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Re: Arbitrary accidental glyphs

From: Graham Breed
Subject: Re: Arbitrary accidental glyphs
Date: Sun, 20 Jul 2008 06:58:24 +0800
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20080505)

Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:
Looking a bit more into this, the memories of why this is so
complicated come back.

In paper.scm, the default fonts are setup in

(define-public (layout-set-absolute-staff-size-in-module module staff-height)

this sets a variable 'fonts, which is a Font-tree-element (see
scm/font.scm), a tree defining how to select a font using font-shape,
font-family, etc.

Okay. How do I get at the staff-height for a function that isn't being called from this one? Well, minor detail, let's go on...

When font-encoding is fetaMusic, the result is that one of the
emmentaler OTF files is selected.  If you want to override this, you
would have to add your font similar to the mechanism for emmentaler,
but using a different value for font-encoding.  You should probably do
this first inside font.scm, and if you can get this working, you can
select your custom font by doing

  \override Accidental #'font-encoding = #'Sagitarius

When it works, try moving the function you added to a .ly, doing

Here's the function I added:

(define-public (add-music-font encoding-name font staff-height)
      (make-font-tree-node 'font-encoding encoding-name)
      (list (cons 'font-encoding encoding-name))
      (cons staff-height font)))

 \paper {
  #(add-music-font 'Sagitarius (ly:font-load "sagitarius")  fonts)

and export enough variables to make it work in the .ly version too.

What I actually do then is

\paper {
  #(add-music-font 'sagittal (ly:font-load "Sagittal") 100)

I added fonts called Sagittal.otf and Sagittal.pfb to the relevant folders. The console output includes this:

programming error: Free type error: SFNT font table missing
continuing, cross fingers
programming error: Free type error: SFNT font table missing
continuing, cross fingers
programming error: Free type error: SFNT font table missing
continuing, cross fingers

Is that a problem with the font or is there something else I have to do? I think it's important because Open_type_font::name_to_index is now returning a fail value (-1) for everything in Sagittal. That's pleasantly different to the original problem where Pango_font::name_to_index did the same thing. I'm not sure if Pango was returning the Postscript or OpenType font before but the glyph names should be the same ... if that's the problem.

At least we know it's loaded an OpenType font through the correct mechanism now.

Good luck.

Thank you!


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