subfields[$subfieldcount][1];
-           if ($color ==0) {
-               $color=1;
-               $row_data{color} = $lc1;
-           } else {
-               $color=0;
-               $row_data{color} = $lc2;
-           }
-           push(@loop,\%row_data);
-           $lasttag=$field->tag();
-       }
-     }
-     $template->param(MARC => address@hidden);
-     $template->param(numrecord => $numrecord);
-     $template->param(file => $data);
-     print "Content-Type: text/html\n\n", $template->output;
- }
- # lists all records from the MARC file
- sub ListFileRecords {
-     use strict;
-     # Input parameters
-     my (
-       $dbh,           # FIXME - Unused argument
-       $input,
-     )address@hidden;
-     my (
-       $sth, $sti,
-       $field,
-       $data,          # records in MARC file format
-       $name,
-       $srvid,
-       %servernames,
-       $serverdb,
-     );
-     my $z3950=0;
-     my $recordsource;
-     my $record;
-     my ($numrecords,$resultsid,$data,$startdate,$enddate);
-               # FIXME - there's already a $data a few lines above.
-     $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
-     my $template=gettemplate('marcimport/ListFileRecords.tmpl');
-     # File can be z3950 search query or uploaded MARC data
-     # if z3950 results
-     if (not $file=~/Z-(\d+)/) {
-       # This is a Marc upload
-       $sth=$dbh->prepare("select marc,name from uploadedmarc where id=$file");
-       $sth->execute;
-       ($data, $name) = $sth->fetchrow;
-       $template->param(IS_MARC => 1);
-       $template->param(recordsource => $name);
-     }
-     if ($file=~/Z-(\d+)/) {
-       # This is a z3950 search
-       $template->param(IS_Z3950 =>1);
-       my $id=$1;              # search query id number
-       my $serverstring;
-       my $starttimer=time();
-       $sth=$dbh->prepare("
-               select 
-                       z3950results.startdate,z3950results.enddate,server
-               from z3950queue left outer join z3950results
-                    on z3950queue.id=z3950results.queryid
-               where z3950queue.id=?
-               order by server
-           ");
-       $sth->execute($id);
-       if ( $sth->rows ) {
-           # loop through all servers in search results
-           while ( ($numrecords,$resultsid,$data,
-                    $startdate,$enddate,$serverstring) = $sth->fetchrow ) {
-               my ($srvid, $server, $database, $auth) = split(/\//, 
$serverstring, 4);
-               if ( $server ) {
-                       my 
-                       $template->param(srvid => $srvid);
-                       $template->param(srvname => $srvname);
-               } # if $server
-               my $startrecord=$input->param("ST-$srvid");
-               ($startrecord) || ($startrecord='0');
-               my $serverplaceholder='';
-               foreach ($input->param) {
-                   (next) unless (/ST-(.+)/);
-                   my $serverid=$1;
-                   (next) if ($serverid eq $srvid);
-                   my $place=$input->param("ST-$serverid");
-                   $serverplaceholder.="\&ST-$serverid=$place";
-               }
-               if ($numrecords) {
-                   $template->param(HAS_NUMRECORDS => 1);
-                   my $previous='';
-                   my $next='';
-                   if ($startrecord>0) {
-                       $previous="<a 
-                   }
-                   my $highest;
-                   $highest=$startrecord+10;
-                   ($highest>$numrecords) && ($highest=$numrecords);
-                   if ($numrecords>$startrecord+10) {
-                       $next="<a 
-                   }
-                   $template->param(startrecord => $startrecord+1);
-                   $template->param(highest => $highest);
-                   $template->param(numrecords => $numrecords);
-                   $template->param(previous => $previous);
-                   $template->param(next => $next);
-                   my $stj=$dbh->prepare("update z3950results
-                       set highestseen=? where id=?");
-                   $stj->execute($startrecord+10,$resultsid);
