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lilypond packages for solaris

From: Geoffrey Lassner
Subject: lilypond packages for solaris
Date: Sun, 2 Dec 2007 03:49:15 +0000 (UTC)
User-agent: Loom/3.14 (

I created some solaris packages for lilypond 2.10.33 for solaris 10 (SPARC) for
my own purposes and was wondering if there was any interest in posting them on
the main site.

The are several other packages that had I had to compile in order to get things
working however and the bzip tar of all the packages is about 28MB.

Here is the list of packages that I created note the leading "LY"

$ pkginfo | grep LY
application LYatrace                       autotrace
application LYfforge                       fontforge
application LYguile                        guile
application LYlibgcc                       libgcc
application LYllypnd                       lilypond
application LYmftrce                       mftrace
application LYpotrce                       potrace
application LYt1utl                        t1utils

This compile also requires the following sunfreeware packages

sunfreeware packages

fontconfig  (2.4.2)
freetype    (2.3.1)
ghostscript (8.54)
glib        (2.13)
gmp         (4.2.1)
libiconv    (1.11)
libtool     (1.5)
pango       (1.16.1)

I am not subscribed to the mailing list so please respond to me directly.


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