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Re: Generate a .pe script for one design size at a time. (issue 93430043

From: Han-Wen Nienhuys
Subject: Re: Generate a .pe script for one design size at a time. (issue 93430043)
Date: Wed, 21 May 2014 10:28:58 +0200

Thanks, I'll sit tight and wait for the email.

On Tue, May 20, 2014 at 10:37 PM, James <address@hidden> wrote:
> On 20/05/14 20:58, David Kastrup wrote:
>> Han-Wen Nienhuys <address@hidden> writes:
>>> what's the procedure for pushing this after the LGTM? Can I just push
>>> the commit onto master?
>>> On Sun, May 18, 2014 at 6:38 PM,  <address@hidden> wrote:
>>>> LGTM now, thanks.
>> LGTM is just a thumbs-up from one reviewer.  If the review looks
>> favorably, the patch will be promoted to Patch-push status by the Patch
>> meister eventually.  That's when one can rebase and push the patch to
>> staging (never! master) and mark the issue as fixed.  Automated
>> procedures will do a complete check of staging regularly (every few
>> hours) and push it to master when it passes all of a number of checks.
> The emails that get sent to 'Dev list' every 3 days with the title
> 'PATCHES: Countdown [insert date here]' are  the current set of patches
> and their relative states - new, review, countdown and push.
> On each review I (the current Patch Meister) increments the tracker
> status 'up' (after checking the email lists and the rietveld for any
> comments that might push it back to 'needs work' - and so the cycle
> starts again. I then update the tracker and that should send the email
> to the contact of that tracker (which git-cl does for you) and when you
> get the 'countdown for [date]' message and then the next 3 days goes
> without any comment (or just LGTMs) then it gets the 'please push'
> message emailed out. Then you can push it to HEAD:staging (not master).
> The reason it is done like this (including the email I send out every 3
> days with the current state) is to give a one place to see all the
> current patches in progress but also a chance (of at least 6 days) for
> all the other devs to see and comment if they so wish - there was some
> discussion that no comment == approval so that a patch  can go through
> the whole cycle of passes test/review/countdown/push without any comment
> at all. Silence is assumed to be OK. If the patch fails any tests it
> gets put back to needs work.
> So the next countdown is tomorrow morning (I am in UK time) and over my
> coffee and cornflakes I'll check the patches currently in the flow and
> update them accordingly with emails etc.
> Then you can push.
> Hope that helps.
> Just makes things nice and sane, but also allows a much easier flow for
> when we have lots of patches on the go of varying complexities and
> aspects of the code without devs having to 'go and find' what needs
> reviewing.
> James

Han-Wen Nienhuys - address@hidden -

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