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[Koha-cvs] CVS: koha/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/npl/en/acqui basket.tmpl,1.

From: Owen Leonard
Subject: [Koha-cvs] CVS: koha/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/npl/en/acqui basket.tmpl,1.3,1.4 newbiblio.tmpl,1.2,1.3 order.tmpl,1.3,1.4 recieve.tmpl,1.2,1.3 recieveorder.tmpl,1.2,1.3 suggestion-select.tmpl,1.2,1.3
Date: Mon, 02 May 2005 11:06:52 -0700

Update of /cvsroot/koha/koha/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/npl/en/acqui
In directory 

Modified Files:
        basket.tmpl newbiblio.tmpl order.tmpl recieve.tmpl 
        recieveorder.tmpl suggestion-select.tmpl 
Log Message:
Synching with rel_2_2.

Index: basket.tmpl
RCS file: /cvsroot/koha/koha/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/npl/en/acqui/basket.tmpl,v
retrieving revision 1.3
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -C2 -r1.3 -r1.4
*** basket.tmpl 14 Jan 2005 21:08:45 -0000      1.3
--- basket.tmpl 2 May 2005 18:06:45 -0000       1.4
*** 6,10 ****
        <h1><!-- TMPL_UNLESS name="basketno" -->New <!-- /TMPL_UNLESS 
-->Shopping Basket <b><!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="basketno" --> </b>for <a 
href="supplier.pl?id=<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="booksellerid" -->"><!-- TMPL_VAR 
NAME="name" --></a></h1><br />
        <!-- TMPL_UNLESS name="closedate" -->
!               <div class="details">
                        <caption>Basket Details</caption>
--- 6,10 ----
        <h1><!-- TMPL_UNLESS name="basketno" -->New <!-- /TMPL_UNLESS 
-->Shopping Basket <b><!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="basketno" --> </b>for <a 
href="supplier.pl?id=<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="booksellerid" -->"><!-- TMPL_VAR 
NAME="name" --></a></h1><br />
        <!-- TMPL_UNLESS name="closedate" -->
!               <div class="data">
                        <caption>Basket Details</caption>
*** 14,41 ****
                        <tr><th>For:</th><td>Supplier Id <!-- TMPL_VAR 
NAME="booksellerid" --></td></tr>
                        <tr><th>Invoice Number:</th><td><!-- TMPL_VAR 
NAME="booksellerinvoicenumber" --></td></tr>
!                       <!-- TMPL_IF name="closedate" --><tr><th>Closed 
On:</th><td> <!-- TMPL_VAR name="closedate" --></td></tr><!-- TMPL_ELSE -->
!                       <tr><tfoot><td colspan="2"><form 
action="/cgi-bin/koha/acqui/order.pl" method="get"><input type="hidden" 
name="op" value="close" /><input type="hidden" name="basket" value="<!-- 
TMPL_VAR NAME="basketno" -->" /><input type="hidden" name="supplier" 
value="<!-- TMPL_VAR name="booksellerid" -->" /><input type="submit" 
class="submit" value="Close this Basket" /></form></td></tfoot></tr><!-- 
/TMPL_IF -->
!                       </table>
        <!-- /TMPL_UNLESS -->
!       <div class="details">
        <!-- TMPL_IF name="books_loop" -->
                        <caption>Order Details</caption>
!                               <th>Order</th>
!                               <th>Publisher <a href="basket.pl?basket=<!-- 
TMPL_VAR name="basketno" 
!                               <th>ISBN</th>
!                               <th>Title</th>
!                               <th>Author</th>
!                               <th>rrp</th>
!                               <th>est</th>
!                               <th>Qty</th>
!                               <th>Total</th>
!                               <th>Fund <a href="basket.pl?basket=<!-- 
TMPL_VAR name="basketno" 
                        <!-- TMPL_LOOP NAME="books_loop" -->
!                               <tr bgcolor="<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="color" -->">
!                                       <td><!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="ordernumber" 
                                        <td><!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="publishercode" 
                                        <td><!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="isbn" --></td>
--- 14,43 ----
                        <tr><th>For:</th><td>Supplier Id <!-- TMPL_VAR 
NAME="booksellerid" --></td></tr>
                        <tr><th>Invoice Number:</th><td><!-- TMPL_VAR 
NAME="booksellerinvoicenumber" --></td></tr>
!                       <!-- TMPL_IF name="closedate" --><tr><th>Closed 
