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[Koha-cvs] koha/misc/plugin Search.pm

From: paul poulain
Subject: [Koha-cvs] koha/misc/plugin Search.pm
Date: Fri, 09 Mar 2007 15:23:43 +0000

CVSROOT:        /sources/koha
Module name:    koha
Changes by:     paul poulain <tipaul>   07/03/09 15:23:43

Removed files:
        misc/plugin    : Search.pm 

Log message:
        rel_3_0 moved to HEAD (removing useless file)


Index: Search.pm
RCS file: Search.pm
diff -N Search.pm
--- Search.pm   5 Sep 2006 21:26:19 -0000       1.2
+++ /dev/null   1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,2670 +0,0 @@
-package C4::Search;
-# Copyright 2000-2002 Katipo Communications
-# This file is part of Koha.
-# Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
-# Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
-# version.
-# Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
-# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
-# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
-# Koha; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place,
-# Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307 USA
-use strict;
-require Exporter;
-use DBI;
-use C4::Context;
-use C4::Reserves2;
-       # FIXME - C4::Search uses C4::Reserves2, which uses C4::Search.
-       # So Perl complains that all of the functions here get redefined.
-use C4::Date;
-use C4::Biblio;
-use ZOOM;                                                                      
-use Smart::Comments;                                                           
-use MARC::Record;                                                              
-use MARC::File::XML;
-# set the version for version checking
-$VERSION = do { my @v = '$Revision: 1.2 $' =~ /\d+/g;
-          shift(@v) . "." . join("_", map {sprintf "%03d", $_ } @v); };
-=head1 NAME
-C4::Search - Functions for searching the Koha catalog and other databases
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-  use C4::Search;
-  my ($count, @results) = catalogsearch($env, $type, $search, $num, $offset);
-This module provides the searching facilities for the Koha catalog and
-other databases.
-C<&catalogsearch> is a front end to all the other searches. Depending
-on what is passed to it, it calls the appropriate search function.
-=over 2
address@hidden = qw(Exporter);
address@hidden = qw(
-&CatSearch &BornameSearch &ItemInfo &KeywordSearch &subsearch
-&itemdata &bibdata &GetItems &borrdata &itemnodata &itemcount
-&borrdata2 &NewBorrowerNumber &bibitemdata &borrissues
-&getboracctrecord &ItemType &itemissues &subject &subtitle
-&addauthor &bibitems &barcodes &findguarantees &allissues
-&findguarantor &getwebsites &getwebbiblioitems &catalogsearch &itemcount2
-&isbnsearch &getbranchname &getborrowercategory
-search get_record get_xml_record    
-# make all your functions, whether exported or not;
-# new subs
-sub search {                                                                   
-        my ( $search, $type, $number ) = @_;                                   
-        my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh();                                          
-        my $q;                                                                 
-        my $Zconn = C4::Context->Zconn;                                        
-        my $raw;                                                               
-        if ( $type eq 'CQL' ) {                                                
-                   my $string;                                                 
-                   if ( $search->{'cql'} ) {                                   
-                                   $string = $search->{'cql'};                 
-                               }                                               
-                   else {                                                      
-                                   foreach my $var ( keys %$search ) {         
-                                                       $string .= 
"$var=\"$search->{$var}\" ";                                                    
-                                                   }                           
-                               }                                               
-                   $q = new ZOOM::Query::CQL2RPN( $string, $Zconn );           
-               }                                                               
-        my $rs;                                                                
-        my $n;                                                                 
-        eval {                                                                 
-                   $rs = $Zconn->search($q);                                   
-                   $n  = $rs->size();                                          
-               };                                                              
-        if ($@) {                                                              
-                   print "Error ", address@hidden>code(), ": ", 
address@hidden>message(), "\n";                                                 
-               }                                                               
-        my $i = 0;                                                             
-        my @results;                                                           
-        while ( $i < $n && $i < $number ) {                                    
-                   $raw = $rs->record($i)->raw();                              
-                   my $record = MARC::Record->new_from_xml($raw, 'UTF-8');     
-                   my $line = MARCmarc2koha( $dbh, $record );                  
-                   push @results, $line;                                       
-           #        push @results,$raw;                                        
-                   $i++;                                                       
-               }                                                               
-        return ( address@hidden );
-sub get_record {                                                               
-        # pass in an id (biblionumber at this stage) and get back a MARC 
-        my ($id) = @_;                                                         
-        my $q;                                                                 
-        my $Zconn = C4::Context->Zconn;                                        
-        my $raw;                                                               
-        my $string = "identifier=$id";                                         
-    #    my $string = "title=delete";                                          
-    #    warn $string;                                                         
-            $q = new ZOOM::Query::CQL2RPN( $string, $Zconn);                   
-        eval {                                                                 
-           #        my $rs = $Zconn->search_pqf("address@hidden 1=12 $id");    
-                   my $rs = $Zconn->search($q);                                
-                   my $n  = $rs->size();                                       
-                   if ( $n > 0 ) {                                             
-                                   $raw = $rs->record(0)->raw();               
-                               }                                               
-               };                                                              
-        if ($@) {                                                              
-                   warn "Error ", address@hidden>code(), ": ", 
address@hidden>message(), "\n";                                                 
-               }                                                               
-        ###$raw                                                                
-        my $record = MARC::Record->new_from_xml($raw, 'UTF-8');                
-        ###$record                                                             
-        return ($record);                                                      
-    }
-sub get_xml_record {                                                           
-        # pass in an id (biblionumber at this stage) and get back a MARC 
-        my ($id) = @_;                                                         
-        my $q;                                                                 
-        my $Zconn = C4::Context->Zconn;                                        
-        my $raw;                                                               
-        my $string = "identifier=$id";                                         
-    #    my $string = "title=delete";                                          
-    #    warn $string;                                                         
-            $q = new ZOOM::Query::CQL2RPN( $string, $Zconn);                   
-        eval {                                                                 
-           #        my $rs = $Zconn->search_pqf("address@hidden 1=12 $id");    
-                   my $rs = $Zconn->search($q);                                
-                   my $n  = $rs->size();                                       
-                   if ( $n > 0 ) {                                             
-                                   $raw = $rs->record(0)->raw();               
-                               }                                               
-               };                                                              
-        if ($@) {                                                              
-                   warn "Error ", address@hidden>code(), ": ", 
address@hidden>message(), "\n";                                                 
-               }                                                               
-        ### $raw                                                               
-        my $record = $raw;                                                     
-        ###$record                                                             
-        return ($record);                                                      
-    }
-=item findguarantees
-  ($num_children, $children_arrayref) = &findguarantees($parent_borrno);
-  $child0_cardno = $children_arrayref->[0]{"cardnumber"};
-  $child0_borrno = $children_arrayref->[0]{"borrowernumber"};
-C<&findguarantees> takes a borrower number (e.g., that of a patron
-with children) and looks up the borrowers who are guaranteed by that
-borrower (i.e., the patron's children).
-C<&findguarantees> returns two values: an integer giving the number of
-borrowers guaranteed by C<$parent_borrno>, and a reference to an array
-of references to hash, which gives the actual results.
-sub findguarantees{
-  my ($bornum)address@hidden;
-  my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
-  my $sth=$dbh->prepare("select cardnumber,borrowernumber, firstname, surname 
from borrowers where guarantor=?");
-  $sth->execute($bornum);
-  my @dat;
-  while (my $data = $sth->fetchrow_hashref)
-  {
-    push @dat, $data;
-  }
-  $sth->finish;
-  return (scalar(@dat), address@hidden);
-=item findguarantor
-  $guarantor = &findguarantor($borrower_no);
-  $guarantor_cardno = $guarantor->{"cardnumber"};
-  $guarantor_surname = $guarantor->{"surname"};
-  ...
-C<&findguarantor> takes a borrower number (presumably that of a child
-patron), finds the guarantor for C<$borrower_no> (the child's parent),
-and returns the record for the guarantor.
-C<&findguarantor> returns a reference-to-hash. Its keys are the fields
-from the C<borrowers> database table;
-sub findguarantor{
-  my ($bornum)address@hidden;
-  my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
-  my $sth=$dbh->prepare("select guarantor from borrowers where 
-  $sth->execute($bornum);
-  my $data=$sth->fetchrow_hashref;
-  $sth->finish;
-  $sth=$dbh->prepare("Select * from borrowers where borrowernumber=?");
-  $sth->execute($data->{'guarantor'});
-  $data=$sth->fetchrow_hashref;
-  $sth->finish;
-  return($data);
-=item NewBorrowerNumber
-  $num = &NewBorrowerNumber();
-Allocates a new, unused borrower number, and returns it.
-# FIXME - This is identical to C4::Circulation::Borrower::NewBorrowerNumber.
-# Pick one and stick with it. Preferably use the other one. This function
-# doesn't belong in C4::Search.
-sub NewBorrowerNumber {
-  my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
-  my $sth=$dbh->prepare("Select max(borrowernumber) from borrowers");
-  $sth->execute;
-  my $data=$sth->fetchrow_hashref;
-  $sth->finish;
-  $data->{'max(borrowernumber)'}++;
-  return($data->{'max(borrowernumber)'});
-=item catalogsearch
-  ($count, @results) = &catalogsearch($env, $type, $search, $num, $offset);
-This is primarily a front-end to other, more specialized catalog
-search functions: if C<$search-E<gt>{itemnumber}> or
-C<$search-E<gt>{isbn}> is given, C<&catalogsearch> uses a precise
-C<&CatSearch>. If $search->{subject} is given, it runs a subject
-C<&CatSearch>. If C<$search-E<gt>{keyword}> is given, it runs a
-C<&KeywordSearch>. Otherwise, it runs a loose C<&CatSearch>.
-If C<$env-E<gt>{itemcount}> is 1, then C<&catalogsearch> also counts
-the items for each result, and adds several keys:
-=over 4
-=item C<itemcount>
-The total number of copies of this book.
-=item C<locationhash>
-This is a reference-to-hash; the keys are the names of branches where
-this book may be found, and the values are the number of copies at
-that branch.
-=item C<location>
-A descriptive string saying where the book is located, and how many
-copies there are, if greater than 1.
-=item C<subject2>
-The book's subject, with spaces replaced with C<%20>, presumably for
-sub catalogsearch {
-       my ($env,$type,$search,$num,$offset)address@hidden;
-       my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
-       #  foreach my $key (%$search){
-       #    $search->{$key}=$dbh->quote($search->{$key});
-       #  }
-       my ($count,@results);
-       if ($search->{'itemnumber'} ne '' || $search->{'isbn'} ne ''){
-               print STDERR "Doing a precise search\n";
-       } elsif ($search->{'subject'} ne ''){
-       } elsif ($search->{'keyword'} ne ''){
-       } else {
-               ($count,@results)=CatSearch($env,'loose',$search,$num,$offset);
-       }
-       if ($env->{itemcount} eq '1') {
-               foreach my $data (@results){
-                       my ($counts) = itemcount2($env, 
$data->{'biblionumber'}, 'intra');
-                       my $subject2=$data->{'subject'};
-                       $subject2=~ s/ /%20/g;
-                       $data->{'itemcount'}=$counts->{'total'};
-                       my $totalitemcounts=0;
-                       foreach my $key (keys %$counts){
-                               if ($key ne 'total'){   # FIXME - Should ignore 
'order', too.
