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Re: Fixes position of mensural c clef (issue 6503091)

From: lemzwerg
Subject: Re: Fixes position of mensural c clef (issue 6503091)
Date: Mon, 24 Sep 2012 18:03:06 +0000

When you say "paper of all available sizes" I don't understand
why changing the paper size should have any effect.
Could you explain?

Sorry, bad wording.  I mean the appearance of all available sizes
printed out on paper.

Is there guidance on the the correct way to calculate
the parameters to set_char_box()?

Normally, it should be the tightest bounding box.  Just look at other

The benefit of quartercurve is that it
takes the place of 2 points, so is actually shorter.

?  What do you mean with `takes the place of 2 points'?  What I suggest
is to insert

  pickup pencircle scaled 0.5 blot_diameter;

at the beginning of the glyph so that `top', `lft', `rt', and `bot' of a
point are defined, then using e.g.

-- top z3r{down}
.. {left}rt z3r
-- etc.

This is much shorter than your `quartercircle' stuff :-)

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