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[Koha-cvs] koha/C4 Record.pm

From: Joshua Ferraro
Subject: [Koha-cvs] koha/C4 Record.pm
Date: Mon, 29 May 2006 17:41:44 +0000

CVSROOT:        /sources/koha
Module name:    koha
Changes by:     Joshua Ferraro <address@hidden> 06/05/29 17:41:44

Modified files:
        C4             : Record.pm 

Log message:
        Expanding the error-handling and capabilities of the Record.pm API.
        This module represents a major leap forward in Koha's support of 
        record formats (ISO-2709 (MARC), MARCXML, Dublin Core, MODS, etc). It
        provides a standard API for record management as well as an 
        mechanism so that the API will return proper error strings to the 
        program. It's only partially implemented currently, but the API returns
        proper error strings if a feature isn't implemented.
        There is also a testing suite that you can use to check your system's
        capabilities to handle record and encoding conversions. Commit coming
        I'm gonna work in UNICODE support next ...


Index: koha/C4/Record.pm
diff -u koha/C4/Record.pm:1.2 koha/C4/Record.pm:1.3
--- koha/C4/Record.pm:1.2       Wed May 24 23:30:43 2006
+++ koha/C4/Record.pm   Mon May 29 17:41:44 2006
@@ -18,18 +18,20 @@
 # Koha; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place,
 # Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307 USA
-# $Id: Record.pm,v 1.2 2006/05/24 23:30:43 kados Exp $
+# $Id: Record.pm,v 1.3 2006/05/29 17:41:44 kados Exp $
 use strict; use warnings; #FIXME: turn off warnings before release
 # please specify in which methods a given module is used
-use MARC::Record; #marc2marcxml, marcxml2marc, html2marc, changeEncoding
-use MARC::File::XML; #marc2marcxml, marcxml2marc, html2marcxml, changeEncoding
+use MARC::Record; # marc2marcxml, marcxml2marc, html2marc, changeEncoding
+use MARC::File::XML; # marc2marcxml, marcxml2marc, html2marcxml, changeEncoding
+use MARC::Crosswalk::DublinCore; # marc2dcxml
+use Unicode::Normalize; # _entity_encode
 use vars qw($VERSION @ISA @EXPORT);
 # set the version for version checking
-$VERSION = do { my @v = '$Revision: 1.2 $' =~ /\d+/g;
+$VERSION = do { my @v = '$Revision: 1.3 $' =~ /\d+/g;
                 shift(@v) . "." . join("_", map {sprintf "%03d", $_ } @v); };
 @ISA = qw(Exporter);
@@ -37,8 +39,12 @@
 # only export API methods
 @EXPORT = qw(
+  &marc2marc
+  &marc2dcxml
+  &marc2modsxml
@@ -46,75 +52,238 @@
 =head1 NAME
-C4::Record - MARC, MARCXML, XML, etc. Record Management Functions and API
+C4::Record - MARC, MARCXML, DC, MODS, XML, etc. Record Management Functions 
and API
 =head1 SYNOPSIS
 New in Koha 3.x. This module handles all record-related management functions.
