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[Koha-cvs] CVS: koha/updater updatedatabase,1.112,1.113

From: Paul POULAIN
Subject: [Koha-cvs] CVS: koha/updater updatedatabase,1.112,1.113
Date: Thu, 28 Jul 2005 01:38:46 -0700

Update of /cvsroot/koha/koha/updater
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv26990/updater

Modified Files:
Log Message:
For instance, the return date does not rely on the borrower expiration date. A 
systempref will be added in Koha, to modify return date calculation schema :
* ReturnBeforeExpiry = yes => return date can't be after expiry date
* ReturnBeforeExpiry = no  => return date can be after expiry date 

Index: updatedatabase
RCS file: /cvsroot/koha/koha/updater/updatedatabase,v
retrieving revision 1.112
retrieving revision 1.113
diff -C2 -r1.112 -r1.113
*** updatedatabase      26 Jul 2005 08:19:47 -0000      1.112
--- updatedatabase      28 Jul 2005 08:38:41 -0000      1.113
*** 114,117 ****
--- 114,482 ----
            type                => 'YesNo',
+               {
+             uniquefieldrequired => 'variable',
+             variable            => 'ReturnBeforeExpiry',
+             value               => 'Off',
+           forceupdate         => { 'explanation' => 1,
+                                    'type' => 1},
+             explanation         => 'If Yes, Returndate on issuing can\'t be 
after borrower card expiry',
+           type                => 'YesNo',
+         },
+     ],
+ );
+ my %fielddefinitions = (
+ # fieldname => [
+ #     {                 field => 'fieldname',
+ #             type    => 'fieldtype',
+ #             null    => '',
+ #             key     => '',
+ #             default => ''
+ #         },
+ #     ],
+ );
+ #-------------------
+ # Initialize
+ # Start checking
+ # Get version of MySQL database engine.
+ my $mysqlversion = `mysqld --version`;
+ $mysqlversion =~ /Ver (\S*) /;
+ $mysqlversion = $1;
+ if ( $mysqlversion ge '3.23' ) {
+     print "Could convert to MyISAM database tables...\n" unless $silent;
+ }
+ #---------------------------------
+ # Tables
+ # Collect all tables into a list
+ $sth = $dbh->prepare("show tables");
+ $sth->execute;
+ while ( my ($table) = $sth->fetchrow ) {
+     $existingtables{$table} = 1;
+ }
+ # Now add any missing tables
+ foreach $table ( keys %requiretables ) {
+     unless ( $existingtables{$table} ) {
+       print "Adding $table table...\n" unless $silent;
+         my $sth = $dbh->prepare("create table $table $requiretables{$table}");
+         $sth->execute;
+         if ( $sth->err ) {
+             print "Error : $sth->errstr \n";
+             $sth->finish;
+         }    # if error
+     }    # unless exists
+ }    # foreach
+ # now drop useless tables
+ foreach $table ( keys %dropable_table ) {
+       if ( $existingtables{$table} ) {
+               print "Dropping unused table $table\n" if $debug and not 
+               $dbh->do("drop table $table");
+               if ( $dbh->err ) {
+                       print "Error : $dbh->errstr \n";
+               }
+       }
+ }
+ #---------------------------------
+ # Columns
+ foreach $table ( keys %requirefields ) {
+     print "Check table $table\n" if $debug and not $silent;
+     $sth = $dbh->prepare("show columns from $table");
+     $sth->execute();
+     undef %types;
+     while ( ( $column, $type, $null, $key, $default, $extra ) = 
$sth->fetchrow )
+     {
+         $types{$column} = $type;
+     }    # while
+     foreach $column ( keys %{ $requirefields{$table} } ) {
+         print "  Check column $column  [$types{$column}]\n" if $debug and not 
+         if ( !$types{$column} ) {
+             # column doesn't exist
+             print "Adding $column field to $table table...\n" unless $silent;
+             $query = "alter table $table
+                       add column $column " . 
+             print "Execute: $query\n" if $debug;
+             my $sti = $dbh->prepare($query);
+             $sti->execute;
+             if ( $sti->err ) {
+                 print "**Error : $sti->errstr \n";
+                 $sti->finish;
+             }    # if error
+         }    # if column
+     }    # foreach column
+ }    # foreach table
+ foreach $table ( keys %fielddefinitions ) {
+       print "Check table $table\n" if $debug;
+       $sth = $dbh->prepare("show columns from $table");
+       $sth->execute();
+       my $definitions;
+       while ( ( $column, $type, $null, $key, $default, $extra ) = 
$sth->fetchrow )
+       {
+               $definitions->{$column}->{type}    = $type;
+               $definitions->{$column}->{null}    = $null;
+               $definitions->{$column}->{key}     = $key;
+               $definitions->{$column}->{default} = $default;
+               $definitions->{$column}->{extra}   = $extra;
+       }    # while
+       my $fieldrow = $fielddefinitions{$table};
+       foreach my $row (@$fieldrow) {
+               my $field   = $row->{field};
+               my $type    = $row->{type};
+               my $null    = $row->{null};