On:</th><td> <!-- TMPL_VAR name="closedate" --></td></tr><!-- /TMPL_IF -->
!                       </table><!-- TMPL_UNLESS name="closedate" --><form 
action="/cgi-bin/koha/acqui/order.pl" method="get"><input type="hidden" 
name="op" value="close" /><input type="hidden" name="basket" value="<!-- 
TMPL_VAR NAME="basketno" -->" /><input type="hidden" name="supplier" 
value="<!-- TMPL_VAR name="booksellerid" -->" /><input type="submit" 
class="submit" value="Close this Basket" /></form><!-- /TMPL_UNLESS -->
        <!-- /TMPL_UNLESS -->
!       <div class="data">
        <!-- TMPL_IF name="books_loop" -->
                        <caption>Order Details</caption>
!                               <th scope="col">Order</th>
!                               <th scope="col"><a href="basket.pl?basket=<!-- 
TMPL_VAR name="basketno" 
!                               <th scope="col">ISBN</th>
!                               <th scope="col">Title</th>
!                               <th scope="col">Author</th>
!                               <th scope="col">rrp</th>
!                               <th scope="col">est</th>
!                               <th scope="col">Qty</th>
!                               <th scope="col">Total</th>
!                               <th scope="col"><a href="basket.pl?basket=<!-- 
TMPL_VAR name="basketno" 
! <!-- TMPL_UNLESS name="closedate" -->
!                                       <th scope="col">Remove</th>
!                               <!-- /TMPL_UNLESS -->
                        <!-- TMPL_LOOP NAME="books_loop" -->
!                               <!-- TMPL_IF NAME="highlight" --><tr 
class="highlight"><!-- TMPL_ELSE --><tr><!-- /TMPL_IF -->
!                                                       <td><!-- TMPL_VAR 
NAME="ordernumber" --></td>
                                        <td><!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="publishercode" 
                                        <td><!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="isbn" --></td>
*** 47,67 ****
                                        <td><!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="line_total" 
                                        <td><!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="bookfundid" 
                        <!-- /TMPL_LOOP -->
!                       <input type="hidden" name="number" value=<!-- TMPL_VAR 
NAME="count" -->>
!                       <input type="hidden" name="basketno" value="<!-- 
TMPL_VAR NAME="basketno" -->">
!                               <td colspan="7" rowspan=3>
!                                       &nbsp;
!                               <th>SubTotal</th>
!                               <th><!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="currency" --> <!-- 
TMPL_VAR NAME="sub_total" --></th>
!                               <th>GST</th>
                                <th><!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="currency" --> <!-- 
TMPL_VAR NAME="gist" --></th>
!                               <th>TOTAL</th>
                                <th><!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="currency" --> <!-- 
TMPL_VAR NAME="grand_total" --></th>
--- 49,74 ----
                                        <td><!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="line_total" 
                                        <td><!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="bookfundid" 
+                                       <!-- TMPL_UNLESS name="closedate" -->
+                                       <td>
+                                                       <form 
action="addorder.pl" method="get"><input type="hidden" name="ordnum" 
value="<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="ordernumber" -->" /><input type="hidden" 
name="basketno" value="<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="basketno" -->" /><input 
type="hidden" name="quantity" value="0" /><input type="hidden" name="biblio" 
value="<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="biblionumber" -->" /><input type="submit" 
class="delete" value="Delete" /></form>
+                                               </td>
+                                       <!-- /TMPL_UNLESS -->
                        <!-- /TMPL_LOOP -->
!                               <td colspan="4" rowspan="3">