-                                       #$data->{'location'}.="$key 
$counts->{$key} ";
-                                       $totalitemcounts+=$counts->{$key};
-                               }
-                       }
-                       my $locationtext='';
-                       my $locationtextonly='';
-                       my $notavailabletext='';
-                       foreach (sort keys %{$data->{'locationhash'}}) {
-                               if ($_ eq 'notavailable') {
-                                       $notavailabletext="Not available";
-                                       my $c=$data->{'locationhash'}->{$_};
-                                       if ($totalitemcounts>1) {
-                                       $notavailabletext.=" ($c)";
-                                       $data->{'not-available-plural-p'}=1;
-                                       }
-                               } else {
-                                       $locationtext.="$_";
-                                       my $c=$data->{'locationhash'}->{$_};
-                                       if ($_ eq 'Item Lost') {
-                                       $data->{'lost-p'}=$totalitemcounts;
-                                       $data->{'lost-plural-p'}=1
-                                                       if $totalitemcounts > 1;
-                                       } elsif ($_ eq 'Withdrawn') {
-                                       $data->{'withdrawn-p'}=$totalitemcounts;
-                                       $data->{'withdrawn-plural-p'}=1
-                                                       if $totalitemcounts > 1;
-                                       } elsif ($_ eq 'On Loan') {
-                                       $data->{'on-loan-p'}=$totalitemcounts;
-                                       $data->{'on-loan-plural-p'}=1
-                                                       if $totalitemcounts > 1;
-                                       } else {
-                                       $locationtextonly.=$_;
-                                       $locationtextonly.=" ($c), "
-                                                       if $totalitemcounts>1;
-                                       }
-                                       if ($totalitemcounts>1) {
-                                       $locationtext.=" ($c), ";
-                                       }
-                               }
-                       }
-                       if ($notavailabletext) {
-                               $locationtext.=$notavailabletext;
-                       } else {
-                               $locationtext=~s/, $//;
-                       }
-                       $data->{'location'}=$locationtext;
-                       $data->{'location-only'}=$locationtextonly;
-                       $data->{'subject2'}=$subject2;
-                       $data->{'use-location-flags-p'}=1; # XXX
-               }
-       }
-       return ($count,@results);
-=item KeywordSearch
-  $search = { "keyword"        => "One or more keywords",
-             "class"   => "VID|CD",    # Limit search to fiction and CDs
-             "dewey"   => "813",
-        };
-  ($count, @results) = &KeywordSearch($env, $type, $search, $num, $offset);
-C<&KeywordSearch> searches the catalog by keyword: given a string
-(C<$search-E<gt>{"keyword"}> consisting of a space-separated list of
-keywords, it looks for books that contain any of those keywords in any
-of a number of places.
-C<&KeywordSearch> looks for keywords in the book title (and subtitle),
-series name, notes (both C<biblio.notes> and C<biblioitems.notes>),
-and subjects.
-C<$search-E<gt>{"class"}> can be set to a C<|> (pipe)-separated list of
-item class codes (e.g., "F" for fiction, "JNF" for junior nonfiction,
-etc.). In this case, the search will be restricted to just those
-If C<$search-E<gt>{"class"}> is not specified, you may specify
-C<$search-E<gt>{"dewey"}>. This will restrict the search to that
-particular Dewey Decimal Classification category. Setting
-C<$search-E<gt>{"dewey"}> to "513" will return books about arithmetic,
-whereas setting it to "5" will return all books with Dewey code 5I<xx>
-(Science and Mathematics).
-C<$env> and C<$type> are ignored.
-C<$offset> and C<$num> specify the subset of results to return.
-C<$num> specifies the number of results to return, and C<$offset> is
-the number of the first result. Thus, setting C<$offset> to 100 and
-C<$num> to 5 will return results 100 through 104 inclusive.
-sub KeywordSearch {
-  my ($env,$type,$search,$num,$offset)address@hidden;
-  my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
-  $search->{'keyword'}=~ s/ +$//;
-  my @key=split(' ',$search->{'keyword'});
-               # FIXME - Naive users might enter comma-separated
-               # words, e.g., "training, animal". Ought to cope with
-               # this.
-  my address@hidden;
-  my $i=1;
-  my %biblionumbers;           # Set of biblionumbers returned by the
-                               # various searches.
-  # FIXME - Ought to filter the stopwords out of the list of keywords.
-  #    @key = map { !defined($stopwords{$_}) } @key;
-  # FIXME - The way this code is currently set up, it looks for all of
-  # the keywords first in (title, notes, seriestitle), then in the
-  # subtitle, then in the subject. Thus, if you look for keywords
-  # "science fiction", this search won't find a book with
-  #    title    = "How to write fiction"
-  #    subtitle = "A science-based approach"
-  # Is this the desired effect? If not, then the first SQL query
-  # should look in the biblio, subtitle, and subject tables all at
-  # once. The way the first query is built can accomodate this easily.
-  # Look for keywords in table 'biblio'.
-  # Build an SQL query that finds each of the keywords in any of the
-  # title, biblio.notes, or seriestitle. To do this, we'll build up an
-  # array of clauses, one for each keyword.
-  my $query;                   # The SQL query
-  my @clauses = ();            # The search clauses
-  my @bind = ();               # The term bindings
-  $query = <<EOT;              # Beginning of the query
-       SELECT  biblionumber
-       FROM    biblio
-       WHERE
-  foreach my $keyword (@key)
-  {
-    my @subclauses = ();       # Subclauses, one for each field we're
-                               # searching on
-    # For each field we're searching on, create a subclause that'll
-    # match the current keyword in the current field.
-    foreach my $field (qw(title notes seriestitle author))
-    {
-      push @subclauses,
-       "$field LIKE ? OR $field LIKE ?";
-         push(@bind,"\Q$keyword\E%","% \Q$keyword\E%");
-    }
-    # (Yes, this could have been done as
-    #  @subclauses = map {...} qw(field1 field2 ...)
-    # )but I think this way is more readable.
-    # Construct the current clause by joining the subclauses.
-    push @clauses, "(" . join(")\n\tOR (", @subclauses) . ")";
-  }
-  # Now join all of the clauses together and append to the query.
-  $query .= "(" . join(")\nAND (", @clauses) . ")";
-  # FIXME - Perhaps use $sth->bind_columns() ? Documented as the most
-  # efficient way to fetch data.
-  my $sth=$dbh->prepare($query);
-  $sth->execute(@bind);
-  while (my @res = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
-    for (@res)
-    {
-       $biblionumbers{$_} = 1;         # Add these results to the set
-    }
-  }
-  $sth->finish;
-  # Now look for keywords in the 'bibliosubtitle' table.
-  # Again, we build a list of clauses from the keywords.
-  @clauses = ();
-  @bind = ();
-  $query = "SELECT biblionumber FROM bibliosubtitle WHERE ";
-  foreach my $keyword (@key)
-  {
-    push @clauses,
-       "subtitle LIKE ? OR subtitle like ?";
-       push(@bind,"\Q$keyword\E%","% \Q$keyword\E%");
-  }
-  $query .= "(" . join(") AND (", @clauses) . ")";
-  $sth=$dbh->prepare($query);
-  $sth->execute(@bind);
-  while (my @res = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
-    for (@res)
-    {
-       $biblionumbers{$_} = 1;         # Add these results to the set
-    }
-  }
-  $sth->finish;
-  # Look for the keywords in the notes for individual items
-  # ('biblioitems.notes')
-  # Again, we build a list of clauses from the keywords.
-  @clauses = ();
-  @bind = ();
-  $query = "SELECT biblionumber FROM biblioitems WHERE ";
-  foreach my $keyword (@key)
-  {
-    push @clauses,
-       "notes LIKE ? OR notes like ?";
-       push(@bind,"\Q$keyword\E%","% \Q$keyword\E%");
-  }
-  $query .= "(" . join(") AND (", @clauses) . ")";
-  $sth=$dbh->prepare($query);
-  $sth->execute(@bind);
-  while (my @res = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
-    for (@res)
-    {
-       $biblionumbers{$_} = 1;         # Add these results to the set
-    }
-  }
-  $sth->finish;
-  # Look for keywords in the 'bibliosubject' table.
-  # FIXME - The other queries look for words in the desired field that
-  # begin with the individual keywords the user entered. This one
-  # searches for the literal string the user entered. Is this the
-  # desired effect?
-  # Note in particular that spaces are retained: if the user typed
-  #    science  fiction
-  # (with two spaces), this won't find the subject "science fiction"
-  # (one space). Likewise, a search for "%" will return absolutely
-  # everything.
-  # If this isn't the desired effect, see the previous searches for
-  # how to do it.
-  $sth=$dbh->prepare("Select biblionumber from bibliosubject where subject
-  like ? group by biblionumber");
-  $sth->execute("%$search->{'keyword'}%");
-  while (my @res = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
-    for (@res)
-    {
-       $biblionumbers{$_} = 1;         # Add these results to the set
-    }
-  }
-  $sth->finish;
-  my $i2=0;
-  my $i3=0;
-  my $i4=0;
-  my @res2;
-  my @res = keys %biblionumbers;
-  address@hidden;
-  $i=0;
-#  print "count $count";
-  if ($search->{'class'} ne ''){
-    while ($i2 <$count){
-      my $query="select * from biblio,biblioitems where
-      biblio.biblionumber=? and
-      biblio.biblionumber=biblioitems.biblionumber ";
-      my @bind = ($res[$i2]);
-      if ($search->{'class'} ne ''){   # FIXME - Redundant
-      my @temp=split(/\|/,$search->{'class'});
-      my address@hidden;
-      $query.= "and ( itemtype=?";
-      push(@bind,$temp[0]);
-      for (my $i=1;$i<$count;$i++){
-        $query.=" or itemtype=?";
-        push(@bind,$temp[$i]);
-      }
-      $query.=")";
-      }
-       my $sth=$dbh->prepare($query);
-       #    print $query;
-       $sth->execute(@bind);
-       if (my $data2=$sth->fetchrow_hashref){
-         my $dewey= $data2->{'dewey'};
-         my $subclass=$data2->{'subclass'};
-         # FIXME - This next bit is bogus, because it assumes that the
-         # Dewey code is a floating-point number. It isn't. It's
-         # actually a string that mainly consists of numbers. In
-         # particular, "4" is not a valid Dewey code, although "004"
-         # is ("Data processing; Computer science"). Likewise, zeros
-         # after the decimal are significant ("575" is not the same as
-         # "575.0"; the latter is more specific). And "000" is a
-         # perfectly good Dewey code ("General works; computer
-         # science") and should not be interpreted to mean "this
-         # database entry does not have a Dewey code". That's what
-         # NULL is for.
-         $dewey=~s/\.*0*$//;
-         ($dewey == 0) && ($dewey='');
-         ($dewey) && ($dewey.=" $subclass") ;
-          $sth->finish;
-         my $end=$offset +$num;
-         if ($i4 <= $offset){
-           $i4++;
-         }
-#        print $i4;
-         if ($i4 <=$end && $i4 > $offset){
-           $data2->{'dewey'}=$dewey;
-           $res2[$i3]=$data2;
-            $i3++;
-            $i4++;
-#          print "in here $i3<br>";
-         } else {
-#          print $end;
-         }
-         $i++;
-        }
-     $i2++;
-     }
-     $count=$i;
-   } else {
-  # $search->{'class'} was not specified
-  # FIXME - This is bogus: it makes a separate query for each
-  # biblioitem, and returns results in apparently random order. It'd
-  # be much better to combine all of the previous queries into one big
-  # one (building it up a little at a time, of course), and have that
-  # big query select all of the desired fields, instead of just
-  # 'biblionumber'.
