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[Koha-devel] Re: [Koha] Zebra Indexing Problems

From: Joshua Ferraro
Subject: [Koha-devel] Re: [Koha] Zebra Indexing Problems
Date: Thu, 31 Jan 2008 10:02:36 -0500

Hi Christine,

On 1/30/08, Mueller, Christine, DCA <address@hidden> wrote:
> Environment: Koha 3 Alpha / Ubuntu 7.1.0 / Zebra 2.0.26 / Mac-Tel Hardware /
> MARC21
> No experience with Koha 2.x; our goal is to become familiar with Koha while
> waiting for Koha 3 Beta
Good plan :-)

> Problems with Zebra Indexing:
> 1)       When biblio and biblioitem deleted from database data remained in
> Zebra indexes and search results displayed link to biblio which was no
> longer in database, even after indexes rebuilt. – How to prevent?
Could you clarify how you deleted data from the database? Did you use the API,
or directly query the RDBMS?

Do you have the zebraqueue daemon running?

> 2)       Sometimes new biblios would not be indexed for 20-30 minutes and
> other times Zebra indexes would need to be rebuilt to force indexing of new
> biblios. – Any suggestions for solving delayed indexing problem?
Do you have the zebraqueue daemon running?

> 3)       When Zebra server is restarted Zebra directories are missing and
> must be restored. – How can server be restarted without deleting
> directories?
Hmm ... that's very strange ... which make target did you use? standard, dev?

> 4)       Today searching no longer works at all. Zebra server was restarted,
> missing directories were restored and indexes were rebuilt. Biblios and
> biblioitems are still in the database. – Any suggestions for restoring
> search function *without* reinstalling Zebra?
i think we need to figure out why your zebra directories are disappearing ...

> 5)       If we want to export the biblios and biblioitems (less than 25 at
> this time) in the database to create a backup file in case we need to do a
> total reinstall of Koha and Zebra are there any "gotchas" or best practices?
The MARC data is stored as a blob in biblioitems, so you could just mysqldump
that table ... there are also some utilities in the interface in Tools
-> Export Bibliographic and Holdings Data; as well as some command
line tools that do the same thing in misc/

So ... we need to figure out why your zebra configuration isn't working well,
could you tell us a bit more about your environment?

Also, I'd suggest we take this discussion to the koha-devel list where
more of the
technical questions tend to get hashed out (I've CCed your question to that
list). Here's the list info:



Joshua Ferraro                       SUPPORT FOR OPEN-SOURCE SOFTWARE
President, Technology       migration, training, maintenance, support
LibLime                                Featuring Koha Open-Source ILS
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