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[Libconf-dev] libconf tests

From: dams
Subject: [Libconf-dev] libconf tests
Date: 05 Feb 2003 17:32:44 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.2.93

I have added the beginning of a test suite in libconf, in the
perl-LibConf/tests directory.

The Makefile has ben modified to add the rule 'tests'. So you can type make
tests to launch the tests. Basically it's to avoid regression problems. There
are only 4 tests for the shell templates. The tests are simple. Feel free to
add new tests for other templates, but please keep the file organisation (the
comment to explain basically the test, and the call to the functions display,
and test). If you need more explanations about those 2 functions, ask me.

I have modified some details in libconf and the templates, so that using a
template is done by requiring it in a perl manner. The modification in the
templates are only a new line : 'package Libconf;' , so that the templates
datas are added in the Libconf package.

That way, we will be able to use the perl inheritance easier.


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