!                                       &nbsp;<input type="hidden" 
name="number" value="<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="count" -->" />
!                       <input type="hidden" name="basketno" value="<!-- 
TMPL_VAR NAME="basketno" -->" />
!                               <th colspan="2">SubTotal</th>
!                               <th><!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="currency" --> <!-- 
TMPL_VAR NAME="sub_total" --></th><td rowspan="3" colspan="4">&nbsp;</td>
!                               <th colspan="2">GST</th>
                                <th><!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="currency" --> <!-- 
TMPL_VAR NAME="gist" --></th>
!                               <th colspan="2">TOTAL</th>
                                <th><!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="currency" --> <!-- 
TMPL_VAR NAME="grand_total" --></th>

Index: newbiblio.tmpl
RCS file: 
retrieving revision 1.2
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -C2 -r1.2 -r1.3
*** newbiblio.tmpl      28 Oct 2004 17:12:27 -0000      1.2
--- newbiblio.tmpl      2 May 2005 18:06:49 -0000       1.3
*** 8,11 ****
--- 8,14 ----
    //collect values
+   if (quantity ==0) {
+       alert("Quantity must be >0");
+   }
*** 35,51 ****
  function messenger(X,Y,etc){
! win=window.open("","mess","height="+X+",width="+Y+",screenX=150,screenY=0");
! win.focus();
! win.document.close();
! win.document.write("<body link='#333333' bgcolor='#ffffff' 
text='#000000'><font size='2'><p><br>");
! win.document.write(etc);
! win.document.write("<center><form><input type=button onclick='self.close()' 
! win.document.write("</font></body></html>");
--- 38,66 ----
!   return true;
  function messenger(X,Y,etc){
!       win.focus();
!       win.document.close();
!       win.document.write("<body link='#333333' bgcolor='#ffffff' 
text='#000000'><font size='2'><p><br>");
!       win.document.write(etc);
!       win.document.write("<center><form><input type=button 
onclick='self.close()' value='Close'></form></center>");
!       win.document.write("</font></body></html>");
! }
! function check(f) {
!   quantity=f.quantity.value
!   title=f.title.value
!   if (title == "") {
!       alert("Title can't be empty");
!       return false;
!   }
!   if (quantity ==0) {
!       alert("Quantity must be >0");
!       return false;
!   }
!       document.frusin.submit();
*** 80,98 ****
        <h2>Shopping Basket For <span class="ex"><!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="name" 
!       <div class="details">
                        <caption>Catalog Details</caption>
!                       <tr><th><label for="title">Title 
*</label></th><td><input type="text" size="20" id="title" name="title" 
value="<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="title" -->" /></td></tr>
!                       <tr><th><label 
for="author">Author</label></th><td><input type="text" size="20" id="author" 
name="author" value="<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="author" -->" /></td></tr>
!                       <tr><th><label for="publishercode"> 
Publisher</label></th><td><input type="text" size="30" id="publishercode" 
name="publishercode" value="<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="publishercode" -->" /></td></tr>
!                       <tr><th><label for="copyrightdate">Copyright 
Date</label></th><td><input type="text" size="20" id="copyrightdate" 
name="copyrightdate" value="<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="copyrightdate" -->" /></td></tr>
for="itemtype">Format</label></th><td><!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="CGIitemtype" 
!                       <tr><th><label for="ISBN">ISBN</label></th><td><input 
type="text" size="20" id="ISBN" name="ISBN" value="<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="isbn" 
!               <tr><th><label for="Series">Series</label></th><td><input 
type="text" size="20" id="Series" name="Series" value="<!-- TMPL_VAR 
NAME="seriestitle" -->" /></td></tr>
                <tr><th><label for="branch">Branch</label></th><td><!-- 
TMPL_VAR NAME="CGIbranch" --></td></tr>
!       <div class="details">
                <caption>Accounting details</caption>
--- 95,135 ----
        <h2>Shopping Basket For <span class="ex"><!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="name" 