-               }
-               if (! $server ) {
-                   $template->param(PENDING => 1);
-               } elsif ($enddate == 0) {
-                   my $now=time();
-                   my $elapsed=$now-$startdate;
-                   my $elapsedtime='';
-                   if ($elapsed>60) {
-                       $elapsedtime=sprintf "%d minutes",($elapsed/60);
-                   } else {
-                       $elapsedtime=sprintf "%d seconds",$elapsed;
-                   }
-                   $template->param(elapsedtime => $elapsedtime);
-               } elsif ($numrecords) {
-                   my @loop = ();
-                   my $z3950file=MARC::File::USMARC->indata ($data);
-                   while (my $record=$z3950file->next) {
-                       my $oldkoha = MARCmarc2koha($dbh,$record);
-                       my %row = ResultRecordLink($dbh,$oldkoha,$resultsid);
-                       push(@loop,\%row);
-                   }
-                   $template->param(LINES => address@hidden);
-               } else {
-               }
- #             print "</ul>\n";
-           } # foreach server
-           my $elapsed=time()-$starttimer;
- #         print "<hr>It took $elapsed seconds to process this page.\n";
-           } else {
-               $template->param(NO_RECORDS =>1);
-               $template->param(id => $id);
-           } # if rows
-       } else {
- #
- # This is an uploaded Marc record
- #
-           my @loop = ();
-           my $MARCfile = MARC::File::USMARC->indata($data);
-           my $num = 0;
-           while (my $record=$MARCfile->next) {
-               $num++;
-               my $oldkoha = MARCmarc2koha($dbh,$record);
-               my %row = ResultRecordLink($dbh,$oldkoha,'',$num);
-               push(@loop,\%row);
-           }
-           $template->param(LINES => address@hidden);
-       } # if z3950 or marc upload
-       print "Content-Type: text/html\n\n", $template->output;
- } # sub ListFileRecords
- #--------------
- sub ResultRecordLink {
-     use strict;
-     my ($dbh,$oldkoha,$resultsid, $num)address@hidden;        # input
-               # FIXME - $dbh as argument is no longer used
-     my (
-       $sth,
-       $bib,   # hash ref to named fields
-       $searchfield, $searchvalue,
-       $donetext,
-       $fieldname,
-       );
-     my %row = ();
-     $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
- #    $bib=extractmarcfields($record);
-     $sth=$dbh->prepare("select *
-         from biblioitems
-         where (isbn=? and isbn!='')  or (issn=? and issn!='')  or (lccn=? and 
lccn!='') ");
-     $sth->execute($oldkoha->{isbn},$oldkoha->{issn},$oldkoha->{lccn});
-     if ($sth->rows) {
-       $donetext="DONE";
-     } else {
-       $donetext="";
-     }
-     ($oldkoha->{author}) && ($oldkoha->{author}="by $oldkoha->{author}");
-     $searchfield="";
-     foreach $fieldname ( "controlnumber", "lccn", "issn", "isbn") {
-       if ( defined $oldkoha->{$fieldname} && $oldkoha->{$fieldname} ) {
-           $searchfield=$fieldname;
-           $searchvalue=$oldkoha->{$fieldname};
-       } # if defined fieldname
-     } # foreach
-     if ( $searchfield ) {
-       $row{SCRIPT_NAME} = $ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'};
-       $row{donetext}    = $donetext;
-       $row{file}        = $file;
- #     $row{resultsid}   = $resultsid;
- #     $row{searchfield} = $searchfield;
- #     $row{searchvalue} = $searchvalue;
-       $row{numrecord}   = $num;
-       $row{title}       = $oldkoha->{title};
-       $row{author}      = $oldkoha->{author};
-     } else {
-       $row{title} = "Error: Problem with <br>$bib->{title} 
-     } # if searchfield
-     return %row;
- } # sub PrintResultRecordLink
- #---------------------------------
- sub uploadmarc {
-     use strict;
-     my ($dbh)address@hidden;          # FIXME - Unused argument
-     $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
-     my $template=gettemplate('marcimport/uploadmarc.tmpl');
-     $template->param(SCRIPT_NAME => $ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'});
- #    print "<a href=$ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'}>Main Menu</a><hr>\n";
