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[Koha-cvs] koha C4/Circulation/Fines.pm misc/fines.pl [rel_3_0]

From: Bruno Toumi
Subject: [Koha-cvs] koha C4/Circulation/Fines.pm misc/fines.pl [rel_3_0]
Date: Mon, 09 Oct 2006 12:33:08 +0000

CVSROOT:        /sources/koha
Module name:    koha
Branch:         rel_3_0
Changes by:     Bruno Toumi <btoumi>    06/10/09 12:33:08

Modified files:
        C4/Circulation : Fines.pm 
Added files:
        misc           : fines.pl 

Log message:
        add new file fines.pl with new method to calcul the fines
        add ,modify some functions in  fines.pm 


Index: C4/Circulation/Fines.pm
RCS file: /sources/koha/koha/C4/Circulation/Fines.pm,v
retrieving revision 1.14
retrieving revision
diff -u -b -r1.14 -r1.14.2.1
--- C4/Circulation/Fines.pm     12 Jul 2006 09:15:26 -0000      1.14
+++ C4/Circulation/Fines.pm     9 Oct 2006 12:33:07 -0000
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 package C4::Circulation::Fines;
-# $Id: Fines.pm,v 1.14 2006/07/12 09:15:26 rangi Exp $
+# $Id: Fines.pm,v 2006/10/09 12:33:07 btoumi Exp $
 # Copyright 2000-2002 Katipo Communications
@@ -23,8 +23,10 @@
 require Exporter;
 use DBI;
 use C4::Context;
+use Date::Manip qw/UnixDate/;
 use vars qw($VERSION @ISA @EXPORT);
 # set the version for version checking
 $VERSION = 0.01;
@@ -48,8 +50,26 @@
 @ISA    = qw(Exporter);
address@hidden = qw(&Getoverdues &CalcFine &BorType &UpdateFine &ReplacementCost
-  GetFine, ReplacementCost2);
address@hidden = qw(    &BorType
+               &CalcFine
+               &Getoverdues
+               &GetIssuingRules
+               &CheckAccountLineLevelInfo
+               &CheckAccountLineItemInfo
+               &CheckExistantNotifyid
+               &GetIssuesIteminfo
+               &GetNextIdNotify
+               &GetMaxAccountno 
+               &GetOverdueDelays 
+               &GetFine
+               &GetItems  
+               &GetNotifyId
+               &GetNextIdNotify
+               &UpdateAccountLines 
+               &UpdateFine
+               &CreateItemAccountLine 
+               &ReplacementCost
+               &ReplacementCost2);
 =item Getoverdues
@@ -70,7 +90,7 @@
     my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
     my $sth = $dbh->prepare(
         "Select * from issues where date_due < now() and returndate is
-  NULL order by borrowernumber"
+  NULL order by borrowernumber "
@@ -138,82 +158,175 @@
 sub CalcFine {
-    my ( $itemnumber, $bortype, $difference ) = @_;
+    my ( $itemnumber, $bortype, $difference , $dues  ) = @_;
     my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
+    my $data = GetIssuingRules($itemnumber,$bortype);
+    my $amount = 0;
+    my $printout;
+    my $countspecialday=&GetSpecialHolidays($dues,$itemnumber);
+    my 
+    my $countalldayclosed = $countspecialday + $countrepeatableday;
+    my $daycount = $difference - $countalldayclosed;           
+    my $daycounttotal = $daycount - $data->{'firstremind'};
+       if ($data->{'firstremind'} < $daycount)
+       {
+       $amount   = $daycounttotal*$data->{'fine'};
+       }               
+ return ( $amount, $data->{'chargename'}, $printout ,$daycounttotal ,$daycount 
-    # Look up the categoryitem record for this book's item type and the
-    # given borrwer type.
-    # The reason this query is so messy is that it's a messy question:
-    # given the barcode, we can find the book's items record. This gives
-    # us the biblioitems record, which gives us a set of categoryitem
-    # records. Then we select the one that corresponds to the desired
-    # borrower type.
-    # FIXME - Is it really necessary to get absolutely everything from
-    # all four tables? It looks as if this code only wants
-    # firstremind, chargeperiod, accountsent, and chargename from the
-    # categoryitem table.
-    my $sth = $dbh->prepare(
-"SELECT * FROM items,biblioitems,itemtypes,issuingrules
-  WHERE items.itemnumber=?
