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Re: Beams barwise...

From: Carl Sorensen
Subject: Re: Beams barwise...
Date: Thu, 8 Jul 2010 04:37:28 -0600

On 7/8/10 1:51 AM, "Arno Waschk" <address@hidden> wrote:

> Dear list,
> in the following example i would have hoped for two whole-bar beams, but
> only the second is printed like i expected.
> \version "2.13.28"
> {
> \overrideBeamSettings #'Staff #'(5 . 16) #'end
>       #'((* . (1))
>          )

In order to get a whole-bar beam, you need to group 5 1/16 notes together in
a group.  Therefore, the override should be

\overrideBeamSettings #'Staff #'(5 . 16) #'end #'((* . (5)))

>       \time 5/16 \times 10/9{c16 c16. c16 c16}
>       \overrideBeamSettings #'Staff #'(10 . 32) #'end
>       #'((* . (1))
>          )

I'm really surprised this worked, and I have no idea why it is so.  It
should have been

\overrideBeamSettings  #'Staff #'(5 . 16) #'end #'((* . (10)))

>       \time 10/32 \times 10/9{c16 c16. c16 c16}
>     }
> Why, and how can i change that?

The answer that I have given here will very shortly be obsolete.   The new
autobeam code is in final review, and should become part of 2.13.28.

I have tested your example on the new code, and it works well:

version "2.13.28"

    #'(5 . 16)  % time signature fraction
    #'(1 . 16)  % baseMoment fraction
    #'(5)       % beatStructure
    #'()        % beamExceptions
    #'(10 . 32) % time signature fraction
    #'(1 . 32)  % baseMoment fraction
    #'(10)      % beatStructure
    #'()        % beamExceptions
  \time 5/16
  \times 10/9{c16 c16. c16 c16}
  \time 10/32
  \times 10/9{c16 c16. c16 c16}

However, while testing out your example I found a bug in the new code

I notice that you are building from git (since you have 2.12.28, and it's
not released yet.  You may wish to try the new autobeam code.  If you do, go

Download patch set 4, when it becomes available (I'm currently rebuilding
the docs to make sure that my bugfix hasn't ruined anything else).

Follow the build instructions in Message 5 from me (Carl.D.Sorensen).

Then you will have new autobeam behavior and new docs.  I think it will be
easier to understand and use, and it will work properly on your example.



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