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Re: Win32 libltdl issue

From: Bob Friesenhahn
Subject: Re: Win32 libltdl issue
Date: Wed, 27 Apr 2005 11:34:47 -0500 (CDT)

On Wed, 27 Apr 2005, Howard Chu wrote:

Related question: Do I have to specify the declspec(export) in the same
translation unit in which I define the function?  This is what bugs us
in mingw ATM.  Specifying the declspec in another translation unit
seems to work with cygwin but fail on mingw.  (Of course, the unit gets
linked into the same lib in any case).

Yes, I think so, but not entirely sure. Since all the code I work with always puts the declarations in a header file that every source file includes, it has never been an issue for me.

The declarations should be consistently applied across all translation units in the same DLL. If a function prototype is supplied, then it should be appropriately scoped during compilation.

I see that more recent versions of cygwin/mingw appear to have made using declspec unnecessary:

I don't know how others would feel about it, but perhaps you could just say "version >= XX of cygwin/mingw binutils are required" and forget about all of these issues.

This assumes that libtool should only support the GCC compiler under Windows. Microsoft, Borland, and others, need not apply. Is there a good reason to rule out all compilers except for GCC?

Bob Friesenhahn
GraphicsMagick Maintainer,

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