-  AND items.biblioitemnumber=biblioitems.biblioitemnumber 
-  AND biblioitems.itemtype=itemtypes.itemtype 
-  AND issuingrules.itemtype=itemtypes.itemtype 
-  AND issuingrules.categorycode=? AND  (items.itemlost <> 1 OR items.itemlost 
is NULL)"
-    );
+=item GetSpecialHolidays
-    #  print $query;
-    $sth->execute( $itemnumber, $bortype );
-    my $data = $sth->fetchrow_hashref;
+return number of special days  between date of the day and date due
+C<$date_dues> is the envisaged date of book return.
+C<$itemnumber> is the book's item number.
+sub GetSpecialHolidays{
+my ($date_dues,$itemnumber) = @_;
+# calcul the today date
+my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) =localtime(time);
+my $today=$year."-".$mon."-".$mday;
+$today=UnixDate($today, "%Y-%m-%d");
+# return the holdingbranch
+my $iteminfo=GetIssuesIteminfo($itemnumber);
+# use sql request to find all date between date_due and today
+my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
+my $query=qq|SELECT DATE_FORMAT(concat(year,'-',month,'-',day),'%Y-%m-%d')as 
+FROM `special_holidays`
+WHERE DATE_FORMAT(concat(year,'-',month,'-',day),'%Y-%m-%d') >= ?
+AND   DATE_FORMAT(concat(year,'-',month,'-',day),'%Y-%m-%d') <= ?
+AND branchcode=?
+my @result=GetWdayFromItemnumber($itemnumber);
+my @result_date;
+my $wday;
+my $dateinsec;
+my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
+while ( my $special_date=$sth->fetchrow_hashref){
+       push (@result_date,$special_date);
+my $specialdaycount=scalar(@result_date);
+       for (my $i=0;$i<scalar(@result_date);$i++){
+               $dateinsec=UnixDate($result_date[$i]->{'date'},"%o");
+               (undef,undef,undef,undef,undef,undef,$wday,undef,undef) 
+               for (my $j=0;$j<scalar(@result);$j++){
+                       if ($wday == ($result[$j]->{'weekday'})){
+                       $specialdaycount --;                    
+                       }
+               }
+       }
+return $specialdaycount;
-    # FIXME - Error-checking: the item might be lost, or there
-    # might not be an entry in 'categoryitem' for this item type
-    # or borrower type.
-    $sth->finish;
-    my $amount = 0;
-    my $printout;
-    # Is it time to send out the first reminder?
-    # FIXME - I'm not sure the "=="s are correct here. Let's say that
-    # $data->{firstremind} is today, but 'fines2.pl' doesn't run for
-    # some reason (the cron daemon died, the server crashed, the
-    # sysadmin had the machine down for maintenance, or whatever).
-    #
-    # Then the next day, the book is $data->{firstremind}+1 days
-    # overdue. But this function returns $amount == 0, $printout ==
-    # undef, on the assumption that 'fines2.pl' ran the previous day. So
-    # the first thing the patron gets is a second notice, but that's a
-    # week after the server crash, so people may not connect the two
-    # events.
-    if ( $difference == $data->{'firstremind'} ) {
-        # Yes. Set the fine as listed.
-        $amount   = $data->{'fine'};
-        $printout = "First Notice";
-    }
-    # Is it time to send out a second reminder?
-    my $second = $data->{'firstremind'} + $data->{'chargeperiod'};
-    if ( $difference == $second ) {
-        # Yes. The fine is double.
-        $amount   = $data->{'fine'} * 2;
-        $printout = "Second Notice";
-    }
-    # Is it time to send the account to a collection agency?
-    # FIXME - At least, I *think* that's what this code is doing.
-    if ( $difference == $data->{'accountsent'} && $data->{'fine'} > 0 ) {
-        # Yes. Set the fine at 5 local monetary units.
-        # FIXME - This '5' shouldn't be hard-wired.
-        $amount   = 5;
-        $printout = "Final Notice";
+=item GetRepeatableHolidays
+&GetRepeatableHolidays($date_dues, $itemnumber, $difference,);
+return number of day closed between date of the day and date due
+C<$date_dues> is the envisaged date of book return.
+C<$itemnumber> is item number.