-=head1 API
+=head2 marc2marc - Convert from one flavour of ISO-2709 to another
+=over 4
+my ($error,$newmarc) = marc2marc($marc,$to_flavour,$from_flavour,$encoding);
+Returns an ISO-2709 scalar
+sub marc2marc {
+       my ($marc,$to_flavour,$from_flavour,$encoding) = @_;
+       my $error = "Feature not yet implemented\n";
+       return ($error,$marc);
+=head2 marc2marcxml - Convert from ISO-2709 to MARCXML
+=over 4
-=head2 marc2marcxml
+my ($error,$marcxml) = marc2marcxml($marc,$encoding,$flavour);
-my $marcxml = marc2marcxml($marc,$encoding,$flavour);
+Returns a MARCXML scalar
-returns a MARCXML scalar variable
+=over 2
-C<$marc> a MARC::Record object or binary MARC record
+C<$marc> - an ISO-2709 scalar or MARC::Record object
-C<$encoding> UTF-8 or MARC-8 [UTF-8]
+C<$encoding> - UTF-8 or MARC-8 [UTF-8]
-C<$flavour> MARC21 or UNIMARC
+C<$flavour> - MARC21 or UNIMARC
+C<$dont_entity_encode> - a flag that instructs marc2marcxml not to entity 
encode the xml before returning (optional)
 sub marc2marcxml {
-       my ($marc,$encoding,$flavour) = @_;
-       unless($encoding) {$encoding = "UTF-8"};
-       unless($flavour) {$flavour = 
-       #FIXME: add error handling
-       my $marcxml = $record->as_xml_record($marc,$encoding,$flavour);
-       return $marcxml;
+       my ($marc,$encoding,$flavour,$dont_entity_encode) = @_;
+       my $error; # the error string
+       my $marcxml; # the final MARCXML scalar
+       # test if it's already a MARC::Record object, if not, make it one
+       my $marc_record_obj;
+       if ($marc =~ /^MARC::Record/) { # it's already a MARC::Record object
+               $marc_record_obj = $marc;
+       } else { # it's not a MARC::Record object, make it one
+               eval { $marc_record_obj = MARC::Record->new_from_usmarc($marc) 
}; # handle exceptions
+               # conversion to MARC::Record object failed, populate $error
+               if ($@) { $error .="\nCreation of MARC::Record object failed: 
".$MARC::File::ERROR };
+       }
+       # only proceed if no errors so far
+       unless ($error) {
+               # check the record for warnings
+               my @warnings = $marc_record_obj->warnings();
+               if (@warnings) {
+                       warn "\nWarnings encountered while processing ISO-2709 
record with title \"".$marc_record_obj->title()."\":\n";
+                       foreach my $warn (@warnings) { warn "\t".$warn };
+               }
+               unless($encoding) {$encoding = "UTF-8"}; # set default encoding
+               unless($flavour) {$flavour = 
C4::Context->preference("marcflavour")}; # set default MARC flavour
+               # attempt to convert the record to MARCXML
+               eval { $marcxml = $marc_record_obj->as_xml_record($flavour) }; 
#handle exceptions
+               # record creation failed, populate $error
+               if ($@) {
+                       $error .= "Creation of MARCXML 
+                       $error .= "Additional information:\n";
+                       my @warnings = address@hidden>warnings();
+                       foreach my $warn (@warnings) { $error.=$warn."\n" };
+               # record creation was successful
+       } else {
+                       # check the record for warning flags again (warnings() 
will be cleared already if there was an error, see above block
+                       @warnings = $marc_record_obj->warnings();
+                       if (@warnings) {
+                               warn "\nWarnings encountered while processing 
ISO-2709 record with title \"".$marc_record_obj->title()."\":\n";
+                               foreach my $warn (@warnings) { warn "\t".$warn 
+                       }
+               }
+               # only proceed if no errors so far
+               unless ($error) {
+                       # entity encode the XML unless instructed not to
+               unless ($dont_entity_encode) {
+                       my ($marcxml_entity_encoded) = _entity_encode($marcxml);
+                       $marcxml = $marcxml_entity_encoded;
+               }
+               }
+       }
+       # return result to calling program
+       return ($error,$marcxml);
-=head2 marcxml2marc 
+=head2 marcxml2marc - Convert from MARCXML to ISO-2709
+=over 4
-my $marc = marcxml2marc($marcxml,$encoding,$flavour);
+my ($error,$marc) = marcxml2marc($marcxml,$encoding,$flavour);