-  while ($i2 < $num && $i2 < $count){
-    my $query="select * from biblio,biblioitems where
-    biblio.biblionumber=? and
-    biblio.biblionumber=biblioitems.biblionumber ";
-    my @bind=($res[$i2+$offset]);
-    if ($search->{'dewey'} ne ''){
-      $query.= "and (dewey like ?)";
-      push(@bind,"$search->{'dewey'}%");
-    }
-    my $sth=$dbh->prepare($query);
-#    print $query;
-    $sth->execute(@bind);
-    if (my $data2=$sth->fetchrow_hashref){
-        my $dewey= $data2->{'dewey'};
-        my $subclass=$data2->{'subclass'};
-       $dewey=~s/\.*0*$//;
-        ($dewey == 0) && ($dewey='');
-        ($dewey) && ($dewey.=" $subclass") ;
-        $sth->finish;
-       $data2->{'dewey'}=$dewey;
-       $res2[$i]=$data2;
-        $i++;
-    }
-    $i2++;
-  }
-  }
-  #$count=$i;
-  return($count,@res2);
-sub KeywordSearch2 {
-  my ($env,$type,$search,$num,$offset)address@hidden;
-  my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
-  $search->{'keyword'}=~ s/ +$//;
-  my @key=split(' ',$search->{'keyword'});
-  my address@hidden;
-  my $i=1;
-  my @results;
-  my $query ="Select * from biblio,bibliosubtitle,biblioitems where
-  biblio.biblionumber=biblioitems.biblionumber and
-  biblio.biblionumber=bibliosubtitle.biblionumber and
-  (((title like ? or title like ?)";
-  my @bind=("$key[0]%","% $key[0]%");
-  while ($i < $count){
-    $query .= " and (title like ? or title like ?)";
-    push(@bind,"$key[$i]%","% $key[$i]%");
-    $i++;
-  }
-  $query.= ") or ((subtitle like ? or subtitle like ?)";
-  push(@bind,"$key[0]%","% $key[0]%");
-  for ($i=1;$i<$count;$i++){
-    $query.= " and (subtitle like ? or subtitle like ?)";
-    push(@bind,"$key[$i]%","% $key[$i]%");
-  }
-  $query.= ") or ((seriestitle like ? or seriestitle like ?)";
-  push(@bind,"$key[0]%","% $key[0]%");
-  for ($i=1;$i<$count;$i++){
-    $query.=" and (seriestitle like ? or seriestitle like ?)";
-    push(@bind,"$key[$i]%","% $key[$i]%");
-  }
-  $query.= ") or ((biblio.notes like ? or biblio.notes like ?)";
-  push(@bind,"$key[0]%","% $key[0]%");
-  for ($i=1;$i<$count;$i++){
-    $query.=" and (biblio.notes like ? or biblio.notes like ?)";
-    push(@bind,"$key[$i]%","% $key[$i]%");
-  }
-  $query.= ") or ((biblioitems.notes like ? or biblioitems.notes like ?)";
-  push(@bind,"$key[0]%","% $key[0]%");
-  for ($i=1;$i<$count;$i++){
-    $query.=" and (biblioitems.notes like ? or biblioitems.notes like ?)";
-    push(@bind,"$key[$i]%","% $key[$i]%");
-  }
-  if ($search->{'keyword'} =~ /new zealand/i){
-    $query.= "or (title like 'nz%' or title like '% nz %' or title like '% nz' 
or subtitle like 'nz%'
-    or subtitle like '% nz %' or subtitle like '% nz' or author like 'nz %'
-    or author like '% nz %' or author like '% nz')"
-  }
-  if ($search->{'keyword'} eq  'nz' || $search->{'keyword'} eq 'NZ' ||
-  $search->{'keyword'} =~ /nz /i || $search->{'keyword'} =~ / nz /i ||
-  $search->{'keyword'} =~ / nz/i){
-    $query.= "or (title like 'new zealand%' or title like '% new zealand %'
-    or title like '% new zealand' or subtitle like 'new zealand%' or
-    subtitle like '% new zealand %'
-    or subtitle like '% new zealand' or author like 'new zealand%'
-    or author like '% new zealand %' or author like '% new zealand' or
-    seriestitle like 'new zealand%' or seriestitle like '% new zealand %'
-    or seriestitle like '% new zealand')"
-  }
-  $query .= "))";
-  if ($search->{'class'} ne ''){
-    my @temp=split(/\|/,$search->{'class'});
-    my address@hidden;
-    $query.= "and ( itemtype=?";
-    push(@bind,"$temp[0]");
-    for (my $i=1;$i<$count;$i++){
-      $query.=" or itemtype=?";
-      push(@bind,"$temp[$i]");
-     }
-  $query.=")";
-  }
-  if ($search->{'dewey'} ne ''){
-    $query.= "and (dewey like '$search->{'dewey'}%') ";
-  }
-   $query.="group by biblio.biblionumber";
-   #$query.=" order by author,title";
-#  print $query;
-  my $sth=$dbh->prepare($query);
-  $sth->execute(@bind);
-  $i=0;
-  while (my $data=$sth->fetchrow_hashref){
-#FIXME: rewrite to use ? before uncomment
-#    my $sti=$dbh->prepare("select dewey,subclass from biblioitems where 
-#    ");
-#    $sti->execute;
-#    my ($dewey, $subclass) = $sti->fetchrow;
-    my $dewey=$data->{'dewey'};
-    my $subclass=$data->{'subclass'};
-    $dewey=~s/\.*0*$//;
-    ($dewey == 0) && ($dewey='');
-    ($dewey) && ($dewey.=" $subclass");
-#    $sti->finish;
-#      print $results[$i];
-    $i++;
-  }
-  $sth->finish;
-  $sth=$dbh->prepare("Select biblionumber from bibliosubject where subject
-  like ? group by biblionumber");
-  $sth->execute("%".$search->{'keyword'}."%");
-  while (my $data=$sth->fetchrow_hashref){
-    $query="Select * from biblio,biblioitems where
-    biblio.biblionumber=? and
-    biblio.biblionumber=biblioitems.biblionumber ";
-    @bind=($data->{'biblionumber'});
-    if ($search->{'class'} ne ''){
-      my @temp=split(/\|/,$search->{'class'});
-      my address@hidden;
-      $query.= " and ( itemtype=?";
-      push(@bind,$temp[0]);
-      for (my $i=1;$i<$count;$i++){
-        $query.=" or itemtype=?";
-        push(@bind,$temp[$i]);
-      }
-      $query.=")";
-    }
-    if ($search->{'dewey'} ne ''){
-      $query.= "and (dewey like ?)";
-      push(@bind,"$search->{'dewey'}%");
-    }
-    my $sth2=$dbh->prepare($query);
-    $sth2->execute(@bind);
-#    print $query;
-    while (my $data2=$sth2->fetchrow_hashref){
-      my $dewey= $data2->{'dewey'};
-      my $subclass=$data2->{'subclass'};
-      $dewey=~s/\.*0*$//;
-      ($dewey == 0) && ($dewey='');
-      ($dewey) && ($dewey.=" $subclass") ;
-#      $sti->finish;
-#      print $results[$i];
-      $i++;
-    }
-    $sth2->finish;
-  }
-  my $i2=1;
-  @results=sort @results;
-  my @res;
-  address@hidden;
-  $i=1;
-  if ($count > 0){
-    $res[0]=$results[0];
-  }
-  while ($i2 < $count){
-    if ($results[$i2] ne $res[$i-1]){
-      $res[$i]=$results[$i2];
-      $i++;
-    }
-    $i2++;
-  }
-  $i2=0;
-  my @res2;
-  address@hidden;
-  while ($i2 < $num && $i2 < $count){
-    $res2[$i2]=$res[$i2+$offset];
-#    print $res2[$i2];
-    $i2++;
-  }
-  $sth->finish;
-#  $i--;
-#  $i++;
-  return($i,@res2);
-=item CatSearch
-  ($count, @results) = &CatSearch($env, $type, $search, $num, $offset);
-C<&CatSearch> searches the Koha catalog. It returns a list whose first
-element is the number of returned results, and whose subsequent
-elements are the results themselves.
-Each returned element is a reference-to-hash. Most of the keys are
-simply the fields from the C<biblio> table in the Koha database, but
-the following keys may also be present:
-=over 4
-=item C<illustrator>
-The book's illustrator.
-=item C<publisher>
-The publisher.
-C<$env> is ignored.
-C<$type> may be C<subject>, C<loose>, or C<precise>. This controls the
-high-level behavior of C<&CatSearch>, as described below.
-In many cases, the description below says that a certain field in the
-database must match the search string. In these cases, it means that
-the beginning of some word in the field must match the search string.
-Thus, an author search for "sm" will return books whose author is
-"John Smith" or "Mike Smalls", but not "Paul Grossman", since the "sm"
-does not occur at the beginning of a word.
-Note that within each search mode, the criteria are and-ed together.
-That is, if you perform a loose search on the author "Jerome" and the
-title "Boat", the search will only return books by Jerome containing
-"Boat" in the title.
-It is not possible to cross modes, e.g., set the author to "Asimov"
-and the subject to "Math" in hopes of finding books on math by Asimov.
-=head2 Loose search
-If C<$type> is set to C<loose>, the following search criteria may be
-=over 4
-=item C<$search-E<gt>{author}>
-The search string is a space-separated list of words. Each word must
-match either the C<author> or C<additionalauthors> field.
-=item C<$search-E<gt>{title}>
-Each word in the search string must match the book title. If no author
-is specified, the book subtitle will also be searched.
-=item C<$search-E<gt>{abstract}>
-Searches for the given search string in the book's abstract.
-=item C<$search-E<gt>{'date-before'}>
-Searches for books whose copyright date matches the search string.
-That is, setting C<$search-E<gt>{'date-before'}> to "1985" will find
-books written in 1985, and setting it to "198" will find books written
-between 1980 and 1989.
-=item C<$search-E<gt>{title}>
-Searches by title are also affected by the value of
-C<$search-E<gt>{"ttype"}>; if it is set to C<exact>, then the book
-title, (one of) the series titleZ<>(s), or (one of) the unititleZ<>(s) must
-match the search string exactly (the subtitle is not searched).
-If C<$search-E<gt>{"ttype"}> is set to anything other than C<exact>,
-each word in the search string must match the title, subtitle,
-unititle, or series title.
-=item C<$search-E<gt>{class}>
-Restricts the search to certain item classes. The value of
-C<$search-E<gt>{"class"}> is a | (pipe)-separated list of item types.
-Thus, setting it to "F" restricts the search to fiction, and setting
-it to "CD|CAS" will only look in compact disks and cassettes.
-=item C<$search-E<gt>{dewey}>
-Searches for books whose Dewey Decimal Classification code matches the
-search string. That is, setting C<$search-E<gt>{"dewey"}> to "5" will
-search for all books in 5I<xx> (Science and mathematics), setting it
-to "54" will search for all books in 54I<x> (Chemistry), and setting
-it to "546" will search for books on inorganic chemistry.
-=item C<$search-E<gt>{publisher}>
-Searches for books whose publisher contains the search string (unlike
-other search criteria, C<$search-E<gt>{publisher}> is a string, not a
-set of words.
-=head2 Subject search
-If C<$type> is set to C<subject>, the following search criterion may
-be used:
-=over 4
-=item C<$search-E<gt>{subject}>
-The search string is a space-separated list of words, each of which
-must match the book's subject.