+               my $key     = $row->{key};
+               my $default = $row->{default};
+               $default="''" unless $default;
+               my $extra   = $row->{extra};
+               my $def     = $definitions->{$field};
+               unless ( $type eq $def->{type}
+                       && $null eq $def->{null}
+                       && $key eq $def->{key}
+                       && $default eq $def->{default}
+                       && $extra eq $def->{extra} )
+               {
+                       if ( $null eq '' ) {
+                               $null = 'NOT NULL';
+                       }
+                       if ( $key eq 'PRI' ) {
+                               $key = 'PRIMARY KEY';
+                       }
+                       unless ( $extra eq 'auto_increment' ) {
+                               $extra = '';
+                       }
+                       # if it's a new column use "add", if it's an old one, 
use "change".
+                       my $action;
+                       if ($definitions->{$field}->{type}) {
+                               $action="change $field"
+                       } else {
+                               $action="add";
+                       }
+ # if it's a primary key, drop the previous pk, before altering the table
+                       my $sth;
+                       if ($key ne 'PRIMARY KEY') {
+                               $sth =$dbh->prepare("alter table $table $action 
$field $type $null $key $extra default ?");
+                       } else {
+                               $sth =$dbh->prepare("alter table $table drop 
primary key, $action $field $type $null $key $extra default ?");
+                       }
+                       $sth->execute($default);
+                       print "  Alter $field in $table\n" unless $silent;
+               }
+       }
+ }
+ # Populate tables with required data
+ foreach my $table ( keys %tabledata ) {
+     print "Checking for data required in table $table...\n" unless $silent;
+     my $tablerows = $tabledata{$table};
+     foreach my $row (@$tablerows) {
+         my $uniquefieldrequired = $row->{uniquefieldrequired};
+         my $uniquevalue         = $row->{$uniquefieldrequired};
+         my $forceupdate         = $row->{forceupdate};
+         my $sth                 =
+           $dbh->prepare(
+ "select $uniquefieldrequired from $table where $uniquefieldrequired=?"
+         );
+         $sth->execute($uniquevalue);
+       if ($sth->rows) {
+           foreach my $field (keys %$forceupdate) {
+               if ($forceupdate->{$field}) {
+                   my $sth=$dbh->prepare("update systempreferences set 
$field=? where $uniquefieldrequired=?");
+                   $sth->execute($row->{$field}, $uniquevalue);
+               }
+           }
+       } else {
+             print "Adding row to $table: " unless $silent;
+             my @values;
+             my $fieldlist;
+             my $placeholders;
+             foreach my $field ( keys %$row ) {
+                 next if $field eq 'uniquefieldrequired';
+               next if $field eq 'forceupdate';
+                 my $value = $row->{$field};
+                 push @values, $value;
+                 print "  $field => $value" unless $silent;
+                 $fieldlist .= "$field,";
+                 $placeholders .= "?,";
+             }
+             print "\n" unless $silent;
+             $fieldlist    =~ s/,$//;
+             $placeholders =~ s/,$//;
+             my $sth =
+               $dbh->prepare(
+                 "insert into $table ($fieldlist) values ($placeholders)");
+             $sth->execute(@values);
+         }
+     }
+ }
+ # at last, remove useless fields
+ foreach $table ( keys %uselessfields ) {
+       my @fields = split /,/,$uselessfields{$table};
+       my $fields;
+       my $exists;
+       foreach my $fieldtodrop (@fields) {
+               $fieldtodrop =~ s/\t//g;
+               $fieldtodrop =~ s/\n//g;
+               $exists =0;
+               $sth = $dbh->prepare("show columns from $table");
+               $sth->execute;
+               while ( my ( $column, $type, $null, $key, $default, $extra ) = 
$sth->fetchrow )
+               {
+                       $exists =1 if ($column eq $fieldtodrop);
+               }
+               if ($exists) {
+                       print "deleting $fieldtodrop field in $table...\n" 
unless $silent;
+                       my $sth = $dbh->prepare("alter table $table drop 
+                       $sth->execute;
+               }
+       }
+ }    # foreach
+ $sth->finish;
+ exit;
+ # $Log$
+ # Revision 1.113  2005/07/28 08:38:41  tipaul
+ # For instance, the return date does not rely on the borrower expiration 
date. A systempref will be added in Koha, to modify return date calculation 
schema :
+ # * ReturnBeforeExpiry = yes => return date can't be after expiry date
+ # * ReturnBeforeExpiry = no  => return date can be after expiry date
+ #
+ # Revision 1.112  2005/07/26 08:19:47  hdl
