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[Koha-cvs] CVS: koha/reports issues_stats.pl,1.3,1.4

From: Henri-Damien LAURENT
Subject: [Koha-cvs] CVS: koha/reports issues_stats.pl,1.3,1.4
Date: Wed, 09 Mar 2005 10:56:19 -0800

Update of /cvsroot/koha/koha/reports
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv6176/reports

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Adding average loan time to stats.
Beware : Unstable calculation

Index: issues_stats.pl
RCS file: /cvsroot/koha/koha/reports/issues_stats.pl,v
retrieving revision 1.3
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -C2 -r1.3 -r1.4
*** issues_stats.pl     9 Mar 2005 14:21:56 -0000       1.3
--- issues_stats.pl     9 Mar 2005 18:56:15 -0000       1.4
*** 438,507 ****
        my $strcalc ;
        if ($process ==2) {
!       # Processing average loanperiods
!               $strcalc .= "SELECT $linefield, $colfield, ";
!               $strcalc .= " DATE_SUB(date_due, INTERVAL CAST(issues.renewals 
issuedate, returndate, COUNT(*), date_due, issues.renewals, issuelength FROM 
`issues`,borrowers,biblioitems LEFT JOIN items ON 
(biblioitems.biblioitemnumber=items.biblioitemnumber) LEFT JOIN issuingrules ON 
(issuingrules.branchcode=issues.branchcode AND  
issuingrules.itemtype=biblioitems.itemtype AND  
issuingrules.categorycode=borrowers.categorycode) WHERE 
issues.itemnumber=items.itemnumber AND 
issues.borrowernumber=borrowers.borrowernumber ";
!               @$filters[0]=~ s/\*/%/g if (@$filters[0]);
!               $strcalc .= " AND issues.returndate > '" . @$filters[0] ."'" if 
( @$filters[0] );
!               @$filters[1]=~ s/\*/%/g if (@$filters[1]);
!               $strcalc .= " AND issues.returndate < '" . @$filters[1] ."'" if 
( @$filters[1] );
!               @$filters[2]=~ s/\*/%/g if (@$filters[2]);
!               $strcalc .= " AND borrowers.categorycode like '" . @$filters[2] 
."'" if ( @$filters[2] );
!               @$filters[3]=~ s/\*/%/g if (@$filters[3]);
!               $strcalc .= " AND biblioitems.itemtype like '" . @$filters[3] 
."'" if ( @$filters[3] );
!               @$filters[4]=~ s/\*/%/g if (@$filters[4]);
!               $strcalc .= " AND issues.branchcode like '" . @$filters[4] ."'" 
if ( @$filters[4] );
!               @$filters[5]=~ s/\*/%/g if (@$filters[5]);
!               $strcalc .= " AND borrowers.sort1 like '" . @$filters[5] ."'" 
if ( @$filters[5] );
!               @$filters[6]=~ s/\*/%/g if (@$filters[6]);
!               $strcalc .= " AND borrowers.sort2 like '" . @$filters[6] ."'" 
if ( @$filters[6] );
!               $strcalc .= " AND dayname(timestamp) like '" . $daysel ."'" if 
( $daysel );
!               $strcalc .= " AND monthname(timestamp) like '" . $monthsel ."'" 
if ( $monthsel );
!               $strcalc .= " group by issuedate, returndate, $linefield, 
$colfield order by $linefield,$colfield";
!               my $dbcalc = $dbh->prepare($strcalc);
!               $dbcalc->execute;
!       #       warn "filling table";
!               my $emptycol;
!               my $issues_count; 
!               while (my ($row, $col, $issuedate, $returndate) = 
$dbcalc->fetchrow) {
!       #               warn "filling table $row / $col / $value ";
                        $emptycol = 1 if ($col eq undef);
                        $col = "zzEMPTY" if ($col eq undef);
                        $row = "zzEMPTY" if ($row eq undef);
!                       $table{$row}->{$col}+=$value;
!                       $table{$row}->{totalrow}+=$value;
!                       $grantotal += $value;
!       }
!       push @loopcol,{coltitle => "NULL"} if ($emptycol);
!       foreach my $row ( sort keys %table ) {
!               my @loopcell;
!               address@hidden ensures the order for columns is common with 
column titles
!               # and the number matches the number of columns
                foreach my $col ( @loopcol ) {
!                       my $value =$table{$row}->{($col->{coltitle} eq 
!                       push @loopcell, {value => $value  } ;
!               }
!               push @looprow,{ 'rowtitle' => ($row eq "zzEMPTY")?"NULL":$row,
!                                               'loopcell' => address@hidden,
!                                               'hilighted' => ($hilighted >0),
!                                               'totalrow' => 
!                                       };
!               $hilighted = -$hilighted;
!       }
! #     warn "footer processing";
!       foreach my $col ( @loopcol ) {
!               my $total=0;
!               foreach my $row ( @looprow ) {
!                       $total += $table{($row->{rowtitle} eq 
"NULL")?"zzEMPTY":$row->{rowtitle}}->{($col->{coltitle} eq 
  #                     warn "value added 
".$table{$row->{rowtitle}}->{$col->{coltitle}}. "for line ".$row->{rowtitle};
!               }
  #             warn "summ for column ".$col->{coltitle}."  = ".$total;
!               push @loopfooter, {'totalcol' => $total};
        }else {
--- 438,563 ----
