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Libntlm 1.2

From: Simon Josefsson
Subject: Libntlm 1.2
Date: Fri, 06 Nov 2009 10:51:51 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.110011 (No Gnus v0.11) Emacs/23.1 (gnu/linux)

Libntlm provides routines to manipulate the structures used for the
client end of Microsoft NTLM authentication.  This code was initially
taken (mostly) from the Samba project and was initially intended for use
with Microsoft Exchange Server when it is configured to require NTLM
authentication for clients of it's IMAP server.  Today, Libntlm contains
re-written code, so that the license is now LGPLv2+.

News since the last release:

** Fix build error when cross-compiling to MinGW.

** API and ABI modifications.
No changes since last version.

The project page of the library is available at:

If you need help to use Libntlm, or want to help others, you are invited
to join our mailing list, see:

Here are the compressed sources (436K):

Here are GPG detached signatures:

The software is cryptographically signed by the maintainer using an
OpenPGP key identified by the following information:

pub   1280R/B565716F 2002-05-05 [expires: 2010-04-21]
      Key fingerprint = 0424 D4EE 81A0 E3D1 19C6  F835 EDA2 1E94 B565 716F
uid                  Simon Josefsson <address@hidden>
uid                  Simon Josefsson <address@hidden>
sub   1280R/4D5D40AE 2002-05-05 [expires: 2010-04-21]

The key is available from:

Here are the SHA-1 and SHA-224 signatures:

27538a3375690a37574fa991fbd327d150d8b505  libntlm-1.2.tar.gz

6f60d06bac72db6d90cd5b22224ba14a44fd29d79161d487a6fc8e66  libntlm-1.2.tar.gz

Happy hacking,

Attachment: pgpHmzwt4WvRn.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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