-Special case: if C<$search-E<gt>{subject}> is set to C<nz>,
-C<&CatSearch> will search for books whose subject is "New Zealand".
-However, setting C<$search-E<gt>{subject}> to C<"nz football"> will
-search for books on "nz" and "football", not books on "New Zealand"
-and "football".
-=head2 Precise search
-If C<$type> is set to C<precise>, the following search criteria may be
-=over 4
-=item C<$search-E<gt>{item}>
-Searches for books whose barcode exactly matches the search string.
-=item C<$search-E<gt>{isbn}>
-Searches for books whose ISBN exactly matches the search string.
-For a loose search, if an author was specified, the results are
-ordered by author and title. If no author was specified, the results
-are ordered by title.
-For other (non-loose) searches, if a subject was specified, the
-results are ordered alphabetically by subject.
-In all other cases (e.g., loose search by keyword), the results are
-not ordered.
-sub CatSearch  {
-       my ($env,$type,$search,$num,$offset)address@hidden;
-       my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
-       my $query = '';
-       my @bind = ();
-       my @results;
-       my $title = lc($search->{'title'});
-       if ($type eq 'loose' || $type eq 'loose_acq') {
-               if ($search->{'author'} ne ''){
-                       my @key=split(' ',$search->{'author'});
-                       my address@hidden;
-                       my $i=1;
-                       $query="select *,biblio.author,biblio.biblionumber from
-                                                       biblio
-                                                       left join 
-                                                       on 
additionalauthors.biblionumber =biblio.biblionumber
-                                                       where
-                                                       ((biblio.author like ? 
or biblio.author like ? or
additionalauthors.author like ? or additionalauthors.author
-                                                       like ?
-                                                               )";
-                       @bind=("$key[0]%","% $key[0]%","$key[0]%","% $key[0]%");
-                       while ($i < $count){
-                                       $query .= " and (
biblio.author like ? or biblio.author like ? or
additionalauthors.author like ? or additionalauthors.author like ?
-                                                                       )";
-                                       push(@bind,"$key[$i]%","% 
$key[$i]%","$key[$i]%","% $key[$i]%");
-                               $i++;
-                       }
-                       $query .= ")";
-                       if ($search->{'title'} ne ''){
-                               my @key=split(' ',$search->{'title'});
-                               my address@hidden;
-                               my $i=0;
-                               $query.= " and (((title like ? or title like 
-                               push(@bind,"$key[0]%","% $key[0]%");
-                               while ($i<$count){
-                                       $query .= " and (title like ? or title 
like ?)";
-                                       push(@bind,"$key[$i]%","% $key[$i]%");
-                                       $i++;
-                               }
-                               $query.=") or ((seriestitle like ? or 
seriestitle like ?)";
-                               push(@bind,"$key[0]%","% $key[0]%");
-                               for ($i=1;$i<$count;$i++){
-                                       $query.=" and (seriestitle like ? or 
seriestitle like ?)";
-                                       push(@bind,"$key[$i]%","% $key[$i]%");
-                                       }
-                               $query.=") or ((unititle like ? or unititle 
like ?)";
-                               push(@bind,"$key[0]%","% $key[0]%");
-                               for ($i=1;$i<$count;$i++){
-                                       $query.=" and (unititle like ? or 
unititle like ?)";
-                                       push(@bind,"$key[$i]%","% $key[$i]%");
-                                       }
-                               $query .= "))";
-                       }
-                       if ($search->{'abstract'} ne ''){
-                               $query.= " and (abstract like ?)";
-                               push(@bind,"%$search->{'abstract'}%");
-                       }
-                       if ($search->{'date-before'} ne ''){
-                               $query.= " and (copyrightdate like ?)";
-                               push(@bind,"%$search->{'date-before'}%");
-                       }
-                       $query.=" group by biblio.biblionumber";
-               } else {
-                       if ($search->{'title'} ne '') {
-                               if ($search->{'ttype'} eq 'exact'){
-                                       $query="select * from biblio
-                                       where
-                                       (biblio.title=? or (biblio.unititle = ?
-                                       or biblio.unititle like ? or
-                                       biblio.unititle like ? or
-                                       biblio.unititle like ?) or
-                                       (biblio.seriestitle = ? or
-                                       biblio.seriestitle like ? or
-                                       biblio.seriestitle like ? or
-                                       biblio.seriestitle like ?)
-                                       )";
@bind=($search->{'title'},$search->{'title'},"$search->{'title'} |%","%| 
$search->{'title'} |%","%| 
$search->{'title'}",$search->{'title'},"$search->{'title'} |%","%| 
$search->{'title'} |%","%| $search->{'title'}");
-                               } else {
-                                       my @key=split(' ',$search->{'title'});
-                                       my address@hidden;
-                                       my $i=1;
-                                       $query="select 
 from biblio
-                                       left join bibliosubtitle on
-                                       where
-                                       (((title like ? or title like ?)";
-                                       @bind=("$key[0]%","% $key[0]%");
-                                       while ($i<$count){
-                                               $query .= " and (title like ? 
or title like ?)";
-                                               push(@bind,"$key[$i]%","% 
-                                               $i++;
-                                       }
-                                       $query.=") or ((subtitle like ? or 
subtitle like ?)";
-                                       push(@bind,"$key[0]%","% $key[0]%");
-                                       for ($i=1;$i<$count;$i++){
-                                               $query.=" and (subtitle like ? 
or subtitle like ?)";
-                                               push(@bind,"$key[$i]%","% 
-                                       }
-                                       $query.=") or ((seriestitle like ? or 
seriestitle like ?)";
-                                       push(@bind,"$key[0]%","% $key[0]%");
-                                       for ($i=1;$i<$count;$i++){
-                                               $query.=" and (seriestitle like 
? or seriestitle like ?)";
-                                               push(@bind,"$key[$i]%","% 
-                                       }
-                                       $query.=") or ((unititle like ? or 
unititle like ?)";
-                                       push(@bind,"$key[0]%","% $key[0]%");
-                                       for ($i=1;$i<$count;$i++){
-                                               $query.=" and (unititle like ? 
or unititle like ?)";
-                                               push(@bind,"$key[$i]%","% 
-                                       }
-                                       $query .= "))";
-                               }
-                               if ($search->{'abstract'} ne ''){
-                                       $query.= " and (abstract like ?)";
-                                       push(@bind,"%$search->{'abstract'}%");
-                               }
-                               if ($search->{'date-before'} ne ''){
-                                       $query.= " and (copyrightdate like ?)";
-                               }
-                       } elsif ($search->{'class'} ne ''){
-                               $query="select * from biblioitems,biblio where 
-                               my @temp=split(/\|/,$search->{'class'});
-                               my address@hidden;
-                               $query.= " and ( itemtype= ?)";
-                               @bind=($temp[0]);
-                               for (my $i=1;$i<$count;$i++){
-                                       $query.=" or itemtype=?";
-                                       push(@bind,$temp[$i]);
-                               }
-                               $query.=")";
-                               if ($search->{'illustrator'} ne ''){
-                                       $query.=" and illus like ?";
-                               }
-                               if ($search->{'dewey'} ne ''){
-                                       $query.=" and biblioitems.dewey like ?";
-                                       push(@bind,"$search->{'dewey'}%");
-                               }
-                       } elsif ($search->{'dewey'} ne ''){
-                               $query="select * from biblioitems,biblio
-                               where 
-                               and biblioitems.dewey like ?";
-                               @bind=("$search->{'dewey'}%");
-                       } elsif ($search->{'illustrator'} ne '') {
-                                       $query="select * from biblioitems,biblio
-                               where 
-                               and biblioitems.illus like ?";
-                       } elsif ($search->{'publisher'} ne ''){
-                               $query = "Select * from biblio,biblioitems 
where biblio.biblionumber
-                               =biblioitems.biblionumber and (publishercode 
like ?)";
-                               @bind=("%$search->{'publisher'}%");
-                       } elsif ($search->{'abstract'} ne ''){
-                               $query = "Select * from biblio where abstract 
like ?";
-                               @bind=("%$search->{'abstract'}%");
-                       } elsif ($search->{'date-before'} ne ''){
-                               $query = "Select * from biblio where 
copyrightdate like ?";
-                               @bind=("%$search->{'date-before'}%");
-                       }
-                       $query .=" group by biblio.biblionumber";
-               }
-       }
-       if ($type eq 'subject'){
-               my @key=split(' ',$search->{'subject'});
-               my address@hidden;
-               my $i=1;
-               $query="select * from bibliosubject, biblioitems where
-(bibliosubject.biblionumber = biblioitems.biblionumber) and ( subject like ? 
or subject like ? or subject like ?)";
-               @bind=("$key[0]%","% $key[0]%","%($key[0])%");
-               while ($i<$count){
-                       $query.=" and (subject like ? or subject like ? or 
subject like ?)";
-                       push(@bind,"$key[$i]%","% $key[$i]%","%($key[$i])%");
-                       $i++;
-               }
-               # FIXME - Wouldn't it be better to fix the database so that if a
-               # book has a subject "NZ", then it also gets added the subject
-               # "New Zealand"?
-               # This can also be generalized by adding a table of subject
-               # synonyms to the database: just declare "NZ" to be a synonym 
-               # "New Zealand", "SF" a synonym for both "Science fiction" and
-               # "Fantastic fiction", etc.
-               if (lc($search->{'subject'}) eq 'nz'){
-                       $query.= " or (subject like 'NEW ZEALAND %' or subject 
like '% NEW ZEALAND %'
-                       or subject like '% NEW ZEALAND' or subject like '%(NEW 
ZEALAND)%' ) ";
-               } elsif ( $search->{'subject'} =~ /^nz /i || 
$search->{'subject'} =~ / nz /i || $search->{'subject'} =~ / nz$/i){
-                       $query=~ s/ nz/ NEW ZEALAND/ig;
-                       $query=~ s/nz /NEW ZEALAND /ig;
-                       $query=~ s/\(nz\)/\(NEW ZEALAND\)/gi;
-               }
-       }
-       if ($type eq 'precise'){
-               if ($search->{'itemnumber'} ne ''){
-                       $query="select * from items,biblio ";
-                       my $search2=uc $search->{'itemnumber'};
-                       $query=$query." where
-                       items.biblionumber=biblio.biblionumber
-                       and barcode=?";
-                       @bind=($search2);
-                                       # FIXME - .= <<EOT;
-               }
-               if ($search->{'isbn'} ne ''){
-                       my $search2=uc $search->{'isbn'};
-                       my $sth1=$dbh->prepare("select * from biblioitems where 
-                       $sth1->execute($search2);
-                       my $i2=0;
-                       while (my $data=$sth1->fetchrow_hashref) {
-                               my $sth=$dbh->prepare("select * from 
biblioitems,biblio where
-                                       biblio.biblionumber = ?
-                                       and biblioitems.biblionumber = 
-                               $sth->execute($data->{'biblionumber'});
-                               # FIXME - There's already a $data in this scope.
