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[Libconf-dev] IMPORTANT - read

From: dams
Subject: [Libconf-dev] IMPORTANT - read
Date: 03 May 2003 18:29:39 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.3


. A wiki is available for libconf, thank to MandrakeSoft. The url is
. I have added various tasks in Savannah, feel free to choose one and assign it
to yourself, or add a new one. See: (you might need to be

I'll see to add you (logarno and chl) in the wiki. Some of the tasks are
related to the website and documentation. I think it's important that we
discuss about it before writing anything.

Here is how I see the documentation: the primary goal is to have something
usefull for the 18th may.

First part :
- Write a global description of libconf, with its parts
- Explain in which case each layer should be used.
- Document the use of systemconf (it should be the most used layer), targeted
as third party software developers.
- Document each Systemconf module (for now, only network), for each
distribution (for now mandrakeLinux). The documentation should make the link
between the Systemconf structure and the config files.

Second part:
- Explain how to use Glueconf
- Document the libconf/glueconf templates
- Document how to write one

This is my point of view, if you havedifferent idea, please explain them, I'm
sure they are interesting.

I think the best place for dumcumentation is in the wiki.

About the website, I don't have anything particular, except that it should:
- have a global description
- link to documentation
- list the status (what is done)
- give direct download to last stable release
- give access to cvs.

Do you see anything else?

See you, and thank you foryour good job until now :)


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