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Re: Creates a glissando stem grob that uses stems' functionality. (issue

From: mtsolo
Subject: Re: Creates a glissando stem grob that uses stems' functionality. (issue4777044)
Date: Sat, 06 Aug 2011 16:01:03 +0000

I've merged my glissando stem work with current master.  It passes
regtests and can currently handle tremoli and scripts (see the regtest).
 However, these scripts just kinda float in the ether - they are prone
to bump into anything outside the staff (for now).  If anyone has any
suggestions for how to make:

a'4 \glissando
\xenakisStems { s4-.^"foo" }

such that the staccato does not bump into foo, I'd be much obliged.  It
likely has something to do with outside staff skylines and such, but I'm
not sure yet how to negotiate this with pure heights.

Once this gets pushed, I'll work on beams.


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