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Re: [Koha-win32] Koha installation on Windows error

From: Rob Weir
Subject: Re: [Koha-win32] Koha installation on Windows error
Date: Wed, 12 Oct 2005 22:27:26 -0400
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.6 (Windows/20050716)

Hi Carol:
What version of MySQL did you install? It sounds like you used version 4.1 or 5. According to the documentation on the MySQl website:

"MySQL 4.1 and up uses an authentication protocol based on a password hashing algorithm that is incompatible with that used by older clients. If you upgrade the server to 4.1, attempts to connect to it with an older client may fail with the following message:

shell> mysql
Client does not support authentication protocol requested
by server; consider upgrading MySQL client"

I think all the Koha installs up to now were done with MySQL 4.0 or earlier, so this is the first time I have seen this error. The WinMySqlAdmin error is probably caused by the newer version of MySQL as well.

You might just want to uninstall the newer version of MySQL and then reinstall a V4.0.x version. (V4.0.26 is currently available at http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/mysql/4.0.html  Scroll about half way down the page to find it.) That should fix both of your errors.

If you want to try to get it working with the newer version of MySQL, see http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/old-client.html for instructions on how to change the way MySQL deals with passwords.

I am hoping to recompile a windows install for the new 2.2.4 version of Koha this weekend. When I do, I'll try to test it with the newer versions of MySQL.


Carol Ku wrote:
The installation has a problem of seeking WinMySqlADmin.exe and Koha not
coming up. Here is the error log and you may want to ask your friend to take a

[Wed Oct 12 11:42:57 2005] [error] [client] Premature end of script headers: opac-main.pl [Wed Oct 12 11:42:57 2005] [error] [client] DBI connect('blank223-113728:localhost','koha',...) failed: Client does not support authentication protocol requested by server; consider upgrading MySQL client at c:/usr/koha223/intranet/modules/C4/Context.pm line 409

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