-                               my $data=$sth->fetchrow_hashref;
-                               my ($dewey, $subclass) = ($data->{'dewey'}, 
-                               # FIXME - The following assumes that the Dewey 
code is a
-                               # floating-point number. It isn't: it's a 
-                               $dewey=~s/\.*0*$//;
-                               ($dewey == 0) && ($dewey='');
-                               ($dewey) && ($dewey.=" $subclass");
-                               $data->{'dewey'}=$dewey;
-                               $results[$i2]=$data;
-                       #           
-                               $i2++;
-                               $sth->finish;
-                       }
-                       $sth1->finish;
-               }
-       }
-       if ($type ne 'precise' && $type ne 'subject'){
-               if ($search->{'author'} ne ''){
-                       $query .= " order by biblio.author,title";
-               } else {
-                       $query .= " order by title";
-               }
-       } else {
-               if ($type eq 'subject'){
-                       $query .= " group by subject ";
-               }
-       }
-       my $sth=$dbh->prepare($query);
-       $sth->execute(@bind);
-       my $count=1;
-       my $i=0;
-       my $limit= $num+$offset;
-       while (my $data=$sth->fetchrow_hashref){
-               my $query="select classification,dewey,subclass,publishercode 
from biblioitems where biblionumber=?";
-               my @bind=($data->{'biblionumber'});
-               if ($search->{'class'} ne ''){
-                       my @temp=split(/\|/,$search->{'class'});
-                       my address@hidden;
-                       $query.= " and ( itemtype= ?";
-                       push(@bind,$temp[0]);
-                       for (my $i=1;$i<$count;$i++){
-                       $query.=" or itemtype=?";
-                       push(@bind,$temp[$i]);
-                       }
-                       $query.=")";
-               }
-               if ($search->{'dewey'} ne ''){
-                       $query.=" and dewey=? ";
-                       push(@bind,$search->{'dewey'});
-               }
-               if ($search->{'illustrator'} ne ''){
-                       $query.=" and illus like ?";
-                       push(@bind,"%$search->{'illustrator'}%");
-               }
-               if ($search->{'publisher'} ne ''){
-                       $query.= " and (publishercode like ?)";
-                       push(@bind,"%$search->{'publisher'}%");
-               }
-               my $sti=$dbh->prepare($query);
-               $sti->execute(@bind);
-               my $classification;
-               my $dewey;
-               my $subclass;
-               my $true=0;
-               my $publishercode;
-               my $bibitemdata;
-               if ($bibitemdata = $sti->fetchrow_hashref()){
-                       $true=1;
-                       $classification=$bibitemdata->{'classification'};
-                       $dewey=$bibitemdata->{'dewey'};
-                       $subclass=$bibitemdata->{'subclass'};
-                       $publishercode=$bibitemdata->{'publishercode'};
-               }
-               if($type eq 'loose_acq'){ # want to return biblio info for 
biblios that do not have attached biblioitems 
-                   $true=1;                
-               }
-               #  print STDERR "$dewey $subclass $publishercode\n";
-               # FIXME - The Dewey code is a string, not a number.
-               $dewey=~s/\.*0*$//;
-               ($dewey == 0) && ($dewey='');
-               ($dewey) && ($dewey.=" $subclass");
-               $data->{'classification'}=$classification;
-               $data->{'dewey'}=$dewey;
-               $data->{'publishercode'}=$publishercode;
-               $sti->finish;
-               if ($true == 1){
-                       if ($count > $offset && $count <= $limit){
-                               $results[$i]=$data;
-                               $i++;
-                       }
-                       $count++;
-               }
-       }
-       $sth->finish;
-       $count--;
-       return($count,@results);
-sub updatesearchstats{
-  my ($dbh,$query)address@hidden;
-=item subsearch
-  @results = &subsearch($env, $subject);
-Searches for books that have a subject that exactly matches
-C<&subsearch> returns an array of results. Each element of this array
-is a string, containing the book's title, author, and biblionumber,
-separated by tabs.
-C<$env> is ignored.
-sub subsearch {
-  my ($env,$subject)address@hidden;
-  my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
-  my $sth=$dbh->prepare("Select * from biblio,bibliosubject where
-  biblio.biblionumber=bibliosubject.biblionumber and
-  bibliosubject.subject=? group by biblio.biblionumber
-  order by biblio.title");
-  $sth->execute($subject);
-  my $i=0;
-  my @results;
-  while (my $data=$sth->fetchrow_hashref){
-    push @results, $data;
-    $i++;
-  }
-  $sth->finish;
-  return(@results);
-=item ItemInfo
-  @results = &ItemInfo($env, $biblionumber, $type);
-Returns information about books with the given biblionumber.
-C<$type> may be either C<intra> or anything else. If it is not set to
-C<intra>, then the search will exclude lost, very overdue, and
-withdrawn items.
-C<$env> is ignored.
-C<&ItemInfo> returns a list of references-to-hash. Each element
-contains a number of keys. Most of them are table items from the
-C<biblio>, C<biblioitems>, C<items>, and C<itemtypes> tables in the
-Koha database. Other keys include:
-=over 4
-=item C<$data-E<gt>{branchname}>
-The name (not the code) of the branch to which the book belongs.
-=item C<$data-E<gt>{datelastseen}>
-This is simply C<items.datelastseen>, except that while the date is
-stored in YYYY-MM-DD format in the database, here it is converted to
-DD/MM/YYYY format. A NULL date is returned as C<//>.
-=item C<$data-E<gt>{datedue}>
-=item C<$data-E<gt>{class}>
-This is the concatenation of C<biblioitems.classification>, the book's
-Dewey code, and C<biblioitems.subclass>.
-=item C<$data-E<gt>{ocount}>
-I think this is the number of copies of the book available.
-=item C<$data-E<gt>{order}>
-If this is set, it is set to C<One Order>.
-sub ItemInfo {
-       my ($env,$biblionumber,$type) = @_;
-       my $dbh   = C4::Context->dbh;
-       my $query = "SELECT *,items.notforloan as itemnotforloan FROM items, 
biblio, biblioitems 
-                                       left join itemtypes on 
biblioitems.itemtype = itemtypes.itemtype
-                                       WHERE items.biblionumber = ?
-                                       AND biblioitems.biblioitemnumber = 
-                                       AND biblio.biblionumber = 
-# buggy : opac & librarian interface can show the same info level & itemstatus 
should not be hardcoded
-#      if ($type ne 'intra'){
-#              $query .= " and ((items.itemlost<>1 and items.itemlost <> 2)
-#              or items.itemlost is NULL)
-#              and (wthdrawn <> 1 or wthdrawn is NULL)";
-#      }
-       $query .= " order by items.homebranch, items.dateaccessioned desc";
-       my $sth=$dbh->prepare($query);
-       $sth->execute($biblionumber);
-       my $i=0;
-       my @results;
-       while (my $data=$sth->fetchrow_hashref){
-               my $datedue = '';
-               my $isth=$dbh->prepare("Select issues.*,borrowers.cardnumber 
from issues,borrowers where itemnumber = ? and returndate is null and 
-               $isth->execute($data->{'itemnumber'});
-               if (my $idata=$isth->fetchrow_hashref){
-               $data->{borrowernumber} = $idata->{borrowernumber};
-               $data->{cardnumber} = $idata->{cardnumber};
-               $datedue = format_date($idata->{'date_due'});
-               }
-# buggy : hardcoded & non-translatable
-# more : why don't you want to show the datedue if it's very very overdue ?
-#              if ($data->{'itemlost'} eq '2'){
-#                      $datedue='Very Overdue';
-#              }
-#              if ($data->{'itemlost'} eq '1'){
-#                      $datedue='Lost';
-#              }
-#              if ($data->{'wthdrawn'} eq '1'){
-#                      $datedue="Cancelled";
-#              }
-               if ($datedue eq ''){
-       #       $datedue="Available";
-                       my 
-                       if ($restype) {
-                               $datedue=$restype;
-                       }
-               }
-               $isth->finish;
-       #get branch information.....
-               my $bsth=$dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM branches WHERE branchcode 
= ?");
-               $bsth->execute($data->{'holdingbranch'});
-               if (my $bdata=$bsth->fetchrow_hashref){
-                       $data->{'branchname'} = $bdata->{'branchname'};
-               }
-               my $date=format_date($data->{'datelastseen'});
-               $data->{'datelastseen'}=$date;
-               $data->{'datedue'}=$datedue;
-       # get notforloan complete status if applicable
-               my $sthnflstatus = $dbh->prepare('select authorised_value from 
marc_subfield_structure where kohafield="items.notforloan"');
-               $sthnflstatus->execute;
-               my ($authorised_valuecode) = $sthnflstatus->fetchrow;
-               if ($authorised_valuecode) {
-                       $sthnflstatus = $dbh->prepare("select lib from 
authorised_values where category=? and authorised_value=?");
-                       my ($lib) = $sthnflstatus->fetchrow;
-                       $data->{notforloantext} = $lib;
-               }
-               $results[$i]=$data;
-               $i++;
-       }
-       $sth->finish;
-       #FIXME: ordering/indentation here looks wrong
-# buggy : count in $i+1 the info on qty ordered for $i : total shown is real 
total +1
-# useless : Koha 2.2.2 now automatically show the existing number of items
-# and if there is no items, and at least one is on order, show "on order".
-#      my $sth2=$dbh->prepare("Select * from aqorders where biblionumber=?");
-#      $sth2->execute($biblionumber);
-#      my $data;
-#      my $ocount;
-#      if ($data=$sth2->fetchrow_hashref){
-#              $ocount=$data->{'quantity'} - $data->{'quantityreceived'};
-#              if ($ocount > 0){
-#              $data->{'ocount'}=$ocount;
-#              $data->{'order'}="One Order";
-#              $results[$i]=$data;
-#              }
-#      }
-#      $sth2->finish;
-       return(@results);
-=item GetItems
-  @results = &GetItems($env, $biblionumber);
-Returns information about books with the given biblionumber.
-C<$env> is ignored.
-C<&GetItems> returns an array of strings. Each element is a
-tab-separated list of values: biblioitemnumber, itemtype,
-classification, Dewey number, subclass, ISBN, volume, number, and
-Itemdata, in turn, is a string of the form
-"I<barcode>C<[>I<holdingbranch>C<[>I<flags>" where I<flags> contains
-the string C<NFL> if the item is not for loan, and C<LOST> if the item
-is lost.
-sub GetItems {
-   my ($env,$biblionumber)address@hidden;
-   #debug_msg($env,"GetItems");
-   my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
-   my $sth=$dbh->prepare("Select * from biblioitems where (biblionumber = ?)");
-   $sth->execute($biblionumber);
-   #debug_msg($env,"executed query");
-   my $i=0;
-   my @results;
-   while (my $data=$sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
-      #debug_msg($env,$data->{'biblioitemnumber'});
-      my $dewey = $data->{'dewey'};
-      $dewey =~ s/0+$//;
-      my $line = $data->{'biblioitemnumber'}."\t".$data->{'itemtype'};
-      $line .= "\t$data->{'classification'}\t$dewey";
-      $line .= "\t$data->{'subclass'}\t$data->{isbn}";
-      $line .= "\t$data->{'volume'}\t$data->{number}";
-      my $isth= $dbh->prepare("select * from items where biblioitemnumber = 
-      $isth->execute($data->{'biblioitemnumber'});
-      while (my $idata = $isth->fetchrow_hashref) {
-        my $iline = $idata->{'barcode'}."[".$idata->{'holdingbranch'}."[";
-       if ($idata->{'notforloan'} == 1) {
-         $iline .= "NFL ";
-       }
-       if ($idata->{'itemlost'} == 1) {
-         $iline .= "LOST ";
-       }
-        $line .= "\t$iline";
-      }
-      $isth->finish;
-      $results[$i] = $line;
-      $i++;
-   }
-   $sth->finish;
-   return(@results);
-=item itemdata
-  $item = &itemdata($barcode);
-Looks up the item with the given barcode, and returns a
-reference-to-hash containing information about that item. The keys of
-the hash are the fields from the C<items> and C<biblioitems> tables in
-the Koha database.
