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[Koha-devel] Nominations etc etc

From: Rachel Hamilton-Williams
Subject: [Koha-devel] Nominations etc etc
Date: Sun May 19 22:57:02 2002


so how are we getting on for nominations to the key post of Koha Dictator.

I notice a certain amount of shyness at the moment, so how about some 
nominations from the floor?  Oh look - I made some :-)  

/me hereby appologises in lieu of asking permission to nominate people

The candidates are ....

Me - well had to be really: Con's - am a Katipo person, haven't got a huge 
amount of time, am neither techy nor library, am likely to be influenced by 
what people are paying us (katipo) to do, have OOS so not fab at massive 
amounts of flame waring etc, can't spell (and this is important it seems). 
Pro's - good at being bossy and delegating, focused on getting things that 
matter done, have resources if necessary, have clear (in own head anyway) 
objectives for Koha, used to mediating between developers etc.

Pat - Con's - probably busy, Pro's - not an active developer, seems fairly 
organised (if you can judge these things off a few e-mails), not a Katipo 
person, so better "neutrality" and sense of Koha moving beyond being a 
Katipo project.

Rosalie - Con's -  busy, public library focus, has had some time off with a 
broken wrist and may already be over committed, also a bit prone to OOS so 
not good at flame wars etc, not techy.  Pro's - is good public "face" not at 
open-source rabid hacker (appologies again to all who are offended :-), 
actually runs Koha in a live library, already answers lots of queries from 
libraries about koha, is a library person, has vested interest in Koha's 
sucess, also has resources behind her if necessary.

Nick - Con's, Probably busy; Pro's - does simple documents for users (FAQ 
etc) , so knows Koha well but isn't actually a developer, not a Katipo person, 
so better "neutrality" and sense of Koha moving beyond being a Katipo 

Sorry - Nick I feel I should know more but them's the breaks.

Roger - Con's, Probably busy (well who isn't :-); Pro's - documents stuff for 
techys (install file etc), so knows Koha well but isn't actually a developer, 
a Katipo person, so better "neutrality" and sense of Koha moving beyond 
being a Katipo project, has been "point man" on the koha list helping people 
with their install probs, in touch with novice uses.

Roger again sorry - you do such a lot and I know so little but please 

Anyone else - sorry I don't know everyone that well - so "proper" pro and con 
statements would be a great addition, and anyone else keen to throw their 
hat in would be welcome I'm sure.


I haven't nominated anyone who's actually working on the code (I think). It 
seems too much for someone to work on the code and be the dictator and 
hold down a day job IMHO.  

Let the campaigning or furious backpeddling begin :-)


Rachel Hamilton-Williams             Katipo Communications            
WEBMISTRESS                          ph  021 389 128 or +64 04 934 1285 
mailto:address@hidden           PO Box 12487, Wellington
http://www.katipo.co.nz              New Zealand
Koha Open Source Library System

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