-returns a binary MARC scalar variable
+Returns an ISO-2709 scalar
-C<$marcxml> a MARCXML record
+=over 2
-C<$encoding> UTF-8 or MARC-8 [UTF-8]
+C<$marcxml> - a MARCXML record
-C<$flavour> MARC21 or UNIMARC
+C<$encoding> - UTF-8 or MARC-8 [UTF-8]
+C<$flavour> - MARC21 or UNIMARC
 sub marcxml2marc {
     my ($marcxml,$encoding,$flavour) = @_;
-       unless($encoding) {$encoding = "UTF-8"};
-       unless($flavour) {$flavour = 
-       #FIXME: add error handling
-       my $marc = $marcxml->new_from_xml($marcxml,$encoding,$flavour);
-       return $marc;
+       my $error; # the error string
+       my $marc; # the final ISO-2709 scalar
+       unless($encoding) {$encoding = "UTF-8"}; # set the default encoding
+       unless($flavour) {$flavour = C4::Context->preference("marcflavour")}; # 
set the default MARC flavour
+       # attempt to do the conversion
+       eval { $marc = MARC::Record->new_from_xml($marcxml,$encoding,$flavour) 
}; # handle exceptions
+       # record creation failed, populate $error
+       if ($@) {$error .="\nCreation of MARCXML Record failed: ".$@;
+               $error.=$MARC::File::ERROR if ($MARC::File::ERROR);
+               };
+       # return result to calling program
+       return ($error,$marc);
+=head2 marc2dcxml - Convert from ISO-2709 to Dublin Core
+=over 4
+my ($error,$dcxml) = marc2dcxml($marc,$qualified);
+Returns a DublinCore::Record object, will eventually return a Dublin Core 
+FIXME: should return actual XML, not just an object
+=over 2
+C<$marc> - an ISO-2709 scalar or MARC::Record object
+C<$qualified> - specify whether qualified Dublin Core should be used in the 
input or output [0]
+sub marc2dcxml {
+       my ($marc,$qualified) = @_;
+       my $error;
+    # test if it's already a MARC::Record object, if not, make it one
+    my $marc_record_obj;
+    if ($marc =~ /^MARC::Record/) { # it's already a MARC::Record object
+        $marc_record_obj = $marc;
+    } else { # it's not a MARC::Record object, make it one
+               eval { $marc_record_obj = MARC::Record->new_from_usmarc($marc) 
}; # handle exceptions
+               # conversion to MARC::Record object failed, populate $error
+               if ($@) {
+                       $error .="\nCreation of MARC::Record object failed: 
+               }
+       }
+       my $crosswalk = MARC::Crosswalk::DublinCore->new;
+       if ($qualified) {
+               $crosswalk = MARC::Crosswalk::DublinCore->new( qualified => 1 );
+       }
+       my $dcxml = $crosswalk->as_dublincore($marc_record_obj);
+       return ($error,$dcxml);
+=head2 marc2modsxml - Convert from ISO-2709 to MODS
+=over 4
+my ($error,$modsxml) = marc2modsxml($marc);
+Returns a MODS scalar
+sub marc2modsxml {
+       my ($marc) = @_;
+       return ("Feature not yet implemented\n");
 =head2 html2marcxml
-my $marcxml = html2marcxml($tags,$subfields,$values,$indicator,$ind_tag);
+=over 4
+my ($error,$marcxml) = 
-returns a MARCXML scalar variable
+Returns a MARCXML scalar
 this is used in addbiblio.pl and additem.pl to build the MARCXML record from 
 the form submission.
 FIXME: this could use some better code documentation
 sub html2marcxml {
     my ($tags,$subfields,$values,$indicator,$ind_tag) = @_;
+       my $error;
        # add the header info
     my $marcxml= 
@@ -181,25 +350,30 @@
        $marcxml.= MARC::File::XML::footer();
        #warn $marcxml;
-       return $marcxml;
+       return ($error,$marcxml);
 =head2 html2marc
+=over 4
 Probably best to avoid using this ... it has some rather striking problems:
+=over 2
 * saves blank subfields
-* subfield order is hardcoded to always start  
- with 'a' for repeatable tags (because it is hardcoded in the   
- addfield routine).
-* only possible to specify one set of indicators for each set of 
- tags (ie, one for all the 650s). (because they were stored in a 
- hash with the tag as the key).
-* the underlying routines didn't support subfield
- reordering or subfield repeatability.
-I've left it in here because it could be useful if someone took the time to 
-fix it.
+* subfield order is hardcoded to always start with 'a' for repeatable tags 
(because it is hardcoded in the addfield routine).
+* only possible to specify one set of indicators for each set of tags (ie, one 
for all the 650s). (because they were stored in a hash with the tag as the key).