-sub itemdata {
-  my ($barcode)address@hidden;
-  my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
-  my $sth=$dbh->prepare("Select * from items,biblioitems where barcode=?
-  and items.biblioitemnumber=biblioitems.biblioitemnumber");
-  $sth->execute($barcode);
-  my $data=$sth->fetchrow_hashref;
-  $sth->finish;
-  return($data);
-=item bibdata
-  $data = &bibdata($biblionumber, $type);
-Returns information about the book with the given biblionumber.
-C<$type> is ignored.
-C<&bibdata> returns a reference-to-hash. The keys are the fields in
-the C<biblio>, C<biblioitems>, and C<bibliosubtitle> tables in the
-Koha database.
-In addition, C<$data-E<gt>{subject}> is the list of the book's
-subjects, separated by C<" , "> (space, comma, space).
-If there are multiple biblioitems with the given biblionumber, only
-the first one is considered.
-sub bibdata {
-       my ($bibnum, $type) = @_;
-       my $dbh   = C4::Context->dbh;
-       my $sth   = $dbh->prepare("Select *, biblioitems.notes AS bnotes, 
-                                                               from biblio, 
-                                                               left join 
bibliosubtitle on
biblio.biblionumber = bibliosubtitle.biblionumber
-                                                               left join 
itemtypes on biblioitems.itemtype=itemtypes.itemtype
-                                                               where 
biblio.biblionumber = ?
-                                                               and 
biblioitems.biblionumber = biblio.biblionumber");
-       $sth->execute($bibnum);
-       my $data;
-       $data  = $sth->fetchrow_hashref;
-       $sth->finish;
-       # move url to an array, splitting it on every |
-       my @URLS;
-       foreach (split /\|/,$data->{url}) {
-               my %url;
-               $url{url} = $_;
-               push @URLS,\%url;
-       }
-       $data->{URLS} = address@hidden;
-       # handle management of repeated subtitle
-       $sth   = $dbh->prepare("Select * from bibliosubtitle where biblionumber 
= ?");
-       $sth->execute($bibnum);
-       my @subtitles;
-       while (my $dat = $sth->fetchrow_hashref){
-               my %line;
-               $line{subtitle} = $dat->{subtitle};
-               push @subtitles, \%line;
-       } # while
-       $data->{subtitles} = address@hidden;
-       $sth->finish;
-       $sth   = $dbh->prepare("Select * from bibliosubject where biblionumber 
= ?");
-       $sth->execute($bibnum);
-       # handle subjects : DEPRECATED ?
-       my @subjects;
-       while (my $dat = $sth->fetchrow_hashref){
-               my %line;
-               $line{subject} = $dat->{'subject'};
-               push @subjects, \%line;
-       } # while
-       $data->{subjects} = address@hidden;
-       $sth->finish;
-       # handle additional authors
-       $sth   = $dbh->prepare("Select * from additionalauthors where 
biblionumber = ?");
-       $sth->execute($bibnum);
-       while (my $dat = $sth->fetchrow_hashref){
-               $data->{'additionalauthors'} .= "$dat->{'author'} - ";
-       } # while
-       chop $data->{'additionalauthors'};
-       chop $data->{'additionalauthors'};
-       chop $data->{'additionalauthors'};
-       # handle ISBN : reintroduce - if there are none
-       $data->{'isbn'} = DisplayISBN($data->{'isbn'});
-       $sth->finish;
-       return($data);
-} # sub bibdata
-=item bibitemdata
-  $itemdata = &bibitemdata($biblioitemnumber);
-Looks up the biblioitem with the given biblioitemnumber. Returns a
-reference-to-hash. The keys are the fields from the C<biblio>,
-C<biblioitems>, and C<itemtypes> tables in the Koha database, except
-that C<biblioitems.notes> is given as C<$itemdata-E<gt>{bnotes}>.
-sub bibitemdata {
-    my ($bibitem) = @_;
-    my $dbh   = C4::Context->dbh;
-    my $sth   = $dbh->prepare("Select *,biblioitems.notes as bnotes from 
biblio, biblioitems,itemtypes where biblio.biblionumber = 
biblioitems.biblionumber and biblioitemnumber = ? and biblioitems.itemtype = 
-    my $data;
-    $sth->execute($bibitem);
-    $data = $sth->fetchrow_hashref;
-    $sth->finish;
-    return($data);
-} # sub bibitemdata
-=item subject
-  ($count, $subjects) = &subject($biblionumber);
-Looks up the subjects of the book with the given biblionumber. Returns
-a two-element list. C<$subjects> is a reference-to-array, where each
-element is a subject of the book, and C<$count> is the number of
-elements in C<$subjects>.
-sub subject {
-  my ($bibnum)address@hidden;
-  my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
-  my $sth=$dbh->prepare("Select * from bibliosubject where biblionumber=?");
-  $sth->execute($bibnum);
-  my @results;
-  my $i=0;
-  while (my $data=$sth->fetchrow_hashref){
-    $results[$i]=$data;
-    $i++;
-  }
-  $sth->finish;
-  return($i,address@hidden);
-=item addauthor
-  ($count, $authors) = &addauthors($biblionumber);
-Looks up the additional authors for the book with the given
-Returns a two-element list. C<$authors> is a reference-to-array, where
-each element is an additional author, and C<$count> is the number of
-elements in C<$authors>.
-sub addauthor {
-  my ($bibnum)address@hidden;
-  my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
-  my $sth=$dbh->prepare("Select * from additionalauthors where 
-  $sth->execute($bibnum);
-  my @results;
-  my $i=0;
-  while (my $data=$sth->fetchrow_hashref){
-    $results[$i]=$data;
-    $i++;
-  }
-  $sth->finish;
-  return($i,address@hidden);
-=item subtitle
-  ($count, $subtitles) = &subtitle($biblionumber);
-Looks up the subtitles for the book with the given biblionumber.
-Returns a two-element list. C<$subtitles> is a reference-to-array,
-where each element is a subtitle, and C<$count> is the number of
-elements in C<$subtitles>.
-sub subtitle {
-  my ($bibnum)address@hidden;
-  my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
-  my $sth=$dbh->prepare("Select * from bibliosubtitle where biblionumber=?");
-  $sth->execute($bibnum);
-  my @results;
-  my $i=0;
-  while (my $data=$sth->fetchrow_hashref){
-    $results[$i]=$data;
-    $i++;
-  }
-  $sth->finish;
-  return($i,address@hidden);
-=item itemissues
-  @issues = &itemissues($biblioitemnumber, $biblio);
-Looks up information about who has borrowed the bookZ<>(s) with the
-given biblioitemnumber.
-C<$biblio> is ignored.
-C<&itemissues> returns an array of references-to-hash. The keys
-include the fields from the C<items> table in the Koha database.
-Additional keys include:
-=over 4
-=item C<date_due>
-If the item is currently on loan, this gives the due date.
-If the item is not on loan, then this is either "Available" or
-"Cancelled", if the item has been withdrawn.
-=item C<card>
-If the item is currently on loan, this gives the card number of the
-patron who currently has the item.
-=item C<timestamp0>, C<timestamp1>, C<timestamp2>
-These give the timestamp for the last three times the item was
-=item C<card0>, C<card1>, C<card2>
-The card number of the last three patrons who borrowed this item.
-=item C<borrower0>, C<borrower1>, C<borrower2>
-The borrower number of the last three patrons who borrowed this item.
-sub itemissues {
-    my ($bibitem, $biblio)address@hidden;
-    my $dbh   = C4::Context->dbh;
-    # FIXME - If this function die()s, the script will abort, and the
-    # user won't get anything; depending on how far the script has
-    # gotten, the user might get a blank page. It would be much better
-    # to at least print an error message. The easiest way to do this
-    # is to set $SIG{__DIE__}.
-    my $sth   = $dbh->prepare("Select * from items where
-items.biblioitemnumber = ?")
-      || die $dbh->errstr;
-    my $i     = 0;
-    my @results;
-    $sth->execute($bibitem)
-      || die $sth->errstr;
-    while (my $data = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
-        # Find out who currently has this item.
-        # FIXME - Wouldn't it be better to do this as a left join of
-        # some sort? Currently, this code assumes that if
-        # fetchrow_hashref() fails, then the book is on the shelf.
-        # fetchrow_hashref() can fail for any number of reasons (e.g.,
-        # database server crash), not just because no items match the
-        # search criteria.
-        my $sth2   = $dbh->prepare("select * from issues,borrowers
-where itemnumber = ?
-and returndate is NULL
-and issues.borrowernumber = borrowers.borrowernumber");
-        $sth2->execute($data->{'itemnumber'});
-        if (my $data2 = $sth2->fetchrow_hashref) {
-            $data->{'date_due'} = $data2->{'date_due'};
-            $data->{'card'}     = $data2->{'cardnumber'};
-           $data->{'borrower'}     = $data2->{'borrowernumber'};
-        } else {
-            if ($data->{'wthdrawn'} eq '1') {
-                $data->{'date_due'} = 'Cancelled';
-            } else {
-                $data->{'date_due'} = 'Available';
-            } # else
-        } # else
-        $sth2->finish;
-        # Find the last 3 people who borrowed this item.
-        $sth2 = $dbh->prepare("select * from issues, borrowers
-                                               where itemnumber = ?
-                                                                       and 
issues.borrowernumber = borrowers.borrowernumber
-                                                                       and 
returndate is not NULL
-                                                                       order 
by returndate desc,timestamp desc") || die $dbh->errstr;
-        $sth2->execute($data->{'itemnumber'}) || die $sth2->errstr;
-        for (my $i2 = 0; $i2 < 2; $i2++) { # FIXME : error if there is less 
than 3 pple borrowing this item
-            if (my $data2 = $sth2->fetchrow_hashref) {
-                $data->{"timestamp$i2"} = $data2->{'timestamp'};
-                $data->{"card$i2"}      = $data2->{'cardnumber'};
-                $data->{"borrower$i2"}  = $data2->{'borrowernumber'};
-            } # if
-        } # for
-        $sth2->finish;
-        $results[$i] = $data;
-        $i++;
-    }
-    $sth->finish;
-    return(@results);
-=item itemnodata
-  $item = &itemnodata($env, $dbh, $biblioitemnumber);
-Looks up the item with the given biblioitemnumber.
-C<$env> and C<$dbh> are ignored.
-C<&itemnodata> returns a reference-to-hash whose keys are the fields
-from the C<biblio>, C<biblioitems>, and C<items> tables in the Koha
-sub itemnodata {
-  my ($env,$dbh,$itemnumber) = @_;
-  $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
-  my $sth=$dbh->prepare("Select * from biblio,items,biblioitems
-    where items.itemnumber = ?
-    and biblio.biblionumber = items.biblionumber
-    and biblioitems.biblioitemnumber = items.biblioitemnumber");
-#  print $query;
-  $sth->execute($itemnumber);
-  my $data=$sth->fetchrow_hashref;
-  $sth->finish;
-  return($data);
-=item BornameSearch
-  ($count, $borrowers) = &BornameSearch($env, $searchstring, $type);
-Looks up patrons (borrowers) by name.
-C<$env> is ignored.
-BUGFIX 499: C<$type> is now used to determine type of search.
-if $type is "simple", search is performed on the first letter of the
-surname only.
