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smart rest positioning - i'm giving money!

From: Janek Warchoł
Subject: smart rest positioning - i'm giving money!
Date: Thu, 20 Feb 2014 23:06:41 +0100


Daniel Spreadbury (former Sibelius project manager, currently working
for Steinberg on a new scoring application) has just published a post
in which he shows how awesome Steinberg's application is going to be,
by comparing rest positioning in LilyPond, Finale and Sibelius to what
will be possible in the upcoming application:
(highly recommended reading).  Not surprisingly, LilyPond mercilessly
beats Finale and Sibelius to death, but our output isn't perfect yet.

In order to show the world that LilyPond can _now_ be as good as
Steinberg's product will be in the future, i'd like to sponsor
improving rest formatting so that LilyPond will produce desired
notation out-of-the-box.

I will pay 80 Euro to a fearless hero ;-) who will implement smart
rest positioning - that is, make LilyPond:
a) render the example used by Daniel just like Gould says it should look,
b) handle the attached example as well.

The rules are:
- it must be a built-in, enabled-by-default functionality (not a snippet),
- the code must pass LilyPond code review and be merged into master branch,
- it has to be done quite fast, let's say until March 10 (if you think
you could do it if you just had more time, we can negotiate).

I could prepare more examples to narrow down the desired behaviour.

Maybe someone would like to pitch in and double the bounty?


Attachment: smart-rest-positioning.png
Description: PNG image

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