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Re: [Libcdio-devel] libcdio-2.0.0rc2 (was libcdio-1.1.0 - fix double fre

From: Rocky Bernstein
Subject: Re: [Libcdio-devel] libcdio-2.0.0rc2 (was libcdio-1.1.0 - fix double free error)
Date: Sun, 24 Dec 2017 08:31:39 -0500

I should have also added that the Perl bindings, Device::Cdio  (on gtihub
it is ) have now been updated for
the 2.0.0 API . I have changed its version number to 2.0.0 to match for
now.  After the libcdio 2.0.0 release the Perl package  will be cut and put
on CPAN.

I worked on that because there were reports of that getting updated
recently on Debian.
Since I had to work on the CD-TEXT code, the Perl bindings now more fully
support support that aspect. The mmc bindings are still lacking.

After that the I'll work on the Python bindings and probably fill in at
least the same features as Perl. (n the past I have heard of projects that
have used that.

After that I'll finally work on Ruby. I am not aware of anyone recently
using that.

On Sun, Dec 24, 2017 at 8:19 AM, Rocky Bernstein <address@hidden> wrote:

> On Sun, Dec 24, 2017 at 5:23 AM, Chris Clayton <address@hidden>
> wrote:
>> I've built RC2 but noticed that the library SO numbers haven't been
>> bumped - you highlighted the need for the bump in
>> your post to the list at
>> tml/libcdio-devel/2017-12/msg00008.html. Running "autoreconf -fi"
>> in the source directory updates the autotools files to produce libraries
>> with the correct SO numbers.
>> You'll be pleased to hear that the build completed successfully. I've
>> also rebuilt libcdio-paranoia (version
>> 10.2+0.94+2), audacious and audacious-plugins (both at version 3.9).
>> Audacious plays audio cds successfully.
>> From libcdio itself, cd-info reads an audio cd and, via libcddb I assume,
>> shows the correct track information from the
>> cdtext.
>> I'll try to build and test a few more applications that use libcdio
>> (gvfs, mplayer, kodi...) after the holiday and let
>> you know the outcome.
> Thanks again for checking. I have rebuilt the tarball with the autoreconf
> and it is now called RC3 and is available in
> libcdio-2.0.0rc3.tar.bz2
> I too will be checking on various OS's, but I will wait to hear back from
> you before the final release. Thanks.
> <>

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