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incipit and SystemStartBrace/Bracket etc.

From: Wilbert Berendsen
Subject: incipit and SystemStartBrace/Bracket etc.
Date: Wed, 2 Jan 2008 08:22:28 +0100
User-agent: KMail/1.9.7

With some trial and error I managed in the D.5.1 ancient music template to 
move the SystemStartBracket (using #'extra-offset) towards the end of the 
incipit so that it is placed at the beginning of the modern notation. 
Attached an image. I'm sure with \startStaff and \stopStaff I can tweak the 
looks of the incipit even more to my liking. But the placing of the 
SystemStartBracket is tricky, because the layout of the first system might 
change, and then the bracket would print in a wrong place.

Another aproach (recenly but also earlier mentioned in mailing list) would be 
embed \score inside instrumentName, but then the vertical alignment is a bit 
tricky, dependend on extent of lyrics in the incipit, etc.

Isn't there a more direct way to get a systemstart in the middle of a score? 
Using some \systemStart or \restart command? (Many years I used mup, which 
has a restart command to do just that.) Clefs/Time/Key signatures could then 
also automatically be printed again without having to force fullsize clef 
changes etc. I'm already trying to add this option myself (delving into scm/ 
and lily/) but could use some help/hints .... :)

with best regards, and a happy new year,
Wilbert Berendsen

"You must be the change you wish to see in the world."
        -- Mahatma Gandi

Attachment: incipit.png
Description: PNG image

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