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recoller un arpège

From: Georges Roux
Subject: recoller un arpège
Date: Sun, 21 May 2006 23:04:57 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20060516)


Je doit faire un arpège, j'ai un accord avec 2 voix
j'utilise donc  \arppegio

Ca fait un truc comme ca:

\version "2.6.3"
\header {
  title = "Bellevedere"
  subtitle = "Transcibed from the lute tablature"
  composer = "Thomas Robinson"
  style = "Classical"
  copyright = "Public Domain"
  maintainer = "Georges Roux"
  lastupdated = "2005/07/10"
  filename  = ""
  instrument  = "Guitare"
  piece = "Part of The School of Musicke(1603)"

global = {
    \clef "G_8"
    \time 2/4
    \key g \major

midiStuff = {
  \set Staff.midiInstrument = "acoustic guitar (nylon)"

upperVoice = \relative c' {

<e-0>2 <b-0 b'-2>4\arpeggio  %44

lowerVoice = \relative c {
b'8. <a-2\4>16 <gis-1>8. <fis-4>16 <e-1>8.\arpeggio <d-0>16 %44

Guitare = \simultaneous {
  \context Voice="upperVoice" { \voiceOne \upperVoice }
  \context Voice="lowerVoice" { \voiceFour \lowerVoice }

\score {
  \context Staff="Musique" <<
  \midi { \tempo 4=95 }
  \layout {
    linewidth = 180.000 \mm
    textheight = 250.000 \mm

#(set-default-paper-size "a4")
\paper {
    #(set-paper-size "a4")
    topmargin = 1\cm
    bottommargin = 1\cm

S'il te plait, comment coller les bouts de mon arpège ?


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