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[Koha-devel] 1.2 branch

From: Tonnesen Steve
Subject: [Koha-devel] 1.2 branch
Date: Wed Jul 10 09:29:11 2002

I've posted a release candidate for 1.2.2 on


Fixes include:

    * checkvalidisbn() routine fixed
    * upload marc records routine fixed
    * some improvements to installer.pl and koha.upgrade
    * subjectsearch.pl was missing in OPAC interface
    * koha.upgrade wasn't modifying the Z39.50 daemon startup scripts
    * installer.pl and koha.upgrade warn if installing a release candidate 

I'd appreciate any testing people could do.  This is a release candidate
and is not intended for production systems.

Once 1.2.2 goes out, I'd like to start merging the HTML::Template code
into the OPAC for 1.2.3.  I have started work on this, and you can test a
demo of it at:

  http://hazeltonsec-18.cmsd.bc.ca/   for the OPAC
  http://hazeltonsec-19.cmsd.bc.ca/  for the INTRANET

Try searching for keyword "gr" to get a result set with 24 items.  There
is an item on the second page (Lorelie of the Sea) that has multiple
copies in multiple branches.

In the Intranet search results page, I've added a link to a script that
will allow you to pick one of two templates (default or cmsd) for the
output pages.  Only the searchresults.pl output will be different between
the two templates right now. 

Comments on this?


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