+C<$difference> numbers of between day date of the day and date due
+sub GetRepeatableHolidays{
+my ($date_dues,$itemnumber,$difference) = @_;
+my $dateinsec=UnixDate($date_dues,"%o");
+my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) 
+my @result=GetWdayFromItemnumber($itemnumber);
+my @dayclosedcount;
+my $j;
+for (my $i=0;$i<scalar(@result);$i++){
+       my $k=$wday;
+               for ( $j=0;$j<$difference;$j++){
+                       if ($result[$i]->{'weekday'} == $k)
+                                       {
+                                       push ( @dayclosedcount ,$k);
+                       }
+               $k++;
+               ($k=0) if($k eq 7);     
-    return ( $amount, $data->{'chargename'}, $printout );
+       } 
+return scalar(@dayclosedcount);
+=item GetWayFromItemnumber
+return the different week day from repeatable_holidays table
+C<$itemnumber> is  item number.
+sub GetWdayFromItemnumber{
+my $iteminfo=GetIssuesIteminfo($itemnumber);
+my @result;
+my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
+my $query = qq|SELECT weekday  
+       FROM repeatable_holidays 
+       WHERE branchcode=?
+my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
+    #  print $query;
+my @result;
+while ( my $weekday=$sth->fetchrow_hashref){
+       push (@result,$weekday);
+       }
+return @result;
+=item GetIssuesIteminfo
+return all data from issues about item
+C<$itemnumber> is  item number.
+sub GetIssuesIteminfo{
+my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
+my $query = qq|SELECT *  
+       FROM issues 
+       WHERE itemnumber=?
+my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
+my ($issuesinfo)=$sth->fetchrow_hashref;
+return $issuesinfo;
 =item UpdateFine
   &UpdateFine($itemnumber, $borrowernumber, $amount, $type, $description);
@@ -299,14 +412,16 @@
         my $title = $sth4->fetchrow_hashref;
-        #   print "not in account";
-        my $sth3 = $dbh->prepare("Select max(accountno) from accountlines");
-        $sth3->execute;
-        # FIXME - Make $accountno a scalar.
-        my @accountno = $sth3->fetchrow_array;
-        $sth3->finish;
-        $accountno[0]++;
+#         #   print "not in account";
+#         my $sth3 = $dbh->prepare("Select max(accountno) from accountlines");
+#         $sth3->execute;
+#         # FIXME - Make $accountno a scalar.
+#         my @accountno = $sth3->fetchrow_array;
+#         $sth3->finish;
+#         $accountno[0]++;
+       my $accountno=GetMaxAccountno();        
+       $accountno++;
         my $sth2 = $dbh->prepare(
             "Insert into accountlines
@@ -315,7 +430,7 @@
         $sth2->execute( $bornum, $itemnum, $amount,
             "$type $title->{'title'} $due",
-            $amount, $accountno[0] );
+            $amount, $accountno );
@@ -371,6 +486,19 @@
     return ( $data->{'replacementprice'} );
+=item GetFine
+$data->{'sum(amountoutstanding)'} = &GetFine($itemnum,$bornum);
+return the total of fine
+C<$itemnum> is item number
+C<$bornum> is the borrowernumber
 sub GetFine {
     my ( $itemnum, $bornum ) = @_;
     my $dbh   = C4::Context->dbh();
@@ -385,12 +513,76 @@
     return ( $data->{'sum(amountoutstanding)'} );
+=item GetIssuingRules
+$data = &GetIssuingRules($itemnumber,$categorycode);
+Looks up for all issuingrules an item info 
+C<$itemnumber> is a reference-to-hash whose keys are all of the fields
+from the borrowers and categories tables of the Koha database. Thus,
+C<$categorycode> contains  information about borrowers category 
+C<$data> contains all information about both the borrower and
+category he or she belongs to.
+sub GetIssuingRules {
+   my ($itemnumber,$categorycode)address@hidden;
+   my $dbh   = C4::Context->dbh();     
+   my $query=qq|SELECT * 
+               FROM items,biblioitems,itemtypes,issuingrules
+               WHERE items.itemnumber=?
+               AND items.biblioitemnumber=biblioitems.biblioitemnumber 
+               AND biblioitems.itemtype=itemtypes.itemtype 
+               AND issuingrules.itemtype=itemtypes.itemtype 
+               AND issuingrules.categorycode=? 
+               AND  (items.itemlost <> 1 
+               OR items.itemlost is NULL)|;
+    my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
+    #  print $query;
+    $sth->execute($itemnumber,$categorycode);
+    my ($data) = $sth->fetchrow_hashref;
+   $sth->finish;
+return ($data);
+=item GetMaxAccountno
+  $accountno = &GetMaxAccountno();
+Looks up for Next Account number.
