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Re: [libmicrohttpd] (no subject)

From: Chris GauthierDickey
Subject: Re: [libmicrohttpd] (no subject)
Date: Fri, 15 Jan 2010 07:03:35 -0700

libmicrohttpd only provides the server. You probably want something like libcurl for the client, but there are a bunch of alternatives, which can be found through a quick google search (e.g.,

This of course assumes you're trying to communicate primarily via HTTP (=.

Best regards,

On Jan 14, 2010, at 5:29 AM, Shlomo Rabinovitch wrote:

Hello all,

I need to build configuration, where two computers are communicate each one with the other, but each one plays the role of server and client. Each one can initiate connection to the other and manage there the communication

It seems I need both the server library and the client one. I found the server package, but can’t find the client side. Any help?

Thank in advance


Shlomo Rabinovitch

Senior Enginner


Vasco-De Technologies Ltd.

Mobile: +972-52-5747475



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