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Re: libtool--devo--1.0--patch-97

From: Bob Friesenhahn
Subject: Re: libtool--devo--1.0--patch-97
Date: Thu, 29 Jul 2004 13:38:13 -0500 (CDT)

On Thu, 29 Jul 2004, Gary V. Vaughan wrote:

Clearly something is wrong because I just re-bootstrapped using Automake
1.9 and the latest libtool and it took just a few seconds. I then ran a
VPATH configure and build and that just took a few seconds as well.
Testing takes the same time as before, so I guess testing is still ok.

Did you miss a :-) or is there actually something wrong (other than not
needing your 3.6GHz cpu anymore)?

Dry humor becomes completely ineffective with the addition of a :-)

Another side effect of this patch (aside from not needing to bootstrap
anywhere near as often) is that when you 'make check' the Makefiles in the
test directories will rerun automake et. al. if necessary, so a lot of
the same work needs to be done, only now it happens during make check.

Obviously, if you don't yet have, or Makefiles in the test tree,
you'll still have to bootstrap...

There has been a sudden improvement on the order of at least several orders of magnitude for libtool maintainers or for those who want to give CVS libtool a try.

There are still a few rough edges, but the minimum level of effort required to assist with maintaining libtool has been substantially reduced.

Bob Friesenhahn

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