-     my $sth=$dbh->prepare("select id,name from uploadedmarc");
-     $sth->execute;
- #    print "<h2>Select a set of MARC records</h2>\n<ul>";
-     my @marc_loop = ();
-     while (my ($id, $name) = $sth->fetchrow) {
-       my %row;
-       $row{id} = $id;
-       $row{name} = $name;
-       push(@marc_loop, \%row);
- #     print "<li><a 
-     }
-     $template->param(marc => address@hidden);
-     print "Content-Type: text/html\n\n", $template->output;
- }
- sub manual {
- }
- sub mainmenu {
-       my $template=gettemplate('marcimport/mainmenu.tmpl');
-       $template->param(SCRIPT_NAME => $ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'});
-       print "Content-Type: text/html\n\n", $template->output;
- } # sub mainmenu
- #---------------------------------------------
- sub AcceptMarcUpload {
-     use strict;
-     my (
-       $dbh,           # DBI handle
-                       # FIXME - Unused argument
-       $input,         # CGI parms
-     )address@hidden;
-     $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
-     my $name=$input->param('name');
-     my $data=$input->param('uploadmarc');
-     my $marcrecord='';
-     ($name) || ($name=$data);
-     if (length($data)>0) {
-       while (<$data>) {
-           $marcrecord.=$_;
-       }
-     }
-     my $q_marcrecord=$dbh->quote($marcrecord);
-     my $q_name=$dbh->quote($name);
-     my $sth=$dbh->prepare("insert into uploadedmarc
-               (marc,name)
-       values ($q_marcrecord, $q_name)");
-     $sth->execute;
- } # sub AcceptMarcUpload
- #-------------------------------------------
- sub AcceptBiblioitem {
-     use strict;
-     my (
-       $dbh,                   # FIXME - Unused argument
-       $input,
-     )address@hidden;
-     my $biblionumber=0;
-     my $biblioitemnumber=0;
-     my $sth;
-     my $record;
-     $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
- #    my $isbn=$input->param('isbn');
- #    my $issn=$input->param('issn');
- #    my $lccn=$input->param('lccn');
- #    my $q_origisbn=$dbh->quote($input->param('origisbn'));
- #    my $q_origissn=$dbh->quote($input->param('origissn'));
- #    my $q_origlccn=$dbh->quote($input->param('origlccn'));
- #    my $q_origcontrolnumber=$dbh->quote($input->param('origcontrolnumber'));
-     my $title=$input->param('title');
- #    my $q_isbn=$dbh->quote((($isbn) || ('NIL')));
- #    my $q_issn=$dbh->quote((($issn) || ('NIL')));
- #    my $q_lccn=$dbh->quote((($lccn) || ('NIL')));
-     my $file= MARC::File::USMARC->indata($input->param('file'));
-     my $numrecord = $input->param('numrecord');
-     if ($numrecord) {
-       for (my $i=1;$i<$numrecord;$i++) {
-           $record=$file->next;
-       }
-     } else {
-       print STDERR "Error in marcimport.pl/Acceptbiblioitem : numrecord not 
-       print "Error in marcimport.pl/Acceptbiblioitem : numrecord not defined 
: contact administrator\n";
-     }
-     my $template=gettemplate('marcimport/AcceptBiblioitem.tmpl');
-     my $oldkoha = MARCmarc2koha($dbh,$record);
-     # See if it already exists
-     # FIXME - There's already a $sth in this context.
-     my $sth=$dbh->prepare("select biblionumber,biblioitemnumber
-       from biblioitems
-       where isbn=? or issn=? or lccn=?");
-     $sth->execute($oldkoha->{isbn},$oldkoha->{issn},$oldkoha->{lccn});
-     if ($sth->rows) {
-       # Already exists
-       ($biblionumber, $biblioitemnumber) = $sth->fetchrow;
-       $template->param(title => $title);
-       $template->param(biblionumber => $biblionumber);
-       $template->param(biblioitemnumber => $biblioitemnumber);
-       $template->param(BIBLIO_EXISTS => 1);
-     } else {
-       # It doesn't exist; add it.
-       my $error;
-       my %biblio;
-       my %biblioitem;
-       # convert to upper case and split on lines
-       my $subjectheadings=$input->param('subject');
-       my @subjectheadings=split(/[\r\n]+/,$subjectheadings);
-       my $additionalauthors=$input->param('additionalauthors');
-       my @additionalauthors=split(/[\r\n]+|\|/,uc($additionalauthors));
-                       # FIXME - WTF are the additional authors
-                       # converted to upper case?