+ # Adding IndependantBranches System preference variable in order to manage 
Branch independancy.
+ #
+ # Revision 1.111  2005/07/25 15:35:38  tipaul
+ # we have decided that moving to Koha 3.0 requires being already in Koha 2.2.x
+ # So, the updatedatabase script can highly be cleaned (90% removed).
+ # Let's play with the new Koha DB structure now ;-)
+ #
+ #!/usr/bin/perl
+ # $Id$
+ # Database Updater
+ # This script checks for required updates to the database.
+ # Part of the Koha Library Software www.koha.org
+ # Licensed under the GPL.
+ # Bugs/ToDo:
+ # - Would also be a good idea to offer to do a backup at this time...
+ # NOTE:  If you do something more than once in here, make it table driven.
+ use strict;
+ # CPAN modules
+ use DBI;
+ use Getopt::Long;
+ # Koha modules
+ use C4::Context;
+ # FIXME - The user might be installing a new database, so can't rely
+ # on /etc/koha.conf anyway.
+ my $debug = 0;
+ my (
+     $sth, $sti,
+     $query,
+     %existingtables,    # tables already in database
+     %types,
+     $table,
+     $column,
+     $type, $null, $key, $default, $extra,
+     $prefitem,          # preference item in systempreferences table
+ );
+ my $silent;
+ GetOptions(
+       's' =>\$silent
+       );
+ my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
+ print "connected to your DB. Checking & modifying it\n" unless $silent;
+ #-------------------
+ # Defines
+ # Tables to add if they don't exist
+ my %requiretables = (
+     categorytable       => "(categorycode char(5) NOT NULL default '',
+                              description text default '',
+                              itemtypecodes text default '',
+                              PRIMARY KEY (categorycode)
+                             )",
+     subcategorytable       => "(subcategorycode char(5) NOT NULL default '',
+                              description text default '',
+                              itemtypecodes text default '',
+                              PRIMARY KEY (subcategorycode)
+                             )",
+     mediatypetable       => "(mediatypecode char(5) NOT NULL default '',
+                              description text default '',
+                              itemtypecodes text default '',
+                              PRIMARY KEY (mediatypecode)
+                             )",
+     action_logs       => "(
+                                   `timestamp` TIMESTAMP NOT NULL ,
+                                   `user` INT( 11 ) NOT NULL ,
+                                   `module` TEXT default '',
+                                   `action` TEXT default '' ,
+                                   `object` INT(11) default '' ,
+                                   `info` TEXT default '' ,
+                                   PRIMARY KEY ( `timestamp` , `user` )
+                           )",
+ );
+ my %requirefields = (
+ #    tablename        => { 'field' => 'fieldtype' },
+ );
+ my %dropable_table = (
+ # tablename => 'tablename',
+ );
+ my %uselessfields = (
+ # tablename => "field1,field2",
+       );
+ # the other hash contains other actions that can't be done elsewhere. they 
are done
+ # either BEFORE of AFTER everything else, depending on "when" entry (default 
+ # The tabledata hash contains data that should be in the tables.
+ # The uniquefieldrequired hash entry is used to determine which (if any) 
+ # must not exist in the table for this row to be inserted.  If the
+ # uniquefieldrequired entry is already in the table, the existing data is not
+ # modified, unless the forceupdate hash entry is also set.  Fields in the
+ # anonymous "forceupdate" hash will be forced to be updated to the default
+ # values given in the %tabledata hash.
+ my %tabledata = (
+ # tablename => [
+ #     {       uniquefielrequired => 'fieldname', # the primary key in the 
+ #             fieldname => fieldvalue,
+ #             fieldname2 => fieldvalue2,
+ #     },
+ # ],
+     systempreferences => [
+               {
+             uniquefieldrequired => 'variable',
+             variable            => 'Activate_Log',
+             value               => 'On',
+           forceupdate         => { 'explanation' => 1,
+                                    'type' => 1},
+             explanation         => 'Turn Log Actions on DB On an Off',
+           type                => 'YesNo',
+         },
              uniquefieldrequired => 'variable',
*** 352,355 ****
--- 717,725 ----
  # $Log$
+ # Revision 1.113  2005/07/28 08:38:41  tipaul
+ # For instance, the return date does not rely on the borrower expiration 
date. A systempref will be added in Koha, to modify return date calculation 
schema :
+ # * ReturnBeforeExpiry = yes => return date can't be after expiry date
+ # * ReturnBeforeExpiry = no  => return date can be after expiry date
+ #
  # Revision 1.112  2005/07/26 08:19:47  hdl
  # Adding IndependantBranches System preference variable in order to manage 
Branch independancy.

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