-C<$searchstring> is a space-separated list of search terms. Each term
-must match the beginning a borrower's surname, first name, or other
-C<&BornameSearch> returns a two-element list. C<$borrowers> is a
-reference-to-array; each element is a reference-to-hash, whose keys
-are the fields of the C<borrowers> table in the Koha database.
-C<$count> is the number of elements in C<$borrowers>.
-#used by member enquiries from the intranet
-#called by member.pl
-sub BornameSearch  {
-       my ($env,$searchstring,$orderby,$type)address@hidden;
-       my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
-       my $query = ""; my $count; my @data;
-       my @bind=();
-       if($type eq "simple")   # simple search for one letter only
-       {
-               $query="Select * from borrowers where surname like ? order by 
-               @bind=("$searchstring%");
-       }
-       else    # advanced search looking in surname, firstname and othernames
-       {
-               @data=split(' ',$searchstring);
-               address@hidden;
-               $query="Select * from borrowers
-               where ((surname like ? or surname like ?
-               or firstname  like ? or firstname like ?
-               or othernames like ? or othernames like ?)
-               ";
-               @bind=("$data[0]%","% $data[0]%","$data[0]%","% 
$data[0]%","$data[0]%","% $data[0]%");
-               for (my $i=1;$i<$count;$i++){
-                       $query=$query." and (".
-                       " surname like ? or surname like ?
-                        or firstname  like ? or firstname like ?
-                       or othernames like ? or othernames like ?)";
-                       push(@bind,"$data[$i]%","% $data[$i]%","$data[$i]%","% 
$data[$i]%","$data[$i]%","% $data[$i]%");
-                                       # FIXME - .= <<EOT;
-               }
-               $query=$query.") or cardnumber like ?
-               order by $orderby";
-               push(@bind,$searchstring);
-                                       # FIXME - .= <<EOT;
-       }
-       my $sth=$dbh->prepare($query);
-       $sth->execute(@bind);
-       my @results;
-       my $cnt=$sth->rows;
-       while (my $data=$sth->fetchrow_hashref){
-       push(@results,$data);
-       }
-       #  $sth->execute;
-       $sth->finish;
-       return ($cnt,address@hidden);
-=item borrdata
-  $borrower = &borrdata($cardnumber, $borrowernumber);
-Looks up information about a patron (borrower) by either card number
-or borrower number. If $borrowernumber is specified, C<&borrdata>
-searches by borrower number; otherwise, it searches by card number.
-C<&borrdata> returns a reference-to-hash whose keys are the fields of
-the C<borrowers> table in the Koha database.
-sub borrdata {
-  my ($cardnumber,$bornum)address@hidden;
-  $cardnumber = uc $cardnumber;
-  my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
-  my $sth;
-  if ($bornum eq ''){
-    $sth=$dbh->prepare("Select * from borrowers where cardnumber=?");
-    $sth->execute($cardnumber);
-  } else {
-    $sth=$dbh->prepare("Select * from borrowers where borrowernumber=?");
-  $sth->execute($bornum);
-  }
-  my $data=$sth->fetchrow_hashref;
-  $sth->finish;
-  if ($data) {
-       return($data);
-       } else { # try with firstname
-               if ($cardnumber) {
-                       my $sth=$dbh->prepare("select * from borrowers where 
-                       $sth->execute($cardnumber);
-                       my $data=$sth->fetchrow_hashref;
-                       $sth->finish;
-                       return($data);
-               }
-       }
-       return undef;
-=item borrissues
-  ($count, $issues) = &borrissues($borrowernumber);
-Looks up what the patron with the given borrowernumber has borrowed.
-C<&borrissues> returns a two-element array. C<$issues> is a
-reference-to-array, where each element is a reference-to-hash; the
-keys are the fields from the C<issues>, C<biblio>, and C<items> tables
-in the Koha database. C<$count> is the number of elements in
-sub borrissues {
-  my ($bornum)address@hidden;
-  my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
-  my $sth=$dbh->prepare("Select * from issues,biblio,items where 
-   and items.itemnumber=issues.itemnumber
-       and items.biblionumber=biblio.biblionumber
-       and issues.returndate is NULL order by date_due");
-    $sth->execute($bornum);
-  my @result;
-  while (my $data = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
-    push @result, $data;
-  }
-  $sth->finish;
-  return(scalar(@result), address@hidden);
-=item allissues
-  ($count, $issues) = &allissues($borrowernumber, $sortkey, $limit);
-Looks up what the patron with the given borrowernumber has borrowed,
-and sorts the results.
-C<$sortkey> is the name of a field on which to sort the results. This
-should be the name of a field in the C<issues>, C<biblio>,
-C<biblioitems>, or C<items> table in the Koha database.
-C<$limit> is the maximum number of results to return.
-C<&allissues> returns a two-element array. C<$issues> is a
-reference-to-array, where each element is a reference-to-hash; the
-keys are the fields from the C<issues>, C<biblio>, C<biblioitems>, and
-C<items> tables of the Koha database. C<$count> is the number of
-elements in C<$issues>
-sub allissues {
-  my ($bornum,$order,$limit)address@hidden;
-  #FIXME: sanity-check order and limit
-  my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
-  my $query="Select * from issues,biblio,items,biblioitems
-  where borrowernumber=? and
-  items.biblioitemnumber=biblioitems.biblioitemnumber and
-  items.itemnumber=issues.itemnumber and
-  items.biblionumber=biblio.biblionumber order by $order";
-  if ($limit !=0){
-    $query.=" limit $limit";
-  }
-  #print $query;
-  my $sth=$dbh->prepare($query);
-  $sth->execute($bornum);
-  my @result;
-  my $i=0;
-  while (my $data=$sth->fetchrow_hashref){
-    $result[$i]=$data;;
-    $i++;
-  }
-  $sth->finish;
-  return($i,address@hidden);
-=item borrdata2
-  ($borrowed, $due, $fine) = &borrdata2($env, $borrowernumber);
-Returns aggregate data about items borrowed by the patron with the
-given borrowernumber.
-C<$env> is ignored.
-C<&borrdata2> returns a three-element array. C<$borrowed> is the
-number of books the patron currently has borrowed. C<$due> is the
-number of overdue items the patron currently has borrowed. C<$fine> is
-the total fine currently due by the borrower.
-sub borrdata2 {
-  my ($env,$bornum)address@hidden;
-  my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
-  my $query="Select count(*) from issues where borrowernumber='$bornum' and
-    returndate is NULL";
-    # print $query;
-  my $sth=$dbh->prepare($query);
-  $sth->execute;
-  my $data=$sth->fetchrow_hashref;
-  $sth->finish;
-  $sth=$dbh->prepare("Select count(*) from issues where
-    borrowernumber='$bornum' and date_due < now() and returndate is NULL");
-  $sth->execute;
-  my $data2=$sth->fetchrow_hashref;
-  $sth->finish;
-  $sth=$dbh->prepare("Select sum(amountoutstanding) from accountlines where
-    borrowernumber='$bornum'");
-  $sth->execute;
-  my $data3=$sth->fetchrow_hashref;
-  $sth->finish;
-=item getboracctrecord
-  ($count, $acctlines, $total) = &getboracctrecord($env, $borrowernumber);
-Looks up accounting data for the patron with the given borrowernumber.
-C<$env> is ignored.
-(FIXME - I'm not at all sure what this is about.)
-C<&getboracctrecord> returns a three-element array. C<$acctlines> is a
-reference-to-array, where each element is a reference-to-hash; the
-keys are the fields of the C<accountlines> table in the Koha database.
-C<$count> is the number of elements in C<$acctlines>. C<$total> is the
-total amount outstanding for all of the account lines.
-sub getboracctrecord {
-   my ($env,$params) = @_;
-   my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
-   my @acctlines;
-   my $numlines=0;
-   my $sth=$dbh->prepare("Select * from accountlines where
-borrowernumber=? order by date desc,timestamp desc");
-#   print $query;
-   $sth->execute($params->{'borrowernumber'});
-   my $total=0;
-   while (my $data=$sth->fetchrow_hashref){
-   #FIXME before reinstating: insecure?
-#      if ($data->{'itemnumber'} ne ''){
-#        $query="Select * from items,biblio where items.itemnumber=
-#      '$data->{'itemnumber'}' and biblio.biblionumber=items.biblionumber";
-#      my $sth2=$dbh->prepare($query);
-#      $sth2->execute;
-#      my $data2=$sth2->fetchrow_hashref;
-#      $sth2->finish;
-#      $data=$data2;
- #     }
-      $acctlines[$numlines] = $data;
-      $numlines++;
-      $total += $data->{'amountoutstanding'};
-   }
-   $sth->finish;
-   return ($numlines,address@hidden,$total);
-=item itemcount
-  ($count, $lcount, $nacount, $fcount, $scount, $lostcount,
-  $mending, $transit,$ocount) =
-    &itemcount($env, $biblionumber, $type);
-Counts the number of items with the given biblionumber, broken down by
-C<$env> is ignored.
-If C<$type> is not set to C<intra>, lost, very overdue, and withdrawn
-items will not be counted.
-C<&itemcount> returns a nine-element list:
-C<$count> is the total number of items with the given biblionumber.
-C<$lcount> is the number of items at the Levin branch.
-C<$nacount> is the number of items that are neither borrowed, lost,
-nor withdrawn (and are therefore presumably on a shelf somewhere).
-C<$fcount> is the number of items at the Foxton branch.
-C<$scount> is the number of items at the Shannon branch.
-C<$lostcount> is the number of lost and very overdue items.
-C<$mending> is the number of items at the Mending branch (being
-C<$transit> is the number of items at the Transit branch (in transit
-between branches?).
-C<$ocount> is the number of items that haven't arrived yet
-(aqorders.quantity - aqorders.quantityreceived).
-# FIXME - There's also a &C4::Biblio::itemcount.
-# Since they're all exported, acqui/acquire.pl doesn't compile with -w.
-sub itemcount {
-  my ($env,$bibnum,$type)address@hidden;
-  my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
-  my $query="Select * from items where
-  biblionumber=? ";
-  if ($type ne 'intra'){
-    $query.=" and ((itemlost <>1 and itemlost <> 2) or itemlost is NULL) and
-    (wthdrawn <> 1 or wthdrawn is NULL)";
-  }
-  my $sth=$dbh->prepare($query);
-  #  print $query;
-  $sth->execute($bibnum);
-  my $count=0;
-  my $lcount=0;
-  my $nacount=0;
-  my $fcount=0;
-  my $scount=0;
-  my $lostcount=0;
-  my $mending=0;
-  my $transit=0;
-  my $ocount=0;
-  while (my $data=$sth->fetchrow_hashref){
-    $count++;
-    my $sth2=$dbh->prepare("select * from issues,items where issues.itemnumber=
-    ? and returndate is NULL
-    and items.itemnumber=issues.itemnumber and ((items.itemlost <>1 and
-    items.itemlost <> 2) or items.itemlost is NULL)
-    and (wthdrawn <> 1 or wthdrawn is NULL)");
-    $sth2->execute($data->{'itemnumber'});
-    if (my $data2=$sth2->fetchrow_hashref){
-       $nacount++;
-    } else {
-      if ($data->{'holdingbranch'} eq 'C' || $data->{'holdingbranch'} eq 'LT'){
-        $lcount++;
-      }
-      if ($data->{'holdingbranch'} eq 'F' || $data->{'holdingbranch'} eq 'FP'){
-        $fcount++;
-      }
-      if ($data->{'holdingbranch'} eq 'S' || $data->{'holdingbranch'} eq 'SP'){
-        $scount++;
-      }
-      if ($data->{'itemlost'} eq '1'){
-        $lostcount++;
-      }
-      if ($data->{'itemlost'} eq '2'){
-        $lostcount++;
-      }
-      if ($data->{'holdingbranch'} eq 'FM'){
-        $mending++;
-      }
-      if ($data->{'holdingbranch'} eq 'TR'){
-        $transit++;
-      }
-    }
-    $sth2->finish;
-  }
-#  if ($count == 0){
-    my $sth2=$dbh->prepare("Select * from aqorders where biblionumber=?");
-    $sth2->execute($bibnum);
-    if (my $data=$sth2->fetchrow_hashref){
-      $ocount=$data->{'quantity'} - $data->{'quantityreceived'};
-    }
-#    $count+=$ocount;
-    $sth2->finish;
-  $sth->finish;
-  return 
-=item itemcount2
-  $counts = &itemcount2($env, $biblionumber, $type);
-Counts the number of items with the given biblionumber, broken down by
-C<$env> is ignored.
