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Re: converting music stream back to ly code

From: David Kastrup
Subject: Re: converting music stream back to ly code
Date: Sat, 16 Nov 2013 11:00:27 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/24.3.50 (gnu/linux)

Jan-Peter Voigt <address@hidden> writes:

>> On 15.11.2013 21:43, David Kastrup wrote:
>>> What do you call "its music stream representation"?  LilyPond does not
>>> have something like a music stream.  It has music expressions, and it
>>> can iterate them resulting in stream events in a certain order (and
>>> there is some event recorder for the part combiner and music quotes that
>>> can save those events).
>>> But there is nothing I'd call a "music stream representation".
> Hi Janek, David,
> I have a fading memory, that Graham used the term "music stream" in the
> context of his virtual violin:

Not on the title page.  There is just "Vivi translates the above music
into her internal representation:" followed by the output of
ly/  Which is just another event recorder.  But there
is no "music stream representation".

> If you want to use that stream, you need to parse text ...

If you want to use that "stream", you are likely better off writing your
own event listener instead of using that in ly/ (which
is just intended to write the stuff out).

> hm, should be possible to build some lilypond code from that ...
> If you want to use the musical expressions, propably fetched by an
> engraver,

Uh, engravers don't "fetch" "musical expressions".  Indeed, engravers
get to see only stream events, not music expressions.

> there is a function to serialize as scheme (I am not at my desk right
> now ...) and IIRC also as lilypond code.

The partcombiner stuff, and  For the sake of
programming, it makes more sense to listen to those events or grobs you
actually need.

David Kastrup

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