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[Koha-devel] 2.2.0 Roadmap

From: Paul POULAIN
Subject: [Koha-devel] 2.2.0 Roadmap
Date: Fri Dec 17 03:22:03 2004
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0 (X11/20041206)

Hi Koha fans,

Chrismas & new year approches, so, i wanted to share with you the roadmap of Koha : * today, i'll release Koha 2.2.0RC5. Fixes a few problems, and adds few features. * I'll be away of the web from tuesday 21 to january, 3rd. But don't worry, i'll continue hacking a little bit Koha. In fact, i plan to do 3 things :
- write scripts to migrate a library that will adopt Koha in 2005Q1.
- write a DOC to explain deeply how to migrate datas from XX to Koha, and tune all Koha parameters (authorized values, authorities...) to have a perfectly working cataloguing tool. Will be in french, so translators fr => en are welcomed.
- "copy" improved virtual shelves tools into OPAC.

* On January, 3rd, for my return, unless there is a major problem appearing, i'll release official 2.2.0 !!! This date has been choosen because it will be the 5th birthday of our preferred ILS. A great date, really.

TECHNICAL info : i'll create a new branch in CVS for 2.2.0 on january. Until then, please, just commit bugfixes and/of minor improvements in the HEAD branch. At least, commit NOTHING that needs a change in the DB. Note that 2.2.x will probably contain some great tools being developped by Nelsonville at the moment. don't be too impatient, just know that it will be really great (for public libraries, just nice for search libraries) ;-)

PRIVATE info : today, it's my 10th wedding birthday ;-)

Consultant indépendant en logiciels libres
responsable francophone de koha (SIGB libre http://www.koha-fr.org)

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