-       # Use individual assignments to hash buckets, in case
-       #  any of the input parameters are empty or don't exist
-       $biblio{title}          =$input->param('title');
-       $biblio{author}         =$input->param('author');
-       $biblio{copyright}      =$input->param('copyrightdate');
-       $biblio{seriestitle}    =$input->param('seriestitle');
-       $biblio{notes}          =$input->param('notes');
-       $biblio{abstract}       =$input->param('abstract');
-       $biblio{subtitle}       =$input->param('subtitle');
-       $biblioitem{volume}             =$input->param('volume');
-       $biblioitem{number}             =$input->param('number');
-       $biblioitem{itemtype}           =$input->param('itemtype');
-       $biblioitem{isbn}               =$input->param('isbn');
-       $biblioitem{issn}               =$input->param('issn');
-       $biblioitem{dewey}              =$input->param('dewey');
-       $biblioitem{subclass}           =$input->param('subclass');
-       $biblioitem{publicationyear}    =$input->param('publicationyear');
-       $biblioitem{publishercode}      =$input->param('publishercode');
-       $biblioitem{volumedate}         =$input->param('volumedate');
-       $biblioitem{volumeddesc}        =$input->param('volumeddesc');
-       $biblioitem{illus}              =$input->param('illustrator');
-       $biblioitem{pages}              =$input->param('pages');
-       $biblioitem{notes}              =$input->param('notes');
-       $biblioitem{size}               =$input->param('size');
-       $biblioitem{place}              =$input->param('place');
-       $biblioitem{lccn}               =$input->param('lccn');
-       $biblioitem{marc}               =$input->param('marc');
- #     print STDERR $record->as_formatted();
- #     die;
-       ($biblionumber, $biblioitemnumber, $error)=
-           ALLnewbiblio($dbh,$record,\%biblio,\%biblioitem);
- #         (1,2,0);
- #       newcompletebiblioitem($dbh,
- #             \%biblio,
- #             \%biblioitem,
- #             address@hidden,
- #             address@hidden
- #     );
-       if ( $error ) {
-           print "<H2>Error adding biblio item</H2> $error\n";
-       } else {
-           $template->param(title => $title);
-           $template->param(biblionumber => $biblionumber);
-           $template->param(biblioitemnumber => $biblioitemnumber);
-           $template->param(BIBLIO_CREATE => 1);
-       } # if error
-     } # if new record
-     my $barcode;
-     # Get next barcode, or pick random one if none exist yet
-     $sth=$dbh->prepare("select max(barcode) from items");
-     $sth->execute;
-     ($barcode) = $sth->fetchrow;
-     $barcode++;
-     if ($barcode==1) {
-       $barcode=int(rand()*1000000);
-     }
-     my $branchselect=getkeytableselectoptions(
-               $dbh, 'branches', 'branchcode', 'branchname', 0);
-     $template->param(barcode => $barcode);
-     $template->param(branchselect => $branchselect);
-     print "Content-Type: text/html\n\n", $template->output;
- } # sub ItemCopyForm
- #---------------------------------------
- # Accept form data to add an item copy
- sub AcceptItemCopy {
-     use strict;
-     my ( $dbh, $input )address@hidden;
-                       # FIXME - $dbh argument unused
-     my $template=gettemplate('marcimport/AcceptItemCopy.tmpl');
-     my $error;
-     $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
-     my $barcode=$input->param('barcode');
-     my $replacementprice=($input->param('replacementprice') || 0);
-     my $sth=$dbh->prepare("select barcode
-       from items
-       where barcode=?");
-     $sth->execute($barcode);
-     if ($sth->rows) {
-       $template->param(BARCODE_EXISTS => 1);
-       $template->param(barcode => $barcode);
-     } else {
-          # Insert new item into database
-            $error=&ALLnewitem($dbh,
-                              { biblionumber=> $input->param('biblionumber'),
-                                biblioitemnumber=> 
-                                itemnotes=> $input->param('notes'),
-                                homebranch=> $input->param('homebranch'),
-                                replacementprice=> $replacementprice,
