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[Koha-devel] Re: [Koha] Follett to Koha 2.2.9 migration help

From: Mason James
Subject: [Koha-devel] Re: [Koha] Follett to Koha 2.2.9 migration help
Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2008 15:50:17 +1300

On 2008/03/8, at 5:24 AM, Darren De Zeeuw wrote:

I am the volunteer IT guy for a small private school. We have been using Follett's Circ Plus/Cat Plus software for many years, but their upgrade path is too expensive and our old Mac OS 9 machine running the software in the library had a disk failure. It's time to find another solution. Koha seems to be the perfect fit for us, but I need to show that it's better than what
we have in order to get approval.

Hi Darren,

Recently at LIblime, we did some conversions from Follet systems to Koha.

 I have a MICROLIF file with around 8000 records
exported from our Follett catalog. I ran the bulkmarcimport.pl script and it brought most of the data over as far as I can see (I'm not a librarian),
but seems to be missing our bar-coding information at least.  I'm also
unsure if I can migrate over our patron list as well.

The missing item info you are describing is because Follet's MICROLIF marc records store their item-info in the 852 fields ( from memory... ) (Every ILS vendor have their little quirks about where they stuff the item-level info, Follets looks to be in 852

What is needed is a small script to fetch those Follet 852 item- values and move them to their corresponding Koha 952 fields, then write those corrected records out to a new file. Run Bulkmarcimport.pl on this new file, and you will successfully pick up those missing item-level values in your Koha marc import.

FYI: when i get some time, I plan to add to the koha-wiki some general code examples of this mapping process I described.

I hope that helps,

Cheers, Mason.

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