-C<$type> may be either C<intra> or anything else. If it is not set to
-C<intra>, then the search will exclude lost, very overdue, and
-withdrawn items.
-C<$&itemcount2> returns a reference-to-hash, with the following fields:
-=over 4
-=item C<total>
-The total number of items with this biblionumber.
-=item C<order>
-The number of items on order (aqorders.quantity -
-=item I<branchname>
-For each branch that has at least one copy of the book, C<$counts>
-will have a key with the branch name, giving the number of copies at
-that branch.
-sub itemcount2 {
-  my ($env,$bibnum,$type)address@hidden;
-  my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
-  my $query="Select * from items,branches where
-  biblionumber=? and items.holdingbranch=branches.branchcode";
-  if ($type ne 'intra'){
-    $query.=" and ((itemlost <>1 and itemlost <> 2) or itemlost is NULL) and
-    (wthdrawn <> 1 or wthdrawn is NULL)";
-  }
-  my $sth=$dbh->prepare($query);
-  #  print $query;
-  $sth->execute($bibnum);
-  my %counts;
-  $counts{'total'}=0;
-  while (my $data=$sth->fetchrow_hashref){
-    $counts{'total'}++;
-    my $status;
-    for my $test (
-      [
-       'Item Lost',
-       'select * from items
-         where itemnumber=?
-           and not ((items.itemlost <>1 and items.itemlost <> 2)
-                     or items.itemlost is NULL)'
-      ], [
-       'Withdrawn',
-       'select * from items
-         where itemnumber=? and not (wthdrawn <> 1 or wthdrawn is NULL)'
-      ], [
-       'On Loan', "select * from issues,items
-         where issues.itemnumber=? and returndate is NULL
-           and items.itemnumber=issues.itemnumber"
-      ],
-    ) {
-       my($testlabel, $query2) = @$test;
-       my $sth2=$dbh->prepare($query2);
-       $sth2->execute($data->{'itemnumber'});
-       # FIXME - fetchrow_hashref() can fail for any number of reasons
-       # (e.g., a database server crash). Perhaps use a left join of some
-       # sort for this?
-       $status = $testlabel if $sth2->fetchrow_hashref;
-       $sth2->finish;
-    last if defined $status;
-    }
-    $status = $data->{'branchname'} unless defined $status;
-    $counts{$status}++;
-  }
-  my $sth2=$dbh->prepare("Select * from aqorders where biblionumber=? and
-  datecancellationprinted is NULL and quantity > quantityreceived");
-  $sth2->execute($bibnum);
-  if (my $data=$sth2->fetchrow_hashref){
-      $counts{'order'}=$data->{'quantity'} - $data->{'quantityreceived'};
-  }
-  $sth2->finish;
-  $sth->finish;
-  return (\%counts);
-=item ItemType
-  $description = &ItemType($itemtype);
-Given an item type code, returns the description for that type.
-# FIXME - I'm pretty sure that after the initial setup, the list of
-# item types doesn't change very often. Hence, it seems slow and
-# inefficient to make yet another database call to look up information
-# that'll only change every few months or years.
-# Much better, I think, to automatically build a Perl file that can be
-# included in those scripts that require it, e.g.:
-#      @itemtypes = qw( ART BCD CAS CD F ... );
-#      %itemtypedesc = (
-#              ART     => "Art Prints",
-#              BCD     => "CD-ROM from book",
-#              CD      => "Compact disc (WN)",
-#              F       => "Free Fiction",
-#              ...
-#      );
-# The web server can then run a cron job to rebuild this file from the
-# database every hour or so.
-# The same thing goes for branches, book funds, book sellers, currency
-# rates, printers, stopwords, and perhaps others.
-sub ItemType {
-  my ($type)address@hidden;
-  my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
-  my $sth=$dbh->prepare("select description from itemtypes where itemtype=?");
-  $sth->execute($type);
-  my $dat=$sth->fetchrow_hashref;
-  $sth->finish;
-  return ($dat->{'description'});
-=item bibitems
-  ($count, @results) = &bibitems($biblionumber);
-Given the biblionumber for a book, C<&bibitems> looks up that book's
-biblioitems (different publications of the same book, the audio book
-and film versions, etc.).
-C<$count> is the number of elements in C<@results>.
-C<@results> is an array of references-to-hash; the keys are the fields
-of the C<biblioitems> and C<itemtypes> tables of the Koha database. In
-addition, C<itemlost> indicates the availability of the item: if it is
-"2", then all copies of the item are long overdue; if it is "1", then
-all copies are lost; otherwise, there is at least one copy available.
-sub bibitems {
-    my ($bibnum) = @_;
-    my $dbh   = C4::Context->dbh;
-    my $sth   = $dbh->prepare("SELECT biblioitems.*,
-                        itemtypes.*,
-                        MIN(items.itemlost)        as itemlost,
-                        MIN(items.dateaccessioned) as dateaccessioned
-                          FROM biblioitems, itemtypes, items
-                         WHERE biblioitems.biblionumber     = ?
-                           AND biblioitems.itemtype         = 
-                           AND biblioitems.biblioitemnumber = 
-                      GROUP BY items.biblioitemnumber");
-    my $count = 0;
-    my @results;
-    $sth->execute($bibnum);
-    while (my $data = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
-        $results[$count] = $data;
-        $count++;
-    } # while
-    $sth->finish;
-    return($count, @results);
-} # sub bibitems
-=item barcodes
-  @barcodes = &barcodes($biblioitemnumber);
-Given a biblioitemnumber, looks up the corresponding items.
-Returns an array of references-to-hash; the keys are C<barcode> and
-The returned items include very overdue items, but not lost ones.
-sub barcodes{
-    #called from request.pl
-    my ($biblioitemnumber)address@hidden;
-    my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
-    my $sth=$dbh->prepare("SELECT barcode, itemlost, holdingbranch FROM items
-                           WHERE biblioitemnumber = ?
-                             AND (wthdrawn <> 1 OR wthdrawn IS NULL)");
-    $sth->execute($biblioitemnumber);
-    my @barcodes;
-    my $i=0;
-    while (my $data=$sth->fetchrow_hashref){
-       $barcodes[$i]=$data;
-       $i++;
-    }
-    $sth->finish;
-    return(@barcodes);
-=item getwebsites
-  ($count, @websites) = &getwebsites($biblionumber);
-Looks up the web sites pertaining to the book with the given
-C<$count> is the number of elements in C<@websites>.
-C<@websites> is an array of references-to-hash; the keys are the
-fields from the C<websites> table in the Koha database.
-sub getwebsites {
-    my ($biblionumber) = @_;
-    my $dbh   = C4::Context->dbh;
-    my $sth   = $dbh->prepare("Select * from websites where biblionumber = ?");
-    my $count = 0;
-    my @results;
-    $sth->execute($biblionumber);
-    while (my $data = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
-        # FIXME - The URL scheme shouldn't be stripped off, at least
-        # not here, since it's part of the URL, and will be useful in
-        # constructing a link to the site. If you don't want the user
-        # to see the "http://"; part, strip that off when building the
-        # HTML code.
-        $data->{'url'} =~ s/^http:\/\///;      # FIXME - Leaning toothpick
-                                               # syndrome
-        $results[$count] = $data;
-       $count++;
-    } # while
-    $sth->finish;
-    return($count, @results);
-} # sub getwebsites
-=item getwebbiblioitems
-  ($count, @results) = &getwebbiblioitems($biblionumber);
-Given a book's biblionumber, looks up the web versions of the book
-(biblioitems with itemtype C<WEB>).
-C<$count> is the number of items in C<@results>. C<@results> is an
-array of references-to-hash; the keys are the items from the
-C<biblioitems> table of the Koha database.
-sub getwebbiblioitems {
-    my ($biblionumber) = @_;
-    my $dbh   = C4::Context->dbh;
-    my $sth   = $dbh->prepare("Select * from biblioitems where biblionumber = ?
-and itemtype = 'WEB'");
-    my $count = 0;
-    my @results;
-    $sth->execute($biblionumber);
-    while (my $data = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
-        $data->{'url'} =~ s/^http:\/\///;
-        $results[$count] = $data;
-        $count++;
-    } # while
-    $sth->finish;
-    return($count, @results);
-} # sub getwebbiblioitems
-=item isbnsearch
-  ($count, @results) = &isbnsearch($isbn,$title);
-Given an isbn and/or a title, returns the biblios having it.
-Used in acqui.simple, isbnsearch.pl only
-C<$count> is the number of items in C<@results>. C<@results> is an
-array of references-to-hash; the keys are the items from the
-C<biblioitems> table of the Koha database.
-sub isbnsearch {
-    my ($isbn,$title) = @_;
-    my $dbh   = C4::Context->dbh;
-    my $count = 0;
-    my ($query,@bind);
-    my $sth;
-    my @results;
-    $query = "Select distinct biblio.*, biblioitems.classification from 
biblio, biblioitems where
-                               biblio.biblionumber = biblioitems.biblionumber";
-       @bind=();
-       if ($isbn) {
-               $query .= " and isbn like ?";
-               @bind=(uc($isbn)."%");
-       }
-       if ($title) {
-               $query .= " and title like ?";
-               @bind=($title."%");
-       }
-    $sth   = $dbh->prepare($query);
-    $sth->execute(@bind);
-    while (my $data = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
-        $results[$count] = $data;
-       $count++;
-    } # while
-    $sth->finish;
-    return($count, @results);
-} # sub isbnsearch
-=item getbranchname
-  $branchname = &getbranchname($branchcode);
-Given the branch code, the function returns the corresponding
-branch name for a comprehensive information display
-sub getbranchname
-       my ($branchcode) = @_;
-       my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
-       my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT branchname FROM branches WHERE 
branchcode = ?");
-       $sth->execute($branchcode);
-       my $branchname = $sth->fetchrow();
-       $sth->finish();
-       return $branchname;
-} # sub getbranchname
-=item getborrowercategory
-  $description = &getborrowercategory($categorycode);
-Given the borrower's category code, the function returns the corresponding
-description for a comprehensive information display.
-sub getborrowercategory
-       my ($catcode) = @_;
-       my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
-       my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT description FROM categories WHERE 
categorycode = ?");
-       $sth->execute($catcode);
-       my $description = $sth->fetchrow();
-       $sth->finish();
-       return $description;
-} # sub getborrowercategory
-END { }       # module clean-up code here (global destructor)
-=head1 AUTHOR
-Koha Developement team <address@hidden>

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