+sub GetMaxAccountno {
+    my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
+    my $query=qq|SELECT max(accountno) 
+                FROM accountlines|;
+    my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
+    $sth->execute();
+    my $accountnomax = $sth->fetchrow_array;
+    $sth->finish;
+    return ($accountnomax);
 sub ReplacementCost2 {
     my ( $itemnum, $bornum ) = @_;
     my $dbh   = C4::Context->dbh();
-    my $query = "SELECT amountoutstanding FROM accountlines
-    where accounttype like 'L'  AND amountoutstanding > 0 AND
-  itemnumber = ? AND borrowernumber= ?";
+    my $query = "SELECT amountoutstanding 
+                FROM accountlines
+                WHERE accounttype like 'L'  
+                AND amountoutstanding > 0 
+                AND itemnumber = ? 
+                AND borrowernumber= ?";
     my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
     $sth->execute( $itemnum, $bornum );
     my $data = $sth->fetchrow_hashref();
@@ -398,6 +590,339 @@
     return ( $data->{'amountoutstanding'} );
+=item GetNextIdNotify
+($result) = &GetNextIdNotify($reference);
+Returns the new file number
+C<$result> contains the next file number
+C<$reference> contains the beggining of file number
+sub GetNextIdNotify {
+my ($reference)address@hidden;
+my $query=qq|SELECT max(notify_id) 
+            FROM accountlines
+            WHERE notify_id  like \"$reference%\"
+            |;
+# AND borrowernumber=?|;   
+my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
+my $sth=$dbh->prepare($query);
+my $result=$sth->fetchrow;
+my $count;
+       if ($result eq '')
+       {
+       ($result=$reference."01")  ;
+       }else 
+       {
+       $count=substr($result,6)+1;
+       if($count<10){
+       ($count = "0".$count);
+       }
+       $result=$reference.$count;
+       }
+return $result;
+=item GetNotifyId
+($notify_id) = &GetNotifyId($borrowernumber,$itemnumber);
+Returns the file number per borrower and itemnumber
+C<$borrowernumber> is a reference-to-hash whose keys are all of the fields
+from the items tables of the Koha database. Thus,
+C<$itemnumber> contains the borrower categorycode
+C<$notify_id> contains the file number for the borrower number nad item number
+ sub GetNotifyId {
+ my ($borrowernumber,$itemnumber)address@hidden;
+ my $query=qq|SELECT notify_id 
+             FROM accountlines 
+             WHERE borrowernumber=? 
+             AND itemnumber=?
+             AND (accounttype='FU' or accounttype='O')|;   
+ my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
+ my $sth=$dbh->prepare($query);
+ $sth->execute($borrowernumber,$itemnumber);
+ my ($notify_id)=$sth->fetchrow;
+ $sth->finish;
+ return ($notify_id);
+ }
+=item CreateItemAccountLine
+() = 
+update the account lines with file number or with file level
+C<$items> is a reference-to-hash whose keys are all of the fields
+from the items tables of the Koha database. Thus,
+C<$itemnumber> contains the item number
+C<$borrowernumber> contains the borrower number
+C<$date> contains the date of the day
+C<$amount> contains item price
+C<$description> contains the descritpion of accounttype 
+C<$accounttype> contains the account type
+C<$amountoutstanding> contains the $amountoutstanding 
+C<$timestamp> contains the timestamp with time and the date of the day
+C<$notify_id> contains the file number
+C<$level> contains the file level
+ sub CreateItemAccountLine {
+  my 
+  my $accountno=GetMaxAccountno();
+  $accountno++;
+  my $query= qq|INSERT into accountlines  
+               VALUES
+               (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)|;   
+  my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
+  my $sth=$dbh->prepare($query);
+  $sth->finish;
+ }
+=item UpdateAccountLines
+() = &UpdateAccountLines($notify_id,$notify_level,$borrowernumber,$itemnumber);
+update the account lines with file number or with file level
+C<$items> is a reference-to-hash whose keys are all of the fields
+from the items tables of the Koha database. Thus,
+C<$itemnumber> contains the item number
+C<$notify_id> contains the file number
+C<$notify_level> contains the file level
+C<$borrowernumber> contains the borrowernumber
+sub UpdateAccountLines {
+my ($notify_id,$notify_level,$borrowernumber,$itemnumber)address@hidden;
+my $query;
+if ($notify_id eq '')
+       $query=qq|UPDATE accountlines 
+       SET  notify_level=?
+       WHERE borrowernumber=? AND itemnumber=?
+       AND (accounttype='FU' or accounttype='O')|;   
+       $query=qq|UPDATE accountlines 
+       SET notify_id=?, notify_level=?
+               WHERE borrowernumber=?