!       <div class="data">
                        <caption>Catalog Details</caption>
!                       <tr><th><label for="title">Title *</label></th><td><!-- 
TMPL_IF name="biblio" -->
!                               <input type="hidden" size="20" name="title" 
value="<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="title" -->" /><!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="title" -->
!                       <!-- TMPL_ELSE --><input type="text" size="20" 
id="title" name="title" value="<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="title" -->" /><!-- /TMPL_IF 
!                       <tr><th><label for="author">Author</label></th><td><!-- 
TMPL_IF name="biblio" -->
!                               <input type="hidden" size="20" name="author" 
value="<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="author" -->" /><!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="author" -->
!                       <!-- TMPL_ELSE -->
!                               <input type="text" size="20" name="author" 
value="<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="author" -->" />
!                       <!-- /TMPL_IF --></td></tr>
!                       <tr><th><label for="publishercode"> 
Publisher</label></th><td>                  <!-- TMPL_IF name="biblio" -->
!                               <input type="hidden" size="20" 
name="publishercode" value="<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="publishercode" -->" /><!-- 
TMPL_VAR NAME="publishercode" -->
!                       <!-- TMPL_ELSE -->
!                               <input type="text" size="20" 
name="publishercode" value="<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="publishercode" -->" />
!                       <!-- /TMPL_IF --></td></tr>
!                       <tr><th><label for="copyrightdate">Copyright 
Date</label></th><td><!-- TMPL_IF name="biblio" -->
!                               <input type="hidden" size="20" 
name="copyrightdate" id="copyrightdate" value="<!-- TMPL_VAR 
NAME="copyrightdate" -->" /><!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="copyrightdate" -->
!                       <!-- TMPL_ELSE -->
!                               <input type="text" size="20" 
name="copyrightdate" id="copyrightdate" value="<!-- TMPL_VAR 
NAME="copyrightdate" -->" />
!                       <!-- /TMPL_IF --></td></tr>
for="itemtype">Format</label></th><td><!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="CGIitemtype" 
!                       <tr><th><label for="ISBN">ISBN</label></th><td><!-- 
TMPL_IF name="biblio" -->
!                               <input type="hidden" size="20" name="ISBN" 
value="<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="isbn" -->" /><!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="isbn" -->
!                       <!-- TMPL_ELSE -->
!                               <input type="text" size="20" name="ISBN" 
value="<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="isbn" -->" />
!                       <!-- /TMPL_IF --></td></tr>
!               <tr><th><label for="Series">Series</label></th><td><!-- TMPL_IF 
name="biblio" -->
!                               <input type="hidden" size="20" name="series" 
value="<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="seriestitle" -->" /><!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="seriestitle" 
!                       <!-- TMPL_ELSE -->
!                               <input type="text" size="20" name="series" 
value="<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="seriestitle" -->" />
!                       <!-- /TMPL_IF --></td></tr>
                <tr><th><label for="branch">Branch</label></th><td><!-- 
TMPL_VAR NAME="CGIbranch" --></td></tr>
!       <div class="data">
                <caption>Accounting details</caption>
*** 106,115 ****
                <tr><th><label for="cost">Actual Cost</label></th><td><input 
type="text" size="20" id="cost" name="cost" value="<!-- TMPL_VAR 
name="ecost"-->" /></td></tr>
                <tr><th><label for="invoice">Invoice Number 
*</label></th><td><input type="text" size="20" id="invoice" name="invoice"  
value="<!-- TMPL_VAR name="invoice" -->" /></td></tr>
!               <tr><th><label for="notes">Notes</label></th><td><input 
type="text" size="20" id="notes" name="notes" value="<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="notes" 
