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placement of dot after whole rest

From: Kim Shrier
Subject: placement of dot after whole rest
Date: Sun, 13 Oct 2002 18:49:13 -0500
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; FreeBSD i386; en-US; rv:1.0.0) Gecko/20020911

I have come up with a patch to fix the problem of the dot after a whole rest
being set one staff space too high. I have included a test program that shows the problem. Before applying the patch, the dots in measures 6 and 8 are set too high. After the patch, it sets them next to the rest symbol. The patch is somewhat of a kludge since it looks for a dotted whole rest and moves the dot down. I patterned it after the correction that was applied to rests of 1/8 and

In order to be thorough in testing this patch, I also tested out having 2 voices on one staff The test file is As you can see, the dot placement on the lower voice is only right for whole rests, 32'nd rests, and 64'th rests. Dot placement for the upper voice looks correct. I don't have time to look into this any more right now but I would like to understand the logic behind placing
dots for rests.  Any hints you could give me would be appreciated.


Kim Shrier - principal, Shrier and Deihl - mailto:address@hidden
Remote Unix Network Admin, Security, Internet Software Development
 Tinker Internet Services - Superior FreeBSD-based Web Hosting

--- lily/   Fri Sep 20 04:21:07 2002
+++ lily/        Sun Oct 13 17:31:13 2002
@@ -41,6 +41,11 @@
       d->set_grob_property ("staff-position",
                            gh_int2scm ((bt == 7) ? 4 : 3));
+  if (d && bt == 0) // UGH again.
+    {
+      d->set_grob_property ("staff-position",
+                           gh_int2scm (-1));
+    }
\include ""
\paper  {

\score {
  \notes \relative c'' {
    \time 6/1
    r\longa r\breve |
    r\longa. |
    r\breve. r |
    \time 3/1
    r\breve r1 |
    r\breve. |
    r1. r |
    \time 3/2
    r1 r2 |
    r1. |
    r2. r |
    \time 3/4
    r2 r4 |
    r2. |
    r4. r |
    \time 3/8
    r4 r8 |
    r4. |
    r8. r |
    \time 3/16
    r8 r16 |
    r8. |
    r16. r |
    \time 3/32
    r16 r32 |
    r16. |
    r32. r |
    \time 3/64
    r32 r64 |
    r32. |
    r64. r |
    \time 3/128
    r64 r128 |
    r64. |
    r128. r |
\include ""
\paper  {

\score {
  \context Staff = up <
  \notes \relative c'' \context Voice = upper {
    \time 6/1
    r\longa r\breve |
    r\longa. |
    r\breve. r |
    \time 3/1
    r\breve r1 |
    r\breve. |
    r1. r |
    \time 3/2
    r1 r2 |
    r1. |
    r2. r |
    \time 3/4
    r2 r4 |
    r2. |
    r4. r |
    \time 3/8
    r4 r8 |
    r4. |
    r8. r |
    \time 3/16
    r8 r16 |
    r8. |
    r16. r |
    \time 3/32
    r16 r32 |
    r16. |
    r32. r |
    \time 3/64
    r32 r64 |
    r32. |
    r64. r |
    \time 3/128
    r64 r128 |
    r64. |
    r128. r |

  \notes \relative c'' \context Voice = lower {
    \time 6/1
    r\longa r\breve |
    r\longa. |
    r\breve. r |
    \time 3/1
    r\breve r1 |
    r\breve. |
    r1. r |
    \time 3/2
    r1 r2 |
    r1. |
    r2. r |
    \time 3/4
    r2 r4 |
    r2. |
    r4. r |
    \time 3/8
    r4 r8 |
    r4. |
    r8. r |
    \time 3/16
    r8 r16 |
    r8. |
    r16. r |
    \time 3/32
    r16 r32 |
    r16. |
    r32. r |
    \time 3/64
    r32 r64 |
    r32. |
    r64. r |
    \time 3/128
    r64 r128 |
    r64. |
    r128. r |


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