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Re: [Koha-devel] bar code not unique

From: Paul POULAIN
Subject: Re: [Koha-devel] bar code not unique
Date: Thu Feb 3 07:39:13 2005
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0 (X11/20041206)

T & J Kotula a écrit :

I remember reading on the list lately about the bar code not having to be
unique. Well I would like to enforce it to be unique. I'm not a perl
programmer, but I had a look in acqui.simple/additem.pl and I'm puzzled by
the comment on line 81 saying "check for bar code # being unique". Could
someone tell me what I need to do to make it verify the number being unique.

I just tried to enter a barcode already existing in one of my DB, and got a
ERROR : Barcode already exists !

So, the problem should be in parameters, not in codes.

I've MARC=ON, items.barcode is "connected" to a subfield (995j in my UNIMARC case), and activated in tab 10 (items)

Consultant indépendant en logiciels libres
responsable francophone de koha (SIGB libre http://www.koha-fr.org)

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