        my $strcalc ;
        if ($process ==2) {
!               $linefield=~s/datetime/issues.returndate/;
!               $linefield=~s/itemtype/biblioitems.itemtype/;
!               $colfield=~s/datetime/issues.returndate/;
!               $colfield=~s/itemtype/biblioitems.itemtype/;
!       # Processing average loanperiods
!               $strcalc .= "SELECT $linefield, $colfield, ";
!               $strcalc .= " DATE_SUB(date_due, INTERVAL 
CAST(issuingrules.issuelength AS SIGNED INTEGER) * (CAST(issues.renewals AS 
SIGNED INTEGER)+1) DAY) AS issuedate, returndate, COUNT(*), date_due, 
issues.renewals, issuelength FROM `issues`,borrowers,biblioitems LEFT JOIN 
items ON (biblioitems.biblioitemnumber=items.biblioitemnumber) LEFT JOIN 
issuingrules ON (issuingrules.branchcode=issues.branchcode AND  
issuingrules.itemtype=biblioitems.itemtype AND  
issuingrules.categorycode=borrowers.categorycode) WHERE 
issues.itemnumber=items.itemnumber AND 
issues.borrowernumber=borrowers.borrowernumber and returndate is not null";
! #     
!               @$filters[0]=~ s/\*/%/g if (@$filters[0]);
!               $strcalc .= " AND issues.returndate > '" . @$filters[0] ."'" if 
( @$filters[0] );
!               @$filters[1]=~ s/\*/%/g if (@$filters[1]);
!               $strcalc .= " AND issues.returndate < '" . @$filters[1] ."'" if 
( @$filters[1] );
!               @$filters[2]=~ s/\*/%/g if (@$filters[2]);
!               $strcalc .= " AND borrowers.categorycode like '" . @$filters[2] 
."'" if ( @$filters[2] );
!               @$filters[3]=~ s/\*/%/g if (@$filters[3]);
!               $strcalc .= " AND biblioitems.itemtype like '" . @$filters[3] 
."'" if ( @$filters[3] );
!               @$filters[4]=~ s/\*/%/g if (@$filters[4]);
!               $strcalc .= " AND issues.branchcode like '" . @$filters[4] ."'" 
if ( @$filters[4] );
!               @$filters[5]=~ s/\*/%/g if (@$filters[5]);
!               $strcalc .= " AND borrowers.sort1 like '" . @$filters[5] ."'" 
if ( @$filters[5] );
!               @$filters[6]=~ s/\*/%/g if (@$filters[6]);
!               $strcalc .= " AND borrowers.sort2 like '" . @$filters[6] ."'" 
if ( @$filters[6] );
!               $strcalc .= " AND dayname(timestamp) like '" . $daysel ."'" if 
( $daysel );
!               $strcalc .= " AND monthname(timestamp) like '" . $monthsel ."'" 
if ( $monthsel );
! #             
!               $strcalc .= " group by issuedate, returndate, $linefield, 
$colfield order by $linefield,$colfield";
!               warn "SQL :". $strcalc;
!               my $dbcalc = $dbh->prepare($strcalc);
!               $dbcalc->execute;
!       #       warn "filling table";
!               my $emptycol;
!               my $issues_count=0;
!               my $previous_row; 
!               my $previous_col;
!               my $loanlength; 
!               my $err;
!               my $weightrow;
!               while (my  @data = $dbcalc->fetchrow) {
!                       my ($row, $col, $issuedate, $returndate, 
!                       warn "filling table $row / $col / $issuedate / 
$returndate /$weight";
                        $emptycol = 1 if ($col eq undef);
                        $col = "zzEMPTY" if ($col eq undef);
                        $row = "zzEMPTY" if ($row eq undef);
+                       warn "row :".$row." column :".$col;
+                       if (($previous_row== $row) and ($previous_col==$col)){
+                               my @result =split 
/:/,DateCalc($returndate,$issuedate) ;
+ #  DateCalc returns => 0:0:WK:DD:HH:MM:SS   the weeks, days, hours, minutes,
+ #  and seconds between the two
+                               $loanlength = $result[2]*7+$result[3];
+                               warn "DateCalc returns :$loanlength with return 
". $returndate ."issue ". $issuedate ."weight : ". $weight;
+                               $issues_count+=$weight;
!                       } elsif ($previous_row==$row) {
!                               $table{$row}->{$previous_col}->{weight}=1;
!                               my @result =split 
/:/,DateCalc($returndate,$issuedate) ;
! #  DateCalc returns => 0:0:WK:DD:HH:MM:SS   the weeks, days, hours, minutes,
! #  and seconds between the two
!                               $loanlength = $result[2]*7+$result[3];
!                               $issues_count=$weight;
!                               $previous_col=$col;
!                       } else {
!                               unless (($previous_row) or ($previous_col)){
!                               }
!                               my @result =split 
/:/,DateCalc($returndate,$issuedate) ;
! #  DateCalc returns => 0:0:WK:DD:HH:MM:SS   the weeks, days, hours, minutes,
! #  and seconds between the two
!                               $loanlength = $result[2]*7+$result[3];
!                               warn "DateCalc returns :$loanlength with return 
". $returndate ."issue ". $issuedate ."weight : ". $weight;
!                               $issues_count=$weight;