+* the underlying routines didn't support subfield reordering or subfield 
+I've left it in here because it could be useful if someone took the time to 
fix it. -- kados
@@ -268,45 +442,96 @@
     return $record;
-=head2 changeEncoding
+=head2 changeEncoding - Change the encoding of a record
+=over 4
+my ($error, $newrecord) = 
-$newrecord = 
+Changes the encoding of a record
-changes the encoding of a record
+=over 2
-<C$record the record itself can be in ISO2709, a MARC::Record object, or 
MARCXML for now (required)
+C<$record> - the record itself can be in ISO-2709, a MARC::Record object, or 
MARCXML for now (required)
-<C$format MARC or MARCXML (required for now, eventually it will attempt to 
+C<$format> - MARC or MARCXML (required)
-<C$flavour MARC21 or UNIMARC, if MARC21, it will change the leader (optional) 
[defaults to system preference]
+C<$flavour> - MARC21 or UNIMARC, if MARC21, it will change the leader 
(optional) [defaults to Koha system preference]
-<C$toencoding the encoding you want the record to end up in (optional) [UTF-8]
+C<$to_encoding> - the encoding you want the record to end up in (optional) 
-<C$fromencoding the encoding the record is currently in (optional, it will 
probably be able to tell unless there's a problem with the record)
+C<$from_encoding> - the encoding the record is currently in (optional, it will 
probably be able to tell unless there's a problem with the record)
+FIXME: the from_encoding doesn't work yet
-FIXME: the fromencoding doesn't work yet
 FIXME: better handling for UNIMARC, it should allow management of 100 field
-FIXME: shouldn't have to convert to and from xml/marc just to change encoding,
-       someone needs to re-write MARC::Record's 'encoding' method to actually
-       alter the encoding rather than just changing the leader
+FIXME: shouldn't have to convert to and from xml/marc just to change encoding 
someone needs to re-write MARC::Record's 'encoding' method to actually alter 
the encoding rather than just changing the leader
 sub changeEncoding {
-       my ($record,$format,$flavour,$toencoding,$fromencoding) = @_;
+       my ($record,$format,$flavour,$to_encoding,$from_encoding) = @_;
        my $newrecord;
+       my $error;
        unless($flavour) {$flavour = C4::Context->preference("marcflavour")};
-       unless($toencoding) {$toencoding = "UTF-8"};
-       if (lc($format) =~ /^MARC$/o) { # ISO2790 Record
-               my $marcxml = marc2marcxml($record,$encoding,$flavour);
-               $newrecord = marcxml2marc($marcxml,$encoding,$flavour);
-       } elsif (lc($format) =~ /^MARCXML$/o) { # MARCXML Record
-               my $marc = marcxml2marc($record,$encoding,$flavour);
-               $newrecord = marc2marcxml($record,$encoding,$flavour);
+       unless($to_encoding) {$to_encoding = "UTF-8"};
+       # ISO-2709 Record (MARC21 or UNIMARC)
+       if (lc($format) =~ /^marc$/o) {
+               # if we're converting encoding of an ISO2709 file, we need to 
roundtrip through XML
+               #       because MARC::Record doesn't directly provide us with 
an encoding method
+               #       It's definitely less than idea and should be fixed 
eventually - kados
+               my $marcxml; # temporary storage of MARCXML scalar
+               ($error,$marcxml) = marc2marcxml($record,$to_encoding,$flavour);
+               unless ($error) {
+                       ($error,$newrecord) = 
+               }
+       # MARCXML Record
+       } elsif (lc($format) =~ /^marcxml$/o) { # MARCXML Record
+               my $marc;
+               ($error,$marc) = marcxml2marc($record,$to_encoding,$flavour);
+               unless ($error) {
+                       ($error,$newrecord) = 
+               }
        } else {
-       #FIXME: handle other record formats, and finally, handle errors
+               $error.="Unsupported record format:".$format;
+       }
+       return ($error,$newrecord);
+=head2 _entity_encode - Entity-encode an array of strings
+=over 4
+my ($entity_encoded_string) = _entity_encode($string);
+my (@entity_encoded_strings) = _entity_encode(@strings);
+Entity-encode an array of strings
+sub _entity_encode {
+       my @strings = @_;
+       my @strings_entity_encoded;
+       foreach my $string (@strings) {
+               my $nfc_string = NFC($string);
+               $nfc_string =~ 
+               push @strings_entity_encoded, $nfc_string;
-       return $newrecord;
+       return @strings_entity_encoded;
 END { }       # module clean-up code here (global destructor)
@@ -319,8 +544,8 @@
 Joshua Ferraro <address@hidden>
-# $Id: Record.pm,v 1.2 2006/05/24 23:30:43 kados Exp $
+# $Id: Record.pm,v 1.3 2006/05/29 17:41:44 kados Exp $

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