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trop d'espace entre les systemes

From: Christian LE BARS
Subject: trop d'espace entre les systemes
Date: Thu, 10 Nov 2016 17:44:11 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv:45.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/45.4.0


voila j'ai une partition ou je trouve qu'il y a trop d'espace entre les

comment puis- je les réduire;

ci dessous la partition:

\version "2.19.49"
\include "lilyjazz.ily"
   title = \markup { \fontsize #1 \bold\italic "tomorrow shall be my
dancing day" }
  composer =\markup { \italic "Traditionnel" } 
  oddFooterMarkup = \markup { \fill-line { \fromproperty #'header:title  } }
  print-page-number = ##t
 \set Score.markFormatter = #format-mark-box-alphabet
 \time 3/4
 \key g\major
 \partial 4
 LesAccords =
 \new ChordNames
   \override ChordNames.ChordName.font-family = #'roman
   \override ChordNames . ChordName #'font-size = #1
   \set chordChanges = ##t
   \set Score.majorSevenSymbol = \markup {Maj7}
   \set chordNameSeparator = \markup { "/" }
   \set minorChordModifier = \markup{"-"}
     s4 g2. g2:9 d4/f g2. d:7
     c a:m7 g d
     g c:maj7/e a:m/c d
     c2:/e d4:/fis g2. a2:m7 d4:7/fis g2.   
 CoupletA =
   \override LyricText #'font-size = #1
   \override LyricText #'font-name = # "comics sans ms"
   to- mo- row shall be my dan- cing day
   i would my true love did so chance to
   see the leg- end of my play to call my true love to my dance
 CoupletB =
   \override LyricText #'font-size = #1
   \override LyricText #'font-name = # "comics sans ms"
    then was i born of a vir- gin pure
    of her i took flesh- ly sub- stance
    thus was i knit to man's na- ture
    to call my true love to my dance
 CoupletC =
   \override LyricText #'font-size = #1
   \override LyricText #'font-name = # "comics sans ms"
   in a man- ger laid and wrapped was
   so ve- ry poor this was my chance
   bet- wixt an ox and a silly poor ass
   to call my true love to my dance
 \relative c'
   d4 g fis g a (b) c d (c) b a2 b4\break
   g (fis) g a (b) c d (c) b a2 b8 (c)\break
   d2 b4 c2 b4 a (g) a a2 d,4\break
   g2 a4 b(c) d c (b) a g2\bar"||"\pageBreak
 LaMelodie =
  << %mise en parallèle la voix et les paroles
     \context Voice = voix
     \context Lyrics = coupletA\lyricsto voix  \CoupletA
     \context Lyrics = coupletB\lyricsto voix  \CoupletB
     \context Lyrics = coupletC\lyricsto voix  \CoupletC
 LaBasse =
 \relative c,
   \new Staff
   \clef "bass_8"
   g2 d'4 g4 d~d8 fis, g2 d'4~d8 d d2  c c4~c8 fis, a2 g4 d'4 g4~g d2
   g2 d4 e c e c a c d2 g4 e2 fis4 g2 d4 a2 fis4 g2
  \header { piece = "Couplet" }
 LaBasseA =
 \relative c
   \clef bass
   s4 a2 g4 fis2 d'4 c2 d4  fis fis,2 a d4~d8 g d2 e2 fis4 g2 g4 a2 d,4 g,2.
LesAccordsA =
 \new ChordNames
   \override ChordNames.ChordName.font-family = #'roman
   \override ChordNames . ChordName #'font-size = #1
   \set chordChanges = ##t
   \set Score.majorSevenSymbol = \markup {Maj7}
   \set chordNameSeparator = \markup { "/" }
   \set minorChordModifier = \markup{"-"}
     s4 a2.:m7  d2:7/fis d4:7 c2.:maj7/g
     d:7/fis a2:m7 d4:7 d2.:7 c2:/e d4:/fis g2. a2:m7 d4:7 g2.
         r2.  a'2  b8 (c) d2.~d2 b4 e2.(d2) r4 \break
         g4 f e d (c) b a (g) a g2.  
        \override LyricText #'font-size = #1
        \override LyricText #'font-name = # "comics sans ms"
         o my love my love this have i done for my true love
       b'4 a2 b8 (c) d2.b4 (g) b a2 b4 a2 b4 a2 d,4 g2 a4 b (c) d c (b)
a g2.
       \override LyricText #'font-size = #1
       \override LyricText #'font-name = # "comics sans ms"
       sing o my love o my love my love my love this have i done for my
true love
  \new Staff\LaBasseA
   { indent = 0\cm }
  \header { piece = "Refrain" }

Par avance merci

Pour vos conseils( j'ai pas su trouver dans la doc!)


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