-->" /></td></tr>
                <tr><th><label for="sort1">Sort field 1</label></th><td><input 
type="text" size="20" id="sort1" name="sort1" value="<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="sort1" 
-->" /></td></tr>
                <tr><th><label for="sort2">Sort field 2</label></th><td><input 
type="text" size="20" id="sort2" name="sort2" value="<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="sort2" 
-->" /></td></tr>
!               </table></div>  <p>The 'Sort' fields are available for your own 
usage. They can be useful for stat purposes</p> 
!                       <input type="submit" value="Submit" class="submit" />
--- 143,153 ----
                <tr><th><label for="cost">Actual Cost</label></th><td><input 
type="text" size="20" id="cost" name="cost" value="<!-- TMPL_VAR 
name="ecost"-->" /></td></tr>
                <tr><th><label for="invoice">Invoice Number 
*</label></th><td><input type="text" size="20" id="invoice" name="invoice"  
value="<!-- TMPL_VAR name="invoice" -->" /></td></tr>
!               <tr><th><label for="notes-details">Notes</label></th><td><input 
type="text" size="20" id="notes-details" name="notes" value="<!-- TMPL_VAR 
NAME="notes" -->" /></td></tr>
                <tr><th><label for="sort1">Sort field 1</label></th><td><input 
type="text" size="20" id="sort1" name="sort1" value="<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="sort1" 
-->" /></td></tr>
                <tr><th><label for="sort2">Sort field 2</label></th><td><input 
type="text" size="20" id="sort2" name="sort2" value="<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="sort2" 
-->" /></td></tr>
!               </table></div>
!               <p>The 'Sort' fields are available for your own usage. They can 
be useful for stat purposes</p> 
!                       <input type="submit" value="Submit" class="submit"  
onClick="check(this.form); return false;" />

Index: order.tmpl
RCS file: /cvsroot/koha/koha/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/npl/en/acqui/order.tmpl,v
retrieving revision 1.3
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -C2 -r1.3 -r1.4
*** order.tmpl  14 Jan 2005 21:08:45 -0000      1.3
--- order.tmpl  2 May 2005 18:06:49 -0000       1.4
*** 7,29 ****
  <caption>Supplier Search Results</caption>
!       <th colspan="2">Action</th>
!       <th>
!               <table>
!                                       <tr>
!                                               <th>Basket</th>
!                                               <th>Items</th>
!                                               <th>Created by</th>
!                                               <th>Date</th>
!                                               <th>&nbsp;</th>
!                                       </tr>
!               </table>
!       </th>
  <!-- TMPL_LOOP name="loop_suppliers" -->
!               <td>
!                       <a href="basket.pl?id=<!-- TMPL_VAR name=supplierid 
--- 7,20 ----
  <caption>Supplier Search Results</caption>
!       <th>Order</th>
!       <th>Receive</th>
!       <th>Exisiting Baskets</th>
  <!-- TMPL_LOOP name="loop_suppliers" -->
!               <td><!-- TMPL_IF name="active" -->
!                               <a href="basket.pl?supplierid=<!-- TMPL_VAR 
name=supplierid -->">Add Order</a><!-- TMPL_ELSE -->        Inactive<!-- 
/TMPL_IF -->
*** 32,40 ****
                <td><a href="supplier.pl?id=<!-- TMPL_VAR name=supplierid 
-->"><!-- TMPL_VAR name="name" --></a></td>
! <table>
                                        <!-- TMPL_LOOP NAME="loop_basket" -->
                                                        <td><!-- TMPL_VAR 
NAME="basketno" --></a></td>
!                                                       <td><TMPL_VAR 
                                                                <!-- TMPL_VAR 
name="firstname" -->
--- 23,38 ----
                <td><a href="supplier.pl?id=<!-- TMPL_VAR name=supplierid 
-->"><!-- TMPL_VAR name="name" --></a></td>
! <div class="data"><table>
!                                       <tr>
!                                               <th scope="col">Basket</th>
!                                               <th scope="col">Items</th>
!                                               <th scope="col">Created by</th>
