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Regtest rating project

From: Phil Holmes
Subject: Regtest rating project
Date: Wed, 8 Aug 2012 12:27:40 +0100

We're getting to the time where the Grand Regression Test Checking (TM) project ( ) has got enough results to allow us to use it to fix poor regtests. We therefore need to agree how to get agreement on the changes needed to the regtests. To put it into perspective, there are over 1000 regtests, of which 200 have been shown to need attention. My thoughts on our options:

Custom web application
I write an application that displays regtest images, texidoc, comments and suggested change, and interested parties can add comments
Should be possible to review a lot of proposed changes reasonably quickly, and get agreement
I need to write another application.  Authentication likely to be a pain.

Custom app with Google authentication
As above, plus gets rid of authentication issue

I need to learn Google auth _then_ write another application

Should be possible/easy to set up

Easy to lose track.  Authentication.

Use the Issue Tracker
Feasible. Would keep everyone informed of proposed changes and allow discussion

If we use an issue per regtest, we're likely to overwhelm the team with emails and discussion (in particular those with no specific interest in this work) and also the Bug Squad with verifying. If we bulk up regtests into an issue, I think it would get confusing. We could also use up all the remaining attachment space instantly.

New Google Project
This occurred to me only recently. What about setting up a new Google Project called "LilyPond Regression Test Improvement". This would require a new mailing list to avoid the problems above. We could then add an issue per regtest, and only people who want to subscribe would need to subscribe to the list.

I think the final suggestion is my favoured one.

Phil Holmes

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