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Re: [Koha-devel] Reserve system

From: Pierrick LE GALL
Subject: Re: [Koha-devel] Reserve system
Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2006 10:41:33 +0200

On Wed, 26 Apr 2006 20:28:56 +1200
Chris Cormack <address@hidden> wrote:

>> Instead of reserving a specific item, shouldn't we prevent from
>> reserving damaged items? Isn't column items.notforloan done for
>> this?
> Hmmm, no what Owen is meaning, suppose an item is out on loan, and
> you want it to be flagged when its returned a librarian could place a
> reserve on it. And when its returned the reserve will pop up.

OK, there must be something I don't understand because I would have
thought in that case the librarian would have flagged a biblio, not a
specific item. What can be the reasons for a librarian to place a
reserve on a specific item?

>> When trying to issue a book, wouldn't it be better to list all the
>> reserves on the biblio and let the librarian select the reserves to
>> cancel?
> Maybe, but I as a borrower would be annoyed if I placed a reserve on
> a book, and the librarian issued it to a person who reserved it after
> me.

I understand (this is why I wondered why it was possible to cancel a
reserve and even to issue a reserved biblio).

In the example given by Owen, how does the librarian know borrower B1
is really the husband/boyfriend/brother on borrower B2?

Pierrick LE GALL
INEO media system

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