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Cannot Merge Staging - fails make doc (missing @end lilypond - I think)

From: James
Subject: Cannot Merge Staging - fails make doc (missing @end lilypond - I think)
Date: Sat, 21 Sep 2013 08:07:13 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:24.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/24.0


Patchy cannot merge current staging because of make doc errors.

Fails here:

% ****************************************************************
% ly snippet:
% ****************************************************************
\sourcefileline 77
#(use-modules (scm accreg))
\new PianoStaff
  \new Staff \relative
  { \clef "treble"  \discant "10"
    r8 s32 f'[ bes f] s e[ a e] s d[ g d] s16 e32[ a]
    \discant "121"
    << { r16 <f bes> r <e a> r <d g> } \\
       { d r a r bes r } >> |
    <cis e a>1
  \new Staff \relative
  { \clef "treble"  \freeBass "1"
    r8 d'32 s16. c32 s16. bes32 s16. a32[ cis] s16
    \clef "bass"  \stdBass "Master"
    << { r16 <f, bes d>^"b" r <e a c>^"am" r <d g bes>^"gm" |
         <e a cis>1^"a" } \\
       { d8_"D" c_"C" bes_"B" | a1_"A" }

New commands @code{markLengthOn} and @code{markLengthOff} control
the allowance of horizontal space for tempo and rehearsal marks.

\tempo "Molto vivace" c2 c'
\tempo "Meno mosso" R1*16
g,2 g
\bar "||"
\tempo "Molto vivace" c2 c'
\tempo "Meno mosso" R1*16
g,2 g

% ****************************************************************
% end ly snippet
% ****************************************************************


Which seems to be this commit;a=commitdiff;h=31eb334fd29dc0ebd3603eab72e3db5c2e7b3928

@Keith, I think you missed an '@end lilypond' or you took the one from the previous @lilypond example and forgot to replace it.


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