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OpenType/CFF Collection (OTC) fonts

From: Masamichi Hosoda
Subject: OpenType/CFF Collection (OTC) fonts
Date: Mon, 30 May 2016 00:38:44 +0900 (JST)

If I understand correctly,
current LilyPond cannot handle OpenType/CFF Collection (OTC) fonts
(NotoSansCJK.ttc and SourceHanSans.ttc etc.).
LilyPond processes them as TrueType Collection (TTC) fonts,
and outputs wrong PostScript file.

I thought it was a Ghostscript's issue.

However, in my investigation, it is a LilyPond's issue.

I've created Issue 4866 for OTC fonts support
and Issue 4867 for a workaround that ignores some major OTC fonts
for avoiding errors.

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