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RFC: text around systems

From: Nicolas Sceaux
Subject: RFC: text around systems
Date: Wed, 30 Apr 2008 11:30:26 +0200


On the -user-fr list, Valentin has expressed a need regarding a new
way of inserting text in a piece (he needs this for the opera of his
that he's typesetting).

Some very large, multi line
scenic annotation between
two systems of a piece

Using TextScripts or RehearsalMarks is not satifying, for it's not
possible to automatically align against the left margin. I may be
missing another option.

A very loose idea about how to do it: some kind of RearsalMark, not
attached to a system column but to the system upper-left corner (or
maybe otherwise according to some property).  A new
system_text_engraver is defined, which detects some
"\set Score.systemText" property set, and attaches a new SystemText
grob to (say) the upper-left corner of the current system.

+text goes here

It might be possible to do this:

|========================== +Da Capo

Would there be objections against the implementation of such a feature?
Does it seem a reasonnable approach? (I'm not sure it makes sense at


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