!                                               <th scope="col">Date</th>
!                                               <th scope="col">&nbsp;</th>
!                                       </tr>
                                        <!-- TMPL_LOOP NAME="loop_basket" -->
                                                        <td><!-- TMPL_VAR 
NAME="basketno" --></a></td>
!                                                       <td><!-- TMPL_VAR 
NAME="total" --></td>
                                                                <!-- TMPL_VAR 
name="firstname" -->
*** 44,49 ****
                                                                <!-- TMPL_IF 
name="closedate" -->
!                                                                       closed 
on <!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="closedate" -->
!                                                                       <a 
href="/cgi-bin/koha/acqui/basket.pl?basket=<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="basketno" 
                                                                <!-- TMPL_ELSE 
href="/cgi-bin/koha/acqui/basket.pl?basket=<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="basketno" 
--- 42,47 ----
                                                                <!-- TMPL_IF 
name="closedate" -->
!                                                                       Closed 
on <!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="closedate" -->
!                                                                       <a 
href="/cgi-bin/koha/acqui/basket.pl?basket=<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="basketno" 
                                                                <!-- TMPL_ELSE 
href="/cgi-bin/koha/acqui/basket.pl?basket=<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="basketno" 
*** 52,56 ****
                                        <!-- /TMPL_LOOP -->
!                               </table>
  <!-- /TMPL_LOOP -->
--- 50,54 ----
                                        <!-- /TMPL_LOOP -->
!                               </table></div>
  <!-- /TMPL_LOOP -->

Index: recieve.tmpl
RCS file: /cvsroot/koha/koha/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/npl/en/acqui/recieve.tmpl,v
retrieving revision 1.2
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -C2 -r1.2 -r1.3
*** recieve.tmpl        14 Jan 2005 21:08:45 -0000      1.2
--- recieve.tmpl        2 May 2005 18:06:49 -0000       1.3
*** 60,64 ****
                The total at the bottom of the page should be within a few 
cents of the total for the invoice.</p>
-               <p>When you have finished this invoice save the changes.</p>
                <td colspan="2"><b>GST</b></td>
--- 60,63 ----

Index: recieveorder.tmpl
RCS file: 
retrieving revision 1.2
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -C2 -r1.2 -r1.3
*** recieveorder.tmpl   14 Jan 2005 21:08:45 -0000      1.2
--- recieveorder.tmpl   2 May 2005 18:06:49 -0000       1.3
*** 8,15 ****
  <form method="get" action="receive.pl">
  <input type="hidden" name="id" value="<!-- TMPL_VAR name="id" -->" />
! <div class="details table">
  <caption>Supplier Invoice Information</caption>
! <tr >
  <th>Supplier Invoice Number</th>
  <td><input type="text" size="20" name="invoice" />
--- 8,15 ----
  <form method="get" action="receive.pl">
  <input type="hidden" name="id" value="<!-- TMPL_VAR name="id" -->" />
! <div class="data">
  <caption>Supplier Invoice Information</caption>
! <tr>
  <th>Supplier Invoice Number</th>
  <td><input type="text" size="20" name="invoice" />

Index: suggestion-select.tmpl
RCS file: 
retrieving revision 1.2
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -C2 -r1.2 -r1.3
*** suggestion-select.tmpl      20 Jan 2005 21:32:06 -0000      1.2
--- suggestion-select.tmpl      2 May 2005 18:06:49 -0000       1.3
*** 39,43 ****
!                                       <!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="usermanagedby" 
--><!-- TMPL_IF name="firstnamemanagedby" -->,<!-- /TMPL_IF --> <!-- TMPL_VAR 
NAME="firstnamemanagedby" -->
--- 39,43 ----
!                                       <!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="surnamemanagedby" 
--><!-- TMPL_IF name="firstnamemanagedby" -->,<!-- /TMPL_IF --> <!-- TMPL_VAR 
NAME="firstnamemanagedby" -->

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