-                                barcode => $barcode
-                                }
-                              );
-             if ( $error ) {
-               $template->param(ITEM_ERROR => 1);
-               $template->param(error => $error);
-           } else {
-               $template->param(ITEM_CREATED => 1);
-               $template->param(barcode => $barcode);
-             } # if error
-     } # if barcode exists
-     print "Content-Type: text/html\n\n", $template->output;
- } # sub AcceptItemCopy
- #---------------------------------------
- sub FormatMarcText {
-     use strict;
-     # Input
-     my (
-       $fields,        # list ref to MARC fields
-     )address@hidden;
-     # Return
-     my $marctext;
-     my (
-       $color,
-       $field,
-       $tag,
-       $label,
-       $indicator,
-       $subfieldcode,$subfieldvalue,
-       @values, $value
-     );
-     my $debug=0;
-     #-----------------------------------------
-     $marctext="<table border=0 cellspacing=1>
-       <tr><th colspan=4 background=/images/background-acq.gif>
-               MARC RECORD
-       </th></tr>\n";
-     foreach $field ( @$fields ) {
-       # Swap colors on alternating lines
-       ($color eq $lc1) ? ($color=$lc2) : ($color=$lc1);
-       $tag=$field->{'tag'};
-       $label=taglabel($tag);
-       if ( $tag eq 'LDR' ) {
-               $tag='';
-               $label="Leader:";
-       }
-       print "<pre>Format tag=$tag label=$label</pre>\n" if $debug;
-       $marctext.="<tr><td bgcolor=$color valign=top>$label</td> \n" .
-               "<td bgcolor=$color valign=top>$tag</td> \n";
-       $indicator=$field->{'indicator'};
-       $indicator=~s/ +$//;    # drop trailing blanks
-       # Third table column has indicator if it is short.
-       # Fourth column has embedded table of subfields, and indicator
-       #  if it is long (leader or fixed-position fields)
-       print "<pre>Format indicator=$indicator" .
-               " length=" . length( $indicator ) .  "</pre>\n" if $debug;
-       if ( length( $indicator <= 3 ) ) {
-           $marctext.="<td bgcolor=$color valign=top><pre>" .
-               "$indicator</pre></td>" .
-               "<td bgcolor=$color valign=top>" ;
-       } else {
-           $marctext.="<td bgcolor=$color valign=top></td>" .
-               "<td bgcolor=$color valign=top>" .
-               "$indicator ";
-       } # if length
-       # Subfields
-       if ( $field->{'subfields'} )  {
-           # start another table for subfields
-           $marctext.= "<table border=0 cellspacing=2>\n";
-           foreach $subfieldcode ( sort( keys %{ $field->{'subfields'} }   )) {
-               $subfieldvalue=$field->{'subfields'}->{$subfieldcode};
-               if (ref($subfieldvalue) eq 'ARRAY' ) {
-                   # if it's a pointer to array, get all the values
-                   @address@hidden;
-               } else {
-                   # otherwise get the one value
-                   @values=( $subfieldvalue );
-               } # if subfield array
-               foreach $value ( @values ) {
-                 $marctext.="<tr><td><strong>$subfieldcode</strong></td>" .
-                   "<td>$value</td></tr>\n";
-               } # foreach value
-           } # foreach subfield
-           $marctext.="</table>\n";
-       } # if subfields
-       # End of indicator and subfields column
-       $marctext.="</td>\n";
-       # End of columns
-       $marctext.="</tr>\n";
-     } # foreach field
-     $marctext.="</table>\n";
-     return $marctext;
- } # sub FormatMarcText
  # log cleared, as marcimport is (almost) rewritten from scratch.
  # $Log$
  # Revision 1.31  2003/02/19 01:01:07  wolfpac444
  # Removed the unecessary $dbh argument from being passed.
--- 99,110 ----
  my $file;
  # log cleared, as marcimport is (almost) rewritten from scratch.
  # $Log$
+ # Revision 1.32  2003/04/22 12:22:54  tipaul
+ # 1st draft for z3950 client import.
+ # moving Breeding farm script to a perl package C4/Breeding.pm
+ #
  # Revision 1.31  2003/02/19 01:01:07  wolfpac444
  # Removed the unecessary $dbh argument from being passed.

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