!                               $previous_row=$row;
!                               $previous_col=$col;
!                               $weightrow=0;
!                       }
!               }
!               push @loopcol,{coltitle => "NULL"} if ($emptycol);
!               foreach my $row ( sort keys %table ) {
!                       my @loopcell;
! #             address@hidden ensures the order for columns is common with 
column titles
! #             # and the number matches the number of columns
!                       foreach my $col ( @loopcol ) {
!                               my $value =$table{$row}->{($col->{coltitle} eq 
!                               push @loopcell, {value => $value  } ;
!                       }
!                       push @looprow,{ 'rowtitle' => ($row eq 
!                                                       'loopcell' => 
!                                                       'hilighted' => 
($hilighted >0),
!                                                       'totalrow' => 
!                                               };
!                       $hilighted = -$hilighted;
! #     
! # #   warn "footer processing";
                foreach my $col ( @loopcol ) {
!                       my $total=0;
!                       my $nbrow=0;
!                       foreach my $row ( @looprow ) {
!                               $total += $table{($row->{rowtitle} eq 
"NULL")?"zzEMPTY":$row->{rowtitle}}->{($col->{coltitle} eq 
!                               $nbrow++;
  #                     warn "value added 
".$table{$row->{rowtitle}}->{$col->{coltitle}}. "for line ".$row->{rowtitle};
!                       }
  #             warn "summ for column ".$col->{coltitle}."  = ".$total;
!                       $total = $total/$nbrow if ($nbrow);
!                       push @loopfooter, {'totalcol' => $total};
!               }
        }else {
*** 550,581 ****
                        $grantotal += $value;
!       }
!       push @loopcol,{coltitle => "NULL"} if ($emptycol);
!       foreach my $row ( sort keys %table ) {
!               my @loopcell;
!               address@hidden ensures the order for columns is common with 
column titles
!               # and the number matches the number of columns
!               foreach my $col ( @loopcol ) {
!                       my $value =$table{$row}->{($col->{coltitle} eq 
!                       push @loopcell, {value => $value  } ;
!               push @looprow,{ 'rowtitle' => ($row eq "zzEMPTY")?"NULL":$row,
!                                               'loopcell' => address@hidden,
!                                               'hilighted' => ($hilighted >0),
!                                               'totalrow' => 
!                                       };
!               $hilighted = -$hilighted;
!       }
! #     warn "footer processing";
!       foreach my $col ( @loopcol ) {
!               my $total=0;
!               foreach my $row ( @looprow ) {
!                       $total += $table{($row->{rowtitle} eq 
"NULL")?"zzEMPTY":$row->{rowtitle}}->{($col->{coltitle} eq 
! #                     warn "value added 
".$table{$row->{rowtitle}}->{$col->{coltitle}}. "for line ".$row->{rowtitle};
- #             warn "summ for column ".$col->{coltitle}."  = ".$total;
-               push @loopfooter, {'totalcol' => $total};
--- 606,637 ----
                        $grantotal += $value;
!               push @loopcol,{coltitle => "NULL"} if ($emptycol);
!               foreach my $row ( sort keys %table ) {
!                       my @loopcell;
!                       address@hidden ensures the order for columns is common 
with column titles
!                       # and the number matches the number of columns
!                       foreach my $col ( @loopcol ) {
!                               my $value =$table{$row}->{($col->{coltitle} eq 
!                               push @loopcell, {value => $value  } ;
!                       }
!                       push @looprow,{ 'rowtitle' => ($row eq 
!                                                       'loopcell' => 
!                                                       'hilighted' => 
($hilighted >0),
!                                                       'totalrow' => 
!                                               };
!                       $hilighted = -$hilighted;
!       #       warn "footer processing";
!               foreach my $col ( @loopcol ) {
!                       my $total=0;
!                       foreach my $row ( @looprow ) {
!                               $total += $table{($row->{rowtitle} eq 
"NULL")?"zzEMPTY":$row->{rowtitle}}->{($col->{coltitle} eq 
!       #                       warn "value added 
".$table{$row->{rowtitle}}->{$col->{coltitle}}. "for line ".$row->{rowtitle};
!                       }
!       #               warn "summ for column ".$col->{coltitle}."  = ".$total;
!                       push @loopfooter, {'totalcol' => $total};

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