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Re: [Koha-devel] Fines Broken

From: Tarallo, Andres
Subject: Re: [Koha-devel] Fines Broken
Date: Tue Sep 27 10:18:28 2005
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I agree with you, a lot more work in Quality assurance has to be done. Since Koha is free software we have nobody to blame; other than we, the users and developers of Koha.

After a year deeply involved with the internals of Koha I realize that a lot has been done, but a lot more has to be done. Allmost every were in the source code you find repeated code. You can find functions that update or insert records and miss fields. Concurrency is not very well handled.

As a base product we have an outstanding product. However, a lot has to be done; that leads to a healthy free software project. I think that next release of Koha should put some focus not only in bug fixing, but also in getting rid of software constructions that are no longer in use or do the same thing.

This is my 20 cents peso uruguayo (sorry, no dollars or euros).


So this is a good example of the kind of QA problems we're
having with this project. It's going to take many hours for
someone to hunt back for the history of this issue, find out who
broke what when, then figure out how to fix it, then to commit
the fix. There's got to be a better way.

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