+       AND itemnumber=?
+        AND (accounttype='FU' or accounttype='O')|;
+ my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
+ my $sth=$dbh->prepare($query);
+if ($notify_id eq '')
+       $sth->execute($notify_level,$borrowernumber,$itemnumber); 
+       $sth->execute($notify_id,$notify_level,$borrowernumber,$itemnumber);
+ $sth->finish;
+=item GetItems
+($items) = &GetItems($itemnumber);
+Returns the list of all delays from overduerules.
+C<$items> is a reference-to-hash whose keys are all of the fields
+from the items tables of the Koha database. Thus,
+C<$itemnumber> contains the borrower categorycode
+sub GetItems {
+       my($itemnumber) = @_;
+       my $query=qq|SELECT * 
+                    FROM items
+                    WHERE itemnumber=?|;
+        my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
+       my $sth=$dbh->prepare($query);
+       $sth->execute($itemnumber);
+       my ($items)=$sth->fetchrow_hashref;
+       $sth->finish;
+       return($items);
+=item GetOverdueDelays
+(@delays) = &GetOverdueDelays($categorycode);
+Returns the list of all delays from overduerules.
+C<@delays> it's an array contains the three delays from overduerules table
+C<$categorycode> contains the borrower categorycode
+sub GetOverdueDelays {
+       my($category) = @_;
+       my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
+       my $query=qq|SELECT delay1,delay2,delay3 
+                               FROM overduerules 
+                               WHERE categorycode=?|;
+       my $sth=$dbh->prepare($query);
+       $sth->execute($category);
+       my (@delays)=$sth->fetchrow_array;
+       $sth->finish;
+       return(@delays);
+=item CheckAccountLineLevelInfo
+($exist) = 
+Check and Returns the list of all overdue books.
+C<$exist> contains number of line in accounlines
+with the same .biblionumber,itemnumber,accounttype,and notify_level
+C<$borrowernumber> contains the borrower number
+C<$itemnumber> contains item number
+C<$accounttype> contains account type
+C<$notify_level> contains the accountline level 
+sub CheckAccountLineLevelInfo {
+       my($borrowernumber,$itemnumber,$level) = @_;
+       my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
+       my $query=      qq|SELECT count(*) 
+                       FROM accountlines 
+                       WHERE borrowernumber =?
+                       AND itemnumber = ?
+                       AND notify_level=?|;
+       my $sth=$dbh->prepare($query);
+       $sth->execute($borrowernumber,$itemnumber,$level);
+       my ($exist)=$sth->fetchrow;
+       $sth->finish;
+       return($exist);
+=item CheckExistantNotifyid
+  ($exist) = 
+Check and Returns the notify id if exist else return 0.
+C<$exist> contains a notify_id 
+C<$borrowernumber> contains the borrower number
+C<$date_due> contains the date of item return 
+sub CheckExistantNotifyid {
+       my($borrowernumber,$date_due) = @_;
+       my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
+       my $query =  qq|SELECT notify_id FROM issues,accountlines 
+                       WHERE accountlines.borrowernumber =?
+                       AND issues.itemnumber= accountlines.itemnumber
+                       AND date_due = ?|;
+       my $sth=$dbh->prepare($query);
+       $sth->execute($borrowernumber,$date_due);
+       my ($exist)=$sth->fetchrow;
+       $sth->finish;
+       if ($exist eq '')
+       {
+       return(0);
+       }else
+           {
+       return($exist);
+       }
+=item CheckAccountLineItemInfo
+  ($exist) = 
+Check and Returns the list of all overdue items from the same file 
+C<$exist> contains number of line in accounlines
+with the same .biblionumber,itemnumber,accounttype,notify_id
+C<$borrowernumber> contains the borrower number
+C<$itemnumber> contains item number
+C<$accounttype> contains account type
+C<$notify_id> contains the file number 
+sub CheckAccountLineItemInfo {
+       my($borrowernumber,$itemnumber,$accounttype,$notify_id) = @_;
+       my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
+       my $query =  qq|SELECT count(*) FROM accountlines 
+                       WHERE borrowernumber =?
+                       AND itemnumber = ?
+                       AND accounttype= ?
+                       AND notify_id = ?|;
+       my $sth=$dbh->prepare($query);
+       $sth->execute($borrowernumber,$itemnumber,$accounttype,$notify_id);
+       my ($exist)=$sth->fetchrow;
+       $sth->finish;
+       return($exist);
+ }

Index: misc/fines.pl
RCS file: misc/fines.pl
diff -N misc/fines.pl
--- /dev/null   1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ misc/fines.pl       9 Oct 2006 12:33:08 -0000
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+#  This script loops through each overdue item, determines the fine,
+#  and updates the total amount of fines due by each user.  It relies on
+#  the existence of /tmp/fines, which is created by ???
+# Doesnt really rely on it, it relys on being able to write to /tmp/
+# It creates the fines file
+#  This script is meant to be run nightly out of cron.
+# Copyright 2000-2002 Katipo Communications
+# This file is part of Koha.
+# Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
+# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
+# Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
+# version.
+# Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
+# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+# Koha; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place,
+# Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307 USA
+# $Id: fines.pl,v 2006/10/09 12:33:08 btoumi Exp $
+use C4::Context;
+use C4::Search;
+use C4::Circulation::Circ2;
+use C4::Circulation::Fines;
+use Date::Manip qw/Date_DaysSince1BC/;
+use C4::Biblio;
+open (FILE,'>/tmp/fines') || die;
+# it looks like $count is just a counter, would it be
+# better to rely on the length of the array @$data and turn the
+# for loop below into a foreach loop?
+my ($numOverdueItems,$data)=Getoverdues();
+print $numOverdueItems if $DEBUG;
+my $overdueItemsCounted=0 if $DEBUG;
+# FIXME - There's got to be a better way to figure out what day
+# today is.
+my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) =localtime(time);
+my $date=Date_DaysSince1BC($mon,$mday,$year);
+print $date if $DEBUG;
+if ($mon < '10'  ){
+if ($mday < '10'  ){
+my $reference = $year."".$mon;
+my $bornum;
+for (my $i=0;$i<$numOverdueItems;$i++){
+  my @dates=split('-',$data->[$i]->{'date_due'});
+  my $date2=Date_DaysSince1BC($dates[1],$dates[2],$dates[0]);
+  my $datedue=$data->[$i]->{'date_due'};
+  my $due="$dates[2]/$dates[1]/$dates[0]";
+  my $borrower=BorType($data->[$i]->{'borrowernumber'});
+  my $starter; 
+ if ($date2 <= $date){
+    $overdueItemsCounted++ if $DEBUG;
+    my $difference=$date-$date2;
+    my ($amount,$type,$printout,$daycounttotal,$daycount)=
+    CalcFine($data->[$i]->{'itemnumber'},
+               $borrower->{'categorycode'},
+               $difference,
+               $datedue);
+       my 
+       my 
+       ;
+       if (borrowers->{'category_type'} ne 'I'){
+       #DELAYS 1##########################################
+       if ($amount > 0 && $daycount >= $delays1 && $daycount < $delays2){
+       my 
+       my 
+               if ($update eq '0'){                            
+                                       if ($getnotifyid eq '0'){
+                                       }
+                                       else{
+                                               $starter=$getnotifyid;
+                                       }
+               }
+       }
+       ###############################################
+       if ($daycount>=$delays2) {
+               $amount=$issuingrules->{'fine'} * ($delays2);
+       }
+       #DELAYS 2#################################
+       if ($daycount >= $delays2 && $daycount <= $delays3){
+       my 
+       if ($update eq '0'){
+       }
+       }
+       ###############################################
+       #DELAYS 3###################################
+       if ($daycount >= $delays3){
+               my 
+               if ($update eq '0'){
+               }
+               my $items=GetItems($data->[$i]->{'itemnumber'});
+               my $todaydate=$year."-".$mon."-".$mday;
+               my $description="Item Price";
+               my $typeaccount="IP";
+               my $level="3";
+               my 
+               my $timestamp=$todaydate." ".$hour."\:".$min."\:".$sec; 
+               my 
+               if ($create eq '0'){
+               $items->{'price'},$timestamp,$notifyid,$level);
+               }
+       } 
+       ###############################################
+       }
+if ($borrower->{'category_type'} eq 'C'){  
+               my $query=qq|   SELECT * 
+                               FROM borrowers 
+                               WHERE borrowernumber=?|;                        
+               my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
+               my $sth=$dbh->prepare($query);
+               $sth->execute($borrower->{'guarantorid'});
+               my $tdata=$sth->fetchrow_hashref;
+               $sth->finish;
+               $borrower->{'phone'}=$tdata->{'phone'};
+       }
+ print 
+ }
+if ($DEBUG) {
+   print <<EOM
+Number of Overdue Items counted $overdueItemsCounted
+Number of Overdue Items reported $numOverdueItems
+close FILE;

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