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RE: Patch meister

From: James Lowe
Subject: RE: Patch meister
Date: Thu, 23 Jun 2011 12:11:12 +0000


)-----Original Message-----
)From: Graham Percival [mailto:address@hidden
)Sent: 23 June 2011 12:38
)To: Colin Campbell; James Lowe
)Cc: address@hidden
)Subject: Patch meister
)Do either of you have 2-3 hours a week to spend shuffling patches?
)More directed at Colin than James, but I figured I'd include James in case
)he was getting sick of doc work and wanted a challenge.
[James' reply:] 

I'm always happy to help. Not getting sick of Doc work, I still enjoy it :) 

)I'd like somebody else to be Patch Meister.  The most important job is as
)described under "You can help" on this page:
)Yes, there's 6 steps.  We might need to clarify some of them, but I'm
)certain that the final list will be less than 12 completely-robotic steps.
)Another job is to update the Patch-needs_work issues when a new draft
)is uploaded.  I haven't written steps for this, but it would be a similarly
)robotic step-following process.

[James' reply:] 

Well why not, one of us does 'needs review' and the other 'needs work'. Graham 
knows the limits of my 'sk177z' so perhaps he can decide which one I would be 
suited for. Failing that I can act as a backup to Colin along the lines of 'Hey 
James I only got to issue 123 today' can you check the rest?' assuming he 
starts from the lowest tracker number, I can play tag with him?

I'm not around 'that much' from today until next weekend as I am on 'me hols' 
and have a concert at the end of next week plus some practices to do. but after